Fiona's baby diaries.....

I hate to say I was at the point where I wanted to scream and cry... Isobel just been kicking off again sob sob. I can't do it xx

Ive cried a few times :-( i hate too hear her cry and not be able to help. Ive ended up with her in our bed a few times at nights to settle her xx
Ive cried a few times :-( i hate too hear her cry and not be able to help. Ive ended up with her in our bed a few times at nights to settle her xx

I know that feeling I propped Isobel up on a v pillow and dropped off. I was howling in Tony's chest this morning :( x
Thanks alli xxx how are you?? X

I'm doin grand thanks. Comin up on 33wks now n everybody, inc m/wife, keeps tellin me I shud b avin those Braxton Hicks things but I aven't felt anything like how they've been described. I asked my mam n she said she doesn't remember avin anything like them either so who know mayb I won't get them or else they'll come later on. I'm also wonderin if baby's startin 2 try 2 engage as there's been sum serious movement in there 2day! lol! I'v read that babies tend 2 engage early in 1st pregnancies but I'd ave thot it was a bit early 4 me yet. Anyway I'v made a start on a list of stuff 4 my hospital bag which is makin me realise just how close I'm getting 2 labour which is a bit scary! lol! :eek:I'm torn between wantin 2 get on wif it so the nasty bit will b over n wishin the day never comes! lol! I spose it's the same 4 everybody 2wards the end of their pregnancy tho.
Braxtons are weird weren't painful with Imi but were with Isobel. I had them both from 23-25 weeks.
Labour not too bad darl you will survive it and have a beautiful bubba to show for it x
Braxtons are weird weren't painful with Imi but were with Isobel. I had them both from 23-25 weeks.
Labour not too bad darl you will survive it and have a beautiful bubba to show for it x

Everythin is SOO different from person 2 person!
Thanx hun, I'm just workin on the premise that it'll b the worst experience/pain of my life in the hope that it won't b as bad as I'v predicted - if that's makes sense!? lol! :D
Everythin is SOO different from person 2 person!
Thanx hun, I'm just workin on the premise that it'll b the worst experience/pain of my life in the hope that it won't b as bad as I'v predicted - if that's makes sense!? lol! :D

My cousins wife having braxtons and saying very painful.
Yes it's painful but there is relief and take it if you need to. Xx
Hope baby sleeps better for you tonight. In trying to get Daniel to sleep so I can go to bed. My eyes feel like sandpaper, they are so tired!
Hope baby sleeps better for you tonight. In trying to get Daniel to sleep so I can go to bed. My eyes feel like sandpaper, they are so tired!

Hey lizzy she went down well then woke up at 3 and the wheels came off and haven't really slept since then. X how was Daniel
Hey lizzy she went down well then woke up at 3 and the wheels came off and haven't really slept since then. X how was Daniel

Pretty much the same funnily enough. Slept from 10.30-3.30 which was great. But he then thought it was time to wake up and just would not go back to sleep. Finally got him down at 6 then my other son ben came bounding into the bedroom at 6.30! Think today is going to be a loooong day. He is asleep now but can't get back to sleep myself typically.

Keep reminding myself to breathe. Taking deep breaths when im getting stressed with it definitely helps. He is so cute though I can't hd it against him. He is smiling loads now and it makes me melt!

Pretty much the same funnily enough. Slept from 10.30-3.30 which was great. But he then thought it was time to wake up and just would not go back to sleep. Finally got him down at 6 then my other son ben came bounding into the bedroom at 6.30! Think today is going to be a loooong day. He is asleep now but can't get back to sleep myself typically.

Keep reminding myself to breathe. Taking deep breaths when im getting stressed with it definitely helps. He is so cute though I can't hd it against him. He is smiling loads now and it makes me melt!


Babies are too damn cute!!
I agree with deep breath I need that!! Xx
Breakfast banana yogurt
Lunch nothing was at GP!!
Dinner SW burger chips cucumber

H ex a milk x2 yogurt cheese
H ex b

Syns galaxy 15 cheddars 5 (19)

Walked home from docs 30 mins
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Too Isobel to the gp on the advice of my health visitor and consultant midwife, I broke down in tears cause I just can't hack the crying and No sleep.. Gp said Isobel hungry midwife and HV said silent reflux. I'm so confused :(
I would try her with hungry milk first and see if that settles her after a few days. From experiance midwifes and health visitors do tend to say it silent relux but if that was case the gp should have picked that up too but some gps are crap. Does she drain her bottles or maybe it could even be the formula she is on. With my first she was on sma and she was just like Isobel but i was too scared to change and afterwards when i got pregnant with my second i did some research and found that sma was quite rich so quite a few babies reacted to it. I used aptamil (normal one for my first and comfort and than normal for my second) and found that very good. It could be a number of things you will have to go through them and tick them off until you get to the culprit, if only they could talk and tell us x
Too Isobel to the gp on the advice of my health visitor and consultant midwife, I broke down in tears cause I just can't hack the crying and No sleep.. Gp said Isobel hungry midwife and HV said silent reflux. I'm so confused :(

Are you determined to exclusively breast feed? ( think you said you breastfed?) Maybe you could add in a bottle of formula here and there and see if it makes a difference. Daniel was a nightmare the first few days, then worked out he wasn't getting enough milk so started giving bottles. He was like a different child almost straight away. It was a bit upsetting for me as I had really wanted to ebf but once I saw he was happier it didn't matter so much anymore.

How are you feeling now? X
She is breastfed and I have an excellent supply (at the moment) have expressed 5oz+ a day on top of feeds anyhow I gave her a top up this evening after feeding both sides winding gripe water and she screamed 10 mins after having the bottle. Hubby is coming home and taking her to hospital x
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