Help needed for 1st day......

oh that'll be fun!
i've not been to a bbq for ages and yep, they sure are sw friendly!

you getting more space sounds like my OH - now that i've been clearing out, its him that's gaining extra hehe x
I'm making the pulled pork in the new magazine today. So looking forward to it cuz I've been thinking of doing it for weeks now lol.

I'm going to do it with SW coleslaw and salad I think :) mmmmmm
the pulled pork is nice...i've made it twice - my OH loves it.

had dinner before we left last night for the doo....there was a sweet stall there for "the kids" (pick and mix) and i picked....gulp!

the buffet was late and we were hungry....obviously there was no superfree lol, and i had a sausage roll, 1 triangle sandwich, a few potato wedges and half a bit of pizza. couldn't manage anything else without forcing it to be honest so didn't....but i had picked at the sweets (bloody never eat jelly sweets etc either!) and then had a few more when we got up today!

i had planned a day off plan today but its never happened really seeing as we've just spent 9hrs laying flooring (for the 1st time) so haven't had lunch...or dinner!
i had a slice of seeded batch toast this morning which would be 7 syns for the slice! and 1 bit of wholemeal bread with a tesco extra light choices sausage and made a big bowl of fruit salad which i picked at throughout the day (every time we came down to saw the wood) and have had 20g of cheddar.

pretty much past being hungry now, we're minging and needing our bed but think i'm gonna go have a pkt of crisps and a bit of chocolate which isn't great but at 10.20pm...its too late for dinner and we've not got enough milk to have cereal seeing as we didn't go shopping due to my DIY idea.

this morning i was in a different frame of mind but i'm so done in now (and in the bad books seeing as my OH wanted to get someone in to do the flooring but i said ooooh no, we'll be fine, we'll manage...a few hrs and it'll be done! lol) and kinda think it's done now, i've eaten what i've eaten, it could've been better but it could've been soooo much worse...and let's face it - in 12 weeks, this is the 1st time i've not followed plan EVER

tomorrow's a new day and my head will be less focussed on decorating - will just need to take it on the chin if i have a gain tomorrow or even if it catches up with me next week.
hopefully it's not too bad (baring in mind i had a gain the other week of 2lbs when i had stuck to plan 100%??!), i was good the whole week as usual, and will be back on plan tomorrow as normal

dunno whether i'm glad or kicking myself that we didn't have time to order the indian i suggested earlier lol....also hoping when i eat my crisps that my hunger doesn't kick in

hope you ladies are both well and had a decent weekend x
I must have done something wrong because mine was so dry and totally overcooked :(
Maybe I should try it again but cook it for less time - might have been cuz the joint was too small?! Really disappointing!

How did you get ok with the flooring? Does it look good? Don't worry about ur OH moaning about doing it yourselves - look at it as an achievement. And think of all that body magic lol.

For your 'off plan' day I think you did reasonably well. You ate a massive fruit salad (I wouldn't have on an 'off' day) and diet go too mad. The sweets were prob a bad idea but in 12 weeks you haven't slipped at all so I wouldn't torture yourself. Get right back on plan - don't let it turn into a bad week instead of just a bad day.

How was last nights hunger after the crisps?!

I'm on a green day today. I lost a pound from last week as well so a slow but good start! Just warming up my spicy BNS soup. I managed to get a good consistency without potatoes in the end so it will do for green or red now :) bangers and mash is the plan for dinner.

What's your meal plan today?
aww not good about the might have been cos it was small but both times i've made it, my tray has ended up cremated cos one minute there was plenty sauce then it was just charcoal lol.
i've only made BNS soup once...and didn't really think it was anything great....but that's good that you can use it for red and green, and well done on the 1lb loss...better off than on eh ;)

the crisps opened the hunger big time lol. i had magic porridge ( just 17g of oats in a yog this time) and 3 oatcakes before i went to bed. been really hungry today so far but thats probably cos yesterday was crazy with no proper meals.

today i'm on green...desperately need shopping but had fruit salad and yog this morning and made 1 dahl loaf with some onion bhajis and the pasta is cooked ready for me to make quiche when i get mushrooms and other superfree that i usually add to it.
just having a sandwich ( 1st HEb) on my HEa cheese, onion and some branston pickle for 0.5 syn then we need to go out. will probably have the quiche for dinner later on but not 100% sure yet...we need to go out again about 4.30 then i have WI at 5.30 then possibly go shopping once we collect my son but if we do that, they'll need fed while we're just need to see how that goes...if i can get a few things this afternoon then the shop can wait til tomorrow and we can all eat here (which i will be doing either way)

the sweets were probably the worst out of everything....shouldn't have had 1 in the first place cos 1 leads to 2....which leads to 102! lol. but they were nice, i enjoyed them and its all over and done with now....and hey...i never thought of the body magic - even though we're both crippled today lol.
the flooring looks good...such a difference and we managed to not waste too much meaning i have a full pack to take back for refund...bonus!

need to get my car which is £140 plus the £100 i need sooner rather than later for tyres :( always something eh...but can't really grumble, guess it's just wear and tear.

what you gonna have for dinner on green tonight? next time i'm at asda i'm gonna pick up their meat free savoury mince. think i mentioned the meat free bolgonese and chilli are free and handy to have in the cupboard so hoping that's ok too? x
yeah better off than on! I am going to use it to push me on even though its a small amount. My target has always been 8st 7lb (which is what I was before I started working full time when I was 23/24) but never quite managed it. I did get to 8st 8lb before i went on holiday and its all gone back on since then - plus 2 extra lbs! I'm not letting it get to me too much and think maybe that is an unrealistic target in all honesty. What I really want is to be in the 8's and I'm not too bothered as long as I can do that....and i know I can! I'm really short so any weight I do put on is really noticeable round my chin and tummy.

I also always say that I want to exercise but still never find the time to do it - now that the nice weather is hopefully on its way i have no excuses! I am going to try doing the 30DS again as that did seem to show a noticeable difference in about 10 days!!! But its hard going lol.

you are probably feeling hungry after your little binge yesterday - you stomach has stretched if you see what i mean. Make sure you snack on superfree today and don't let today run away with you. you seem to have a good plan though - you are popping in and out a lot! that would drive me crazy lol - i like to get everything done at once!

argh cars are so expensive! i replaced a tyre at the weekend and thankfully it was only the one I needed. car tax is due this month though so i need to find that money from somewhere!

im doing sausage and mash tonight for dinner. BF has some posh sausages from the butchers with chilli in them and i am having boring old 'NuMe' ones from Morrissons lol. They aren't that bad really but I think its worth getting some with a bit more flavour in and just synning them. Had these in the freezer to use up though so i will put up with them tonight. They are only one syn each so quite good really. If I syn my cups of tea (2 so far) then I can use a hexa of philly in my mash to give it a bit of flavour so I think I will do that. I had some crisps with lunch that were 5 syns so I am on 7 for the day at the moment. Then 2 for the sausages with dinner and a few spare to have some gravy.

I always put a few dried chillies in my BNS soup to give it a kick which makes it really tasty. (the ones I have are fromthailand though so its really spice lol) Mint and pea is the next one I am going to try - maybe on wednesday evening while I am cooking since I am out tomorrow evening.

How do you make your quiche with pasta hun?
i use it as a base. i prefer the tomato and herb pasta n sauce compared to the rest (for the quiche anyway) and just blitz half a tub of cottage cheese, mix 3 eggs and lots of superfree and put it on the top. i always manage to get 2 lots out of it so when i cut it all up, it lasts pretty much the week taking a couple of bits every day.

today has been crazy with the being in and out...i did manage to go to morrisons for a few things when we went to collect the car which saved having to go shopping this evening....will prob go tomorrow for the main things and a few cupboard things.
i got my pasta n sauce and savoury rice from home's half the price of morrisons and i just wasn't paying it! lol (such a tight ar$e eh lol)

think i've been hungry today cos we didn't have a meal yesterday at all, plus what i've eaten so far has been good so is probably being processed in a better way than yesterdays quick bites?? i was good on saturday until the night out but now that i'm back in to the swing of it, i'm sure it'll sort itself out.

stayed the same at weigh in which i'll take just fine thanks lol...not sure if it'll catch up next week but hopefully not when i'm on plan the full week now.
was so hungry when we came in that i ate some quiche while some sw chips were cooking and ended up with the chips and some cottage cheese on my plate??? not the best of meals but it was ok...wasn't that bothered and i still have some scan bran cake which i've counted as the other half of my second HEb.

have only used half a syn so far today so will have a wee something later but prob make sure i don't use too many (i average about 10 to be honest)

re your you think our bodies get to a certain point then think uh're not going any lower without a fight?? i really think that can happen and i watched a programme once about how they did this test on people (who were massively over weight which obviously you're not) but they basically lived in this testing place for 2 years and gave them the same amount of calories every day. some were ok and lost weight but others complained of being hungry all the time and the outcome was the depending on how many fat cells were created in childhood, meant that they don't always disappear so the people would get to a certain weight then their body physically tried to get back up to the weight that they had been. mad eh! and it highlighted how important it might be to not be overweight as a child?

the study was done in america and although i'm not 100% true how many health people pay attention to/know about it...i thought it was really interesting.
funny ol' things our bodies eh. but i think you're right to try and not put any pressure on yourself and just try to remember that although your weight might not go down or go down as fast as you'd following SW, you're following a healthy lifestyle which is a huge deal as far as reducing health risk factors etc.

listen to me all sensible...says she who could bat the dr out the way with her excess skin bingo wings lmao....but at least i'm trying....and must be doing my body some good with the way that i'm eating (even though i could quite easily demolish junk food....well...for a wee while then i actually crave the good stuff!)

i havent tried the NuMe sausages but not keen on the WW ones...i'm really liking the Tesco extra light choices ones for half a syn each. have you tried them?don't have them every day i'm on EE but nice every now and again. do you have a tesco near you? x
I always just oven cook mine with the super free in the dish and then pour over the egg and cottage cheese mix. It's quite nice as long as you season it but I do have some pasta and sauce that I might try it with at the weekend.

I wish there was a home bargains near me - I live it there but it's too far to go to justify the trip. Lol.

I think having a regular meal pattern is really important. Then your body knows when your next meal will be and won't hang on to the fat.

Just make sure you are extra careful this week and it shouldn't effect you at weigh in. Just keep going as you have been - your attitude had been fantastic so keep it up :)

My sausage and mash turned out really nice actually. I had some mushy peas and carrots with it and gravy (2 syns for what I had) I think the trick is not to overcook these NuMe sausages. They don't brown like normal sausages so I always leave them in longer than they need lol. Resisted that today and they turned out nice. I haven't tried the tesco ones but there is a little tesco express on my way home from work so maybe ill give them a go!

I have had 9 syns today and thought about having a glass of wine or bit of choc but I don't really need it and I'm not hungry. I need to get back into the mindset of only having things as a treat once in a while and lot every day. I'm going to try and stick to around 10 syns a day and see how I get on.

I'm on a red day tomorrow. I've got mango and a weetabix oaty bar (hexb) for breakfast. Ham, spinach and SW coleslaw sarnie (hexb and 1 syn for the coleslaw), yoghurt, apple and 5 syn crisps for lunch. I'm taking carrot sticks, cherry toms and hexa of Philly for a snack if I need it. Not sure about dinner though as we are going to see Al Murray do a comedy gig and are meant to be eating out. Ill go for meat and salad or veg if I can manage it but not sure where we are going yet.
Hope I last!!
i'm sure you'll do great :)
i didn't realise the weetabix bars were a it all flavours?

what a pity you're far from a Home Bargains...its such a good shop isn't it - but you need to be quick and grab things while they're there....never a truer saying "if you're not fast, you're last" when it comes to there lol.
if it wasn't for places like that, we probably wouldnt have the goodies and branded things as much as we do...i just wouldn't pay the prices that some places sell them. it's great for things like kids packed lunches and tuck for them not to mention other general things like big bottles of juice, cans for work etc.

i've not done a red day but maybe i'll have a think about it and give it a bash one time.
what cold meat do you buy? i've been wary to buy wafer thin stuff for me cos i know some are made up with water etc so never sure what percentage of meat there has to be in it before it's classed as free. i've been buying the good stuff like the oven baked stuff or whatever but it's £2 a pack (or 2 for £3) and you don't get that many slices is tasty tho!
just had the rest of my scan bran cake in a bowl with some raspberries and some vanilla was really nice.
opting for a freddo and a packet of special k crisps to take my syns to 10 for the day which isn't bad....x
Yeah I think so - the choc ones def are but you only get one for a hexb. I got them as they were on offer. Mostly I get Alpen bars but they are pricey when they aren't on special.

Yeah I love home bargains. Whenever I
Somewhere where there is one I stock up a bit lol I don't like the prices they charge for branded things. We only get a few bits branded and the rest are supermarkets own brands. I'm a member of Costco as well so I bulk buy things like toilet rolls and washing liquid.

I usually just buy normal ham - not wafer thin. it's expensive for the posh stuff but I find that the middle of the range stuff is good enough to chuck in a sarnie or SW quiche if I add other bits. (Lettuce, salad cream and cucumber in a sarnie or onion, mushroom and peppers for a quiche)

You could always have prawns on a red day in a sarnie or chicken breast that you have left over from dinner. That sort of thing is good to use up in sarnies.

Ooohhhh your pudding sounds yummy. I don't mind scan bran actually - I used to make the little Ferrero rocher things but they are so Morris's!!
Need to get myself some yoghurts tomorrow as I have run out but I have some meringue nests so I can make a pudding up using those and fruit mmmmmm
hope you are well this morning :)

never thought about prawns for a red fact, never thought about them at all for EE either!
i've not made the ferrero rochers for ages...i use ryvita tho and used to have them a lot in the beginning but i was finding when i made say 10 or so, if i didn't use them within a few days, they went a bit chewy. must give them a bash again cos they're yummy!

i never really bother with puddings but i see a lot of people using the mini meringues cos they're not too high.

what's your plans for today then...?x
Well I had plans to do a red day but I think I need to change to EE now, I found out that we are going to the steak place for dinner tonight - which isn't a big deal as I can have mine with a jacket potato. Just annoying that I didn't think about it before I ate my Weetabix oaty bar this morning. I will have to syn that now since I have a sarnie for lunch (hexb). So I had mango, yoghurt and the oaty bar for brekkie. Have had one cuppa as well for hexa and will have another few cups throughout the day.

So far I am on 6 syns (grr), which means I will have to think about if I eat my crisps or not at lucnhtime. they are 5 syns so that will be 11. If I have a jacket potato I will want a bit of butter on it and maybe some sauce with my steak so I need to think about how many syns everything is and decide between them all! lol. The little packs of butter work out at 4 syns and the little sachets of ketchup are 1/2 syn each. So technically I could have the crisps to take me to 11 syns and then have half the butter packet (taking me to 13 syns) and then have 4 ketchups lol. Think thats what I will do or dinner will be soooooo dry lol!

Whats your plan of attack?
oh i hate it when a plan doesn't come together lol.

plan of attack for me today is EE...
had fruit salad with yog then we went out to get the tyres for the car and to take the wood back which i hadn't used (woo hoo! lol)
gonna head for the rest of the shopping but was hungry so suggested we come back home and eat first (sensible option me thinks?) so i had my HEb when i made a sandwich with bacon and sliced boiled egg on it and rather than use butter/marg for the bread, i used a wee but ketchup so half a syn for that.

the plan is diet cola chicken for dinner with either rice or noodles and plenty of peppers/onions and that's pretty much it. will use some syns tonight when we're watching "the following" - do you watch it...its fab! but nothing else really and will have some cheese for my A today.

we were talking there about going to the carvery soon for dinner...i think that might be a good option on an EE day cos i assume i'd only need to count a few syns for anything that may be on the veg? the gravy and the potatoes which i would try to keep to a minimum? x
Ooohhhh I'm intrigued lol. Will have to look it up. Well last nights plan b didn't go to plan lol. I ended up at a slug and lettuce for dinner and ordered Italian chicken without the sauce. It was flattened chicken breast cooked on a grill with peppers, onions and potato wedges.

Reckon I need a few syns for oil and ketchup but overall pleased with my decision as I was being pressured into a 2-4-1 curry and I resisted. (I also resisted ice cream at the theatre!)

I think a carvery will be ok on EE but bear in mind that they will have cooked any roast veg in oil, oil will prob be in the gravy too and STEP AWAY FROM THE STUFFING BALLS lol :) not a bad choice overall just choose plenty of meat and veg over too many roasties and you will be fine

Today's plan is red for me. How about you?!
green for me the packet of savoury mince yesterday so i'm going to have that with potatoes and veg for dinner and see how it is.

good for you for not caving on the curry....was your meal nice?

what you got food wise today?x