Help needed for 1st day......

make the ham and mushroom what...quiche?
i don't see why they wouldn't work if it's that? or is it the ones i've seen where you line the tin/whatever with a slice of ham then put the flling in to that?

i've just made a breakfast quiche thing for tomorrow - 2 eggs, onion, tomato, mushroom, bacon and 1 lighter choices sausage and baked it in the oven. discovered this the other week and really liked it ( it was a nice change to having a cooked breakfast although it's really just all those ingredients together lol) but thinking i can have some of that before work or take a bit cold and might let me have my porridge later tomorrow?

still not made any lunch for work...done everything else but just dunno what i want...had l/f supernoodles with veg and chicken yest so can't face that again...any ideas??

eurgh...spring cleaning...what a thought lol. but so much better once it's done and everything's sorted eh!
i've bought some stuff to decorate the bedrooms soon...not sure how soon but at least i've started in the sense that i have what i need here..or the majority of it anyway so it's just a case of deciding when to start...need to get flooring though so better to get a wee bit at a time i think than have to shell out a huge amount of money in one go?x
It's ham muffins but basically similar to the SW quiche I imagine. Look nice anyway :) here is the link...

For lunches at work I either take a sandwich (but really go to town and make it a super sarnie so you don't feel bored. I like ham, cheese, low fat salad cream, but of rocket and onion mmmmm and all using hexa, hexb and a few syns for salad cream) I also would combine that with a couple of bits of fruit, a yoghurt and maybe a pack of low syn crisps (space raiders are 3.5 syns and about 20p in my local shop lol)

I think I'm gonna give porridge a go tomorrow for breakfast tomorrow. Ill bring in some sweetener to go in it and make it a bit more palatable lol. Your breakfast quiche sounds yummy! Might give that a whirl over the weekend.

I'm getting decking outside my patio doors over Easter weekend so maybe this is spurring me into cleaning action lol. But I do find I'm a lot happier when my flat is sparkling and tidy. And I'm sure it will help me with my losses too!!

What sort of thing are you going for in the bedrooms?!
got paper for a feature wall but its mostly my wee one's room that's getting a makeover....we just picked up stuff for ours at the same time - been mention of doing it for know how it is lol.

can't use bread for lunch cos i'll have my oats for my HEb...that's where my problem lies lol. think i might take a packet of nice ham i got from asda...maybe make savoury rice...just don't know :(

yep, def give the breakfast thing a bash..i had mine with beans and picked at it all day (it was too much for one sitting) but for half a syn (for the sausage) it was really good and saved the hassle of the cooked breakfast where you have a million pots out trying to have everything ready at the same time hehe.

oooh i haven't had salad cream (or anything like that really) for ages. is it better than e/l mayo - more of that for syns?? x
Yeah I know how it is lol. My spare room needs to be done too so that will be the next job!! Need to sort out the condensation problem, declutter, paint and buy new furniture but its more money lol so it can wait!! :)

You get 2 hexb on green and red hun - or do you save a hex for dinner?! Or maybe have a day where you vary your breakfast - have fruit and yoghurt instead?! Or how about doing some turkey wraps?! Here is another good recipe....

I'm going to give it a try with ham instead for lunch tomorrow. Will prob need a few of them to fill me up.

Salad cream is 2 syns per tbsp of the normal one (1 syn for extra light!) I prefer the taste to mayo but its on a par syn wise!

I'm going for fruit and Alpen light for tomorrow's brekkie I think!

Haven't had my creme egg yet and going strong with a nice cuppa :) yay!!
ooh those look nice...still haven't given couscous a try!

yeah i know it's 2 on a red/green but tomorrow i'm on EE so it's only one....and that'll be my oats in the morning meaning i needed my thinking cap on for lunch. have just made some savoury rice with a chopped pepper so taking some of that along with the packet of ham...will see how that goes.....gulp lol

i tend to take the magic porridge the day's i'm working but when i'm off, i always have a fruit salad and yog then something later on/at lunch which means i have the HEb for either lunch/dinner...def need to be on the ball to stay on plan eh!

i like the alpen light bars....managed to get some of the cherry bakewell ones quite cheap in B + M at the weekend....but decided i wasn't that keen on them! weird cos i love bakewell slices/tart....mmmmm bakewell hehe
the new lemon ones are nice but i don't have them a lot cos they don't fill me too much - if i have half or a full HEb left, sometimes i take one in my bag if i'm out and about but wouldn't chance it for breakfast especially the days i work i don't think? x
Why don't you wrap the ham round some of your savoury rice and peppers?! That would easily work as well as couscous.

I'm going to take a few of the wrap things - good thing is that they are syn free so if I take lots I can use them as a snack too. I'm also going to take some carrot batons and Philly (half hexa) and some cherry tomatoes and normal cheese (half hexa) for lunch/snacks as well as fruit (apple and blueberries) and maybe some low syn crisps. Brekkie will be mango and Alpen light with a yoghurt.

Wow that is actually a lot of food lol. But I can always not eat some and have it the next day. Best to be prepared!!

Creme egg still intact and I'm on my way home so won't eat it now :)
ooh that's a good idea! thanks mrs! ;)

i'm impressed about the cream egg...go you!

i've only had 0.5 a syn today and still have half a HEb to have so i'm going to have a rockyroad hifi bar and a mini bunny when i sit down to watch some tv which will only need to be counted as 3. might have s pkt of special k crisps so only 8.5 for me today me thinks :)

food today ended up being:
fruit salad and yog for breakfast
sw onion bhaji/wee square of quiche late morning
a cheese and onion toasty with the bread spread with a scraping of branston pickle for lunch
sw chips, poached egg and beans for dinner....all in all...not bad for not having anything planned really lol.
took pork chops out the freezer for tomorrow...and has just remembered that i was planning on having carbonara to use up the bacon i opened today..damn! oh well, can always have some with that too??x
Hey missk. Can't wait to get paid and get some fresh fruit and veggies in! Bolognese round a friends for dinner tonight so not SW but she is vegetarian so it will be quorn which is good. Means I can try it out and maybe do some green days?!

How you doing?
i'm doing fine thanks...although i had a 2lb gain last night??? :(
anyway...other than that, nothing new to report really...still here...still doing one day green, one EE so hoping i see a better result next week! days lol...i love the extra HEb which just means a sandwich at lunch time for me after my porridge in the'll need to let me know what you think :)
i buy the meat free bolognese from asda - just the packet and you add water - it's ok....not a patch on a jar of dolmio but hey ho hehe.

what's new with you? x
Aww don't let your gain get you down. You are still doing amazingly. I have never even heard you complain about the plan, you just knuckle down and get on with it. You are inspirational :)

I'm all excited about getting my decking put down this weekend and I'm also going to sort out some stuff in my spare room. Feels sad that I am actually looking forward to that lol.

I feel like I need Easter out of the way so I can focus properly again. I'm not really on it at the moment - need to get paid and make up some yummy bits for lunches.

What's new with you?!
nothing new at this end...just the usual really, nothing exciting but big grrrr to this fekin weather's just absolutely freezing!
how has it been where you are?

i'm not too down about the gain...puzzled really cos i didn't do anything different that i can think maybe it's just how our bodies are sometimes?
if i see a gain the next week or 2, i think i'd be a bit miffed but i've not used as many syns so far this week so that might help - not planned actually, just had one thing or another to sort meaning we haven't had our "tv time" which is when i have my goodies.

will just need to wait and see eh.

how did it go with your green day? or is that still to come?x
Green day went well - ended up with baked mushrooms and salad for dinner which was really nice!

The snow was bad here last weekend and its been really cold. Hoping for dry weather for the weekend to get my decking done :)
fingers crossed then....always a nice feeling when we get things done which are planned isn't it :D

today i'm on green....havent been feeling too hungry today which is werid considering i seemed to be hungry aallll day yesterday...funny how we work sometimes eh lol x
Yeah it is isnt it?! Some days I swear all I do is eat!!

I'm planning to cook up some batches of soup this weekend for the freezer and also try those ham and egg muffins i told you about. So next week I will be all prepared. I'm going to try a week of red/green I think :)
ooh you'll need to let me know if that helps on the scales? i'm going to see how weigh in goes on monday then try green for the days i'm working and EE all weekend i think...will wait and see - slightly wary to change what i've been doing but i guess it probably all works out the same?
i don't think i really score from doing EE to be honest cos i only really have meat at dinner time so technically, i could do green and use the extra HEb for meat then...all the same no doubt?x
Hello happy Easter!! :)

Day off for me - need to get rid of any choc I get and back on the wagon tomorrow :)

Do you have a plan of attack!?
Happy Easter to you too :D

my plan of attack....i don't have any eggs! lol
my OH just told me the 2 bags of mini bunnies (malteser) were for my easter (bloomin HUH! seeing as he's been buying and eating eggs since they 1st went on sale! grrr lol) so that'll be that eh lol. but at least they're only 3 each.
i don't really bother about easter but my little one always gets goodies (and far too many at that hehe)

plan for today is to finish doing things about the house then go for shopping (i take it the supermarket's will still be open?? - should've checked lol) and then back to, no doubt, do some more things about the house.
i've never stopped really but glad to say that still on plan 100% and managed to get the things i had planned to do done...fingers crossed WI is a little kinder to me tomorrow!?

how's things going at your end? was the easter bunny good to you??x
I know everywhere is shut around here. Christmas Day and Easter Sunday are the only days the world grinds to a halt!
I got one egg from my parents and I've already had the one from my bf :) not too bad really!!

Had a really good sort out in my spare room today (well made a good start) and will be doing the rest of that the next few days!)