Gold Member
OOOooooo have a good time chick! haha
ok, I'm about to upload todays diary yes me, this fat bird who has been off track for far too long has DONE IT!
anyhow, it goes a little something like this
weetabix with golden syrup 160cals
semi skimmed milk 150ml 74cals I shall be changing to red top shortly
one slice of kingsmill 50/50 95 cals
1/2 tin of baked beans 200cals
activia yogurt 120 cals - the coconut ones are so scrummy!
Salmon cooked in foil squirt of lemon salt and pepper 193cals
sweet potato mash 139 cals
broccoli 31cals
snack a jacks 107 cals
hot chocolate 39 cals
another yogurt 120 cals
1279 cals altogether
AHHH I'm actually impressed,
in approx 3 weeks we are booking our summer holiday for the start of July, and I thought hmmm lets go somewhere different, maybe Mexico, maybe the Dominican maybe even do a cruise of the med, however, every time I get that urge to want to go on holiday my brain instantly says 'Go to Florida cause its fricken awesome' sooooo we're going to Florida
probably on the 7th July for two weeks
and I can't wait! Universal studios here I come, hello the new Harry Potter land
I shall have to post some snap shots 
last time we were there the new transformers ride had just opened it was pretty spectacular, and that was only last June, this will be the third year in a row we will have been to Florida, it seriously is that good without a doubt! This time, im hoping to see more of 'Florida' though, we did end up going to Clearwater which was an experience in itself the water was like a hot bath (it was about 40degrees and I nearly died lol) amazing
so so excited!! ok I shall stop waffling and rubbing it in ! did I mention we'll be travelling first class on a new dreamliner ;-) ok I'll stop really!!
SOO this means, I need to drop some lard pronto ladies and gents! because if I don't and fill myself up on American junk the plane will reject my fat arse on the way home stating im too heavy to fly haha! So I have 4 months, and three of those will be probably the most stressful time of my life on my final placement of teacher training, I'm a little bit scared. I graduate on the 20th July, which I'm sure will be emotional, I have to be thin for these pictures! and have my photo taken with all the hot student guy teachers ;-) some real hotties on our course let me tell you! phoaar haha and then after graduating I start a job in a residential for one month (I get weekends off to come home though) looking after 16-17 year olds, its called NCS and its something aimed at this age to promote a sense of community. They have to design a project to help an aspect of the community and I as their leader have to basically look after them and make sure they do a decent job (y) NO PRESSURE haha I'm a bit of a bossy boots whether or not (most teachers are it comes with the job title haha) so this is a decent role to put on my incredibly long CV
I'm in quite a decent mood tbh! However, I need to start apply for some jobs for September but I'm a bit nervous of the actual role tbh. I want to do it, but It's a daunting job not an easy one, and im scared of screwing up haha
anyhow, I really am waffling now,
over and out from this Fatbird x
ok, I'm about to upload todays diary yes me, this fat bird who has been off track for far too long has DONE IT!
anyhow, it goes a little something like this
weetabix with golden syrup 160cals
semi skimmed milk 150ml 74cals I shall be changing to red top shortly
one slice of kingsmill 50/50 95 cals
1/2 tin of baked beans 200cals
activia yogurt 120 cals - the coconut ones are so scrummy!
Salmon cooked in foil squirt of lemon salt and pepper 193cals
sweet potato mash 139 cals
broccoli 31cals
snack a jacks 107 cals
hot chocolate 39 cals
another yogurt 120 cals
1279 cals altogether
AHHH I'm actually impressed,
in approx 3 weeks we are booking our summer holiday for the start of July, and I thought hmmm lets go somewhere different, maybe Mexico, maybe the Dominican maybe even do a cruise of the med, however, every time I get that urge to want to go on holiday my brain instantly says 'Go to Florida cause its fricken awesome' sooooo we're going to Florida
last time we were there the new transformers ride had just opened it was pretty spectacular, and that was only last June, this will be the third year in a row we will have been to Florida, it seriously is that good without a doubt! This time, im hoping to see more of 'Florida' though, we did end up going to Clearwater which was an experience in itself the water was like a hot bath (it was about 40degrees and I nearly died lol) amazing
SOO this means, I need to drop some lard pronto ladies and gents! because if I don't and fill myself up on American junk the plane will reject my fat arse on the way home stating im too heavy to fly haha! So I have 4 months, and three of those will be probably the most stressful time of my life on my final placement of teacher training, I'm a little bit scared. I graduate on the 20th July, which I'm sure will be emotional, I have to be thin for these pictures! and have my photo taken with all the hot student guy teachers ;-) some real hotties on our course let me tell you! phoaar haha and then after graduating I start a job in a residential for one month (I get weekends off to come home though) looking after 16-17 year olds, its called NCS and its something aimed at this age to promote a sense of community. They have to design a project to help an aspect of the community and I as their leader have to basically look after them and make sure they do a decent job (y) NO PRESSURE haha I'm a bit of a bossy boots whether or not (most teachers are it comes with the job title haha) so this is a decent role to put on my incredibly long CV
anyhow, I really am waffling now,
over and out from this Fatbird x