I've been reading through some of your last posts and can sympathise completely with you. I also had problems during my childhood, which at the time I didn't think were affecting me too badly...you learn to live with them. It was only when I got older, probably early 30's that I began to realise what a huge impact it had had on my life and the way I lived my life and related to other people.
I had counselling and anti depressants, all the usual stuff, I also tried tarot readings and mediums to help out

I then found out a friend of mine's sister was a hypnotherapist, and thought I'd give that a shot....It did help me, it made me remember incidents that I had forgotton, or my brain had blocked out...I did feel worse before I felt better though, as of course it bought everything back, but it made me realise why I always felt guily even though things weren't my fault, and why I would go out of my way to help people (always the wrong sort of people) and end up getting stabbed in the back.
Once I started to feel better or should I say calmer with myself and my feelings, I went on to do a parttime psychology course. It was brilliant, it covered different psychological issues and I found myself analising myself and others and it gave me understanding....which I think is the key...if we don't understand, we get confused and more stressed and depressed, but if we understand why we feel the way we do then it's easier to rationalise and cope.
You can definately find yourself and feel better, the first step is having the courage to ask for help, which you have done!!!
God I'm sorry this was only going to be a short message, and I've waffled on for ages
Good luck to you