yeah, i'm part time - thankfully i can do my cooking for snacky stuff (for at work) when i'm off on the monday other wise i'd be flapping and doing it all at night through the week.
when i 1st started the plan, i was finishing early some days to get back and cook but funny how it all just fits into the routine and if i don't muck about then its all done within a few hrs.
today's quiche was a bit of a riot though....think there was too much sauce from the pasta n sauce and it burnt round the edges. then i took it out and cut it and it was still soggy in the middle but i had just put the dahl loaf in so had to wangle bits here and there round that for extra cooking time...then of course, the dahl loaf came out the dish....minus the bottom! grrrr
i'm using the fry light with the green lid....thinking i like the yellow one better but i'd got it when it was on offer so dunno if it's that...?
i've made the meatball pasta and its in the dish with the cheese on the top ready to be fired in the oven when we get back later. i just used half the cheese (and used a fine grater so it looked more lol) cos i've made a salad to have soon for lunch and wanted some cheese with that.
so far i've had fruit salad and yog so will have the salad which has a little bit of quiche, a boiled egg, ham, and some pickle plus plenty of superfree which leaves me my HEb for later meaning i can take a cereal bar to have after WI seeing as i usually have a wait til we get dinner.
need to have a think about meals through the week but looking forward to my magic porridge tomorrow. i know you're not keen but for some reason, i've not had it for a while....i was thinking about doing half the oats in a smaller yog and pouring it over fruit salad to have a work but usually when you prepare the fruit 1st, it ends up with a lot of juice and i dunno if it would put me off. if i have some spare time one morning before work i could always prepare it then rather than the night before to see if that helps but usually i'm on a schedule trying to get us all ready and out the door - precision timing lol x