Help needed for 1st day......

i ended up with a big Twirl one from my sister....awwww i just want to demolish it...ALL lol. won't even open it to be honest...not now (or anytime soon i don't think ;) )

we're not long back from shopping, we were all absolutely starving so i literally had to throw a dinner together with the extra lean turkey mince i had taken out. had planned to make bolognese for the boys using dolmio for quickness and i'd have some with veg and pots...ended up making them in to burgers cos i got wholemeal rolls reduced at asda but i'd already had my HEb earlier so i had it on its own with some sw chips. was ok i guess but no salad or anything so ate a tangerine while i was waiting on mine cooking and watched on as my OH has his (double) one with cheese in a roll...

kinda p'd off that i had to come home and make it all (after suggesting we get something when we were out to save me the hassle when we got back cos it was so much later than i had planned and him saying no!) but glad that it all came together in the end and i ate on plan - minus a wee bit more superfree. don't suppose it's the end of the world

will you crack open the goodness then tonight...or have you already? lol
what's on the menu for your tea tonight? x
I had a big roast at lunch at my dads so will just need a snack. Making some SW chips to munch on while we watch a film. I haven't had any yet - might have some later on but if not it will go tomorrow. I just want it out of the way.

Annoying that you ended up having to cook after all that!! But good job with making it SE friendly.....think I would have cracked if it was me!

Keep going - you are doing so well!!

Watching arachnophobia.......eeeeeekkkk!!
oh god...just NOOOOOO to that!
eugh my skin's crawling even just THINKING about that!!! :( lol

that's me in my pj's now and pretty much able to relax now. only used 1 syn today so gonna go have a bit chocolate and some crisps taking me to 12 in total.
just looked and i've not used 37.5 of my syns all week - i'm thinking that must be nearly an easter egg's worth i've missed out on?? lol x
hello!! how was the easter egg? Bet it was amazing lol

I am back on plan today for the first time in aaaages and having a red day. So far i have had cereal (hexa and hexb) and a cup of tea (1 syn for the milk). lunch is chilli (need to work out the syns in this as i used a jar of sauce - but i only have a small portion with me), carrot and pepper sticks with my other hexa of philly, yoghurt and fruit.

I did bring a blue ribband bar with me in case i am majorly flagging later (which is 5 syns) but i am going to try not to have it if i can....need to get out of the habit of eating choc and snacking after so long munching on chocolate!

dinner is chicken and veggies. i might have some jerk sauce on it but it depends on how many syns I have left after the chilli and IF i have the blue ribband, if not it will be plain and bf can have the jerk sauce. its just a tube of sauce so i can cook mine seperately if necessary.

i had planned to do an all red/green week so i will see how that goes. I am going to make some butternut squash soup for lunches tonight while making dinner but it needs potato in it so that will force me into green days unless i want to use my extra hex for the potato in it - not likely! lol i would rather bread to dunk!!!

how are you getting on today?

I havent weighed this morning....dreading it tbh and not sure if i should just have a few days where i dont look at the scales?!? or is that totally wimping out?!? argh
arrrgh i just typed out a whole reply to you....and then lost it! grrrr

things might not be as bad as you think re WI....did you decide to have a peek?? lol
and as for the easter egg...its still unopened!!! yay go me! lol

a week of red/green will be good for a wee change for you. i'm on my 3rd green day in a row (for the 1st) time and it's working out great for preparing lunches for work but i'm really hoping that it doesn't show negatively on the scales next week.
i'm the lightest i've been in a long time so i'm wary that by mixing things up a bit, it might have an impact...hope i think i might do EE tm so i can get a half decent dinner tomorrow lol.
will wait and see and i guess i'm just not sure of the unknown but only one way to find out eh!

so....the you still have it??? :p lol x
i havent had a peek.....yet! The last time I weighed in was on a machine at work (so obv clothes on including shoes) so I am hoping that if I weigh at home first thing in the morning before I get dressed that it will be less lol. but if the guys at work are going to keep on using that machine i suppose i should as well?! I have always used my own scales in the past so would prefer that i think. im quite disciplined about being honest on what they say and making sure i do it at the same time every week. i think i will do it at home but if the guys go and weigh on the other machine i will go as well - wont hurt plus it gives you a reading on body fat etc.

well done you on the easter egg :) bet you feel so smug to your other half lol. just make sure he doesnt pinch it! I still have the biscuit and an apple :) at the moment i am munching on the carrot and pepper sticks with philly and after that i am going to make a cuppa which should keep me awake until this afternoon haha!

I think mixing it up can be a good thing - certainly going from EE to red/green has helped me in the past when i have got stuck. just make sure you are measuring everything and i am sure it wont impact the scales. you are doing really well....halfway there!!

what do you normally take for green day lunches??
i usually take a sandwich (2nd HEb) with my HEa cheese and a tsp of pickle (maybe some onion) or today i had egg mayo sandwich. i'm gonna do EE tomorrow so have made low fat supernoodles with loads of peppers, onion, mushroom and put some chicken through that - not bad and i can handle that once a week but to be honest its more ideas i get stuck for and i don't get a lunch hour cos of my hrs so it's just what i can grab at a quick break.
hoping to try the gammon shanks (tesco's) tomorrow...had them in the freezer for a couple of weeks so that's the plan for tomorrow's dinner.

tomorrow's my last day at work for over a week so will see how i get on with that....

good for you on the biscuit...for now's not too bad but i love the aero biscuits for 5 syns - so worth it and especially if you savour it ;)

what do you usually take for your lunch at work?

is your fella still working away....things ok on that front?x
Your lunch for tomorrow sounds lovely. Which low fat noodles do you use? Are they syn free?

I usually take home made soup and sometimes use a hexb for bread to dunk. Or ill take some pasta with some tomatoes, mushroom, onion, peppers etc stir fried and mixed in - sometimes with prawns or chicken. Other days i take left over dinner from the night before or a sandwich. I have some syn free pakora in the freezer so I might take them to work tomorrow to use them up as a snack. I'm going to do a green day and have butternut squash soup for lunch.

Still haven't had the biscuit and nearly home now. I had my apple mid afternoon as a snack instead :) chilli was only 3 syns so I can prob have the jerk sauce for dinner :)

Bf is working locally at the moment so that's all good. Just glad he has work tbh as we have a few days away in may and will need spending money (although my overtime will come through by then as well luckily!)

You up to anything nice on your week off?!
na nothing cold to go away anywhere here (i'm such a woos! lol) and no pennies to go anywhere exotic!
and well done you on the biscuit!

i had some Mayflower curry sauce earlier which i've seen loads of people going on about so had to try it. i don't usually syn any food for meals (other than the odd bit mayo or l/f sausage) so 4 syns was a lot but really good for a wee change! i just had sw chips, rice and curry sauce with onions and although i didn't really have the full 100ml...i syn'd it at 4 anyway :D

i just get the low fat supernoodles - there are 3 kinds and syn free (as far as i'm aware! gulp...must check again hehe)
don't mind them for lunch and always have them packed with more superfree than meat or anything which is a bonus i guess?

i take soup to work and sometimes sip on that when i'm hungry mid morning. don't often have soup at lunch as i find it doesn't fill me (and i always blend mine so can't really bulk it up)

i see people on here taking lots of fancy things to work which is great if you have access to a kitchen or longer time to eat/prepare something but i'm happy with things as they are ;)

managed to get an 8 pack of the activia 0% yog for 43p tonight - i love them and what a bargain! they are best before today but i'm sure i'll get away with them for another day or 2? so i've got my magic porridge tomorrow in a tub with one and a bit of those to use them up - considering they're £3 a doesn't really matter if a few get chucked out!
i really do like those ones - much better than muller light cos i find them so bitter sometimes but they're costly. tesco had the 8 pack half price the other week so i got a few packs so getting these ones tonight was too hard to pass on...shame i can't fit bugger all else in my fridge now lol.

that's great news about your OH's work. are you's off to anywhere nice in May?x
We are just staying in the UK as money is tight and we want to get engaged at some point this year. (Yay!!) going for a few days in Wales and then a few days in Weston Super-Mare. Just hoping for dry weather - a heat wave would be lovely lol.

I caved and ate choc last night but bf has taken the last of it to work today so I will be fine now its gone :) warming up my home made BNS soup ATM :)
what chocolate did you have?
morrisons have 4 malteser bunnies for £1 (or 62p each!) so i picked them up today....gave 2 to my OH tho (as if he's not got enuf already lol) but they'll be good to keep by for me.

i'm having tesco's gammon shanks for dinner tonight...can't wait to try them - i've heard good reviews so just hope i like the sauce they're in...have you had them before?x
This is what I had for dinner.....

It's a baked Aubergine and SW chips. Doesn't look like much but was pretty tasty actually. I scraped out the middle and fried it in fry light with spring onion, mushroom, courgette and tinned tomatoes and then topped it all with cheese.

Haven't tried the was it?! Hope it lived up to expectations lol
that looks nice mrs, i don't really know if i like aubergine...and a cheeky wee crunchie sitting beside it too looks better ;) lol

the shanks were nice....a bit too fiddly for my liking cos there were wee bits of fat that i tried to pick at...think i prefer a gammon joint - easier to get straight in and munch lol
tonight i had an orange aero biscuit with my crisps and it was just MEGA!!! but its made me want to open the huge box of thorntons i got for mothers day (i only like a few but still...) and i've resisted and had a bite of dahl loaf instead and will have some cheese (my HEa) but man i just want them :(

note to self....stop thinking about chocolate and GO TO BED! lol x
Did you survive without the choc?! Don't beat yourself up if you didn't hun as I'm sure you never use all your syns up!

The crunchie was a mini Easter egg one that only works out as 4 syns :) perfect!

The new SW magazine is out now. I bought it this morning and plan on going through it tonight. It always motivates me and gives me ideas.
yeah i picked it up last week...there's a few recipes i want to try out soon :D

nope...i didn't have the chocolates and only used 10 syns for the day....can you imagine the damage (syn wise) if i'd have opened them lol
maybe one day....but not last night ;)

had a big fruit salad and yog for breakfast today then decided to clear a cupboard up in my room which resulted in a massive mess and hrs passing before i realised it was 2pm and i'd better eat!
just made beans on toast with scrambled egg there which was ok...not what i really wanted but quick and easy.

not sure what the plan is for dinner. i'm on green so might have some of the meat free bolognese from asda. its free along with the chilli and savoury mince and i've tried the chilli but not the mince yet so gonna pick that up. its quick and easy too - just add water and bring it thickens up in the pot so that with pasta is another easy (when you've no time) type of dinner.

i'm out tomorrow and hoping to resist the buffet which will be there...but will see what happens. gonna eat before we go out but like that ever stopped me in the past lol
how's your day been today? what's your plans for the weekend....anything exciting? x
I am currently waiting for a new tyre to be fitted on my car :( gonna cost me £50 minimum and I'm skint already - plus its early on a Saturday morning - so I'm not a happy bunny lol

I'm gonna snuggle up and read my mag when I get home and get some cooking ideas for next week. I'm gonna make some coleslaw today and some soup for the freezer - pea and mint I think for a change.

I also need to do a run to the charity shop and dump to get rid it the stuff I sorted out last weekend and left over wood from the decking :) here's a pic of it.....


Its only small but I love it :)

What's your plans for the weekend?!
aww it's lovely! did your OH do that himself?
i like decking...don't have any myself but i do like it.

i'm out tonight so not got anything planned for today OH is working and will no doubt go for a snooze when he gets back so will prob just prepare dinner when he's doing that.

bad news about the car....mine's is booked for a service next week which will be £150 minimum...before anything else (if it needs work done) :(
its not been done for a while so i'll only have myself to blame if i end up with a bill that's sky high!

i took stuff to the charity shop the other day....and after my clear out yesterday, have another load of stuff to go...and a pile of things to list on ebay so need a free weekend to get all that sorted! its a bit of a hassle but worth it in the end i guess when you get something for an item you'd chuck out!

starving this morning so just gonna go make me and teeny a fruit salad....can't wait! lol x
He did it with my dad on Good Friday. I'm doing bangers and mash for dinner tonight with broccoli and carrots and gravy. Brilliant comfort food :)

I haven't eaten yet and starting to get really hungry. At my bf's mums ATM as he is helping her make a cake (torture!!) then I'm going home to make some egg on toast I think. Mmmmm!!
oh that is torture...did you get a wee bit?
i had my fruit salad then about lunchtime, headed out to get flooring but it ended up a total hassle and when i finally got home, i was famished. had some of my all day breakfast quiche with beans about 3pm so gonna make dinner soon and then just heat it up before we go out...the later the better maybe so that i don't want to pick at the buffet...can't see there being much superfree there lol.

well done to them for doing the decking. my OH hasn't done flooring at all so we're going to attempt to do it tomorrow i think :-S lol x
Good luck with it, im sure you will be fine. I'm on my way to the dump now - we had a massive clear out of bf's work stuff so have tons to get rid if now but I'm happy because its taken him ages to sort through it all. More space for me :)

I didn't stay the whole time he was making cake and it was for a friends baby shower so didn't have any. It was in the shape of a pram and looked pretty good.

So nice to have a bit of sunshine today. My washing is outside drying for a change. Hopefully spring is finally on its way. Can't wait to have done bbqs on my new decking! Bbqs are so SW friendly too!!