Help needed for 1st day......

i just make the pasta n sauce up with water...then it's all cos it's in with the quiche, you wouldn't really notice the same cos you have the taste of everything else??
i blitz about half the tub of cottage cheese with my hand blender to make it smooth, add 3 eggs and all the superfree. cook the pasta, put it in the dish, add the egg mix and fire it in the oven...easy peasy. i suppose depending on the size of quiche tray you use, it might be different. i only have 2 smaller dishes so get both out of that lot.

i hope you like it...i really liked the leek one the best but have only made it once. i reckon i wouldn't syn it when i ate it though cos if its 1/1.5 for the full packet (before milk and butter), to have literally a spoonful per piece would be practically nothing?

you'll need to let me know what you think. i like it with salad and sw chips for a green day dinner too.

well that's me done eating for the day...had a rocky hifi and an alpen light for my HEb....had the hifi with a malteser bunny and had the alpen light with a 20g cheddar stick (just the pack of the packed lunch type ones from tesco) for the rest of my A seeing as i had 10g of cheese with my salad at lunch time...quite impressed with myself lol.

so what menu's did you come up with then?

meant to ask your sister gonna be doing EE on its own or does she like green/red days too?x
Ahh I see why you wouldnt need the milk and butter when you put it like that. I will judge which dish to use once I see how big the mixture turns out to be. I love SW chips - no idea why people would have chips any other way! The thought of chip shop chips makes me feel ill with the grease - yuk!

Tonight is steak and a jacket potato on an EE day as per usual :eek:) I have some curry and rice for lunch that I got out of the freezer - I am counting 6 syns for it as I can't remember if it is SW curry or not so best to be safe! I also brought some carrot sticks, fruit and yoghurt!

My dinners are things like; veg risotto (which I am going to make more than I need and freeze for lunches), a roast gammon for the weekend, pork stir fry, sardines cooked in chilli and garlic with potato rosti's (which I have never made so hopefully it turns out ok), lemon sole with new potatos etc. I left my list at home which is annoying as now I have to go home to get it before I go shopping! not ideal!

I think she will do EE to get back into it and use Red and Green when she needs a boost! EE is so simple to follow especially when you are just getting into the swing of it!
your dinners sound good....i need to have a look through some recipes again and try some new things.
going to give the mac and cheese from the magazine a try tonight...infact, once i've typed this, i'm going to make all the lunches for tomorrow then get started on it i think.

not sure what to have tomorrow for lunch, i'm gonna do green again i think...but might skip the sandwich but then again...for quickness i could just make egg mayo or something??
i miss things like a sandwich on tuna but on EE, that would mean skipping the porridge in the morning so i didn't need to syn the bread....and its so quick and easy to take with me, i'm not sure what i'd have otherwise....decisions decisions eh lol x
I think its really hard to think of new things to cook all the time. This time it was easier as I had to make use of what is in the freezer and cupboards before I buy anymore stuff (trying to do a freezer 'eat down' so I can defrost it!!)

whenever I do a red day dinner I just get some fish or a piece of chicken and then just do tons of veg with it so it takes minimal effort lol. The only trouble I have is that bf makes last minute changes and always wants carbs and meat lol. He wont eat a veggie risotto but he has some other bits in the freezer that he can have - probably chicken kiev's (which I cant stand! lucky because they must be tons of syns as they are so greasy)

Why dont you try a red day if you miss tuna sarnies? You could do what I suggested above?! Magic porridge for brekkie, tuna sarnie for lunch and then some nice salmon/lamb/chicken and veggies for dinner?! Or do you like carbs too much? You could always use some syns to have an extra hexb?? If I am making a tuna sarnie I go all out and put chopped peppers, onion and cucumber in the mixture as well and put it with lettuce :) mmmmm!

Or could you try something else for brekkie?? Like a SW fry up when you are at home? You can have egg, bacon, sauteed potatoes and cheery tomatoes and mushrooms without going near your hex's so you could then use that for a sandwich?!

I looked at the mac and cheese - you will have to let me know what its like! I was thinking of trying to make the syn free hummous but I'm not keen on lemon juice so I might skip that out?! If it turns out good then I might try it with some roasted peppers in and see how that tastes. I think it would be a good idea to take to work with some carrot batons as a snack!
it's almost ready so i'll let you looks good so will wait and see.

i never really thought of doing a red day....i suppose i could and like you say, that way i could have the tuna cos i'd have the extra HEb. it's not that i love carbs too's just that i don't really eat a lot of meat...but there's nothing stopping me having that at lunch then quiche or a salad at dinner time if i really couldn't face meat and veg.
i think its cos i'm not too clued up on the red days...i mean like having to syn sweetcorn etc...but i might have a look at it.

my OH also has his own stuff for the days i'm on green...i give him things like smoked sausage or the usual freezer crap which he doesn't mind once in a while...just as well really lol.

he had the rest of the pulled pork today for his lunch (it was his day off) so is getting the meat free mac and cheese for dinner.
i didn't have mustard so used mustard powder instead....he hasn't said too much other than commented at the lack of cheese compared to when i make macaroni with a cheese sauce....and extra cheese know, the pre sw macaroni lol x
just had it....oooh it was lovely...we both really enjoyed it!
it's the 1st time i've cooked with yog (you put natural yog in it) and i wasn't sure how it would be but it really was tasty....and i reckon it would be nice with onion and bacon through it.

will definitely make it again! i halved all the ingredients and there was lots....we just had it on its own instead of with salad but would be lovely with garlic bread....mmmmm lol x
On a red day you cant have pasta unless as a hex hun so you would need to do a version of your quiche with just egg and cottage cheese with superfree. That's how I usually make it and its yummy! Or you could always do an omelette and salad instead?!

Glad the mac and cheese went down well. Will def give that a try with some onion and bacon as you suggest! Yummy!!
yeah...i'll have a wee think about it.

it was really good...i'm impressed...and so was the OH :D

it's always a bonus cos sometimes you can really look forward to a recipe and then it doesn't turn out as good as you'd the meatball pasta bake for me last week.
that's 3 recipes from the mag i've made in the last week....polishing my halo as we "speak" lol x
Oh god my last attempt out of the mag was the pulled pork which ended up decimated lol. I will try this though - bet its nice the day after for lunch as well with a salad.

Red for me today so I get two hex's :) got a sarnie for a change which will be good. I have used a table spoon of light mayo instead of butter so hopefully it wont be too dry!! Stir fry for dinner - was going to use pork loins but the ones I have are nice and thin so I'm going to save those to stuff with something and roll up. Prawns instead for tonight I think.

Nearly eaten all of my freezer lunches now so will need to do some cooking at the weekend. I never did end up making the minted pea soup so might try that one. Might also make up a chilli or lasagne (I found a nice recipe for one with just the meat sauce and slices of courgette instead of pasta so that would be good for red days!)

What's your plan of attack?!
plan is green again today for me.
had magic porridge when i came to work, a bit of quiche and a dahl muffin at 11.30 and got egg mayo sandwich for lunch. not sure about dinner...maybe baked potato or smash pizza....not sure...need some fresh salad stuff so will wait and see.
its never ending with buying fresh stuff eh...i just never seem to be done popping for this or that but i don't have room in the freezer to cook bulk....its such a shame cos i really would!

can't wait to get home of those days lol x
Oh no!! Sorry to hear you are having a rubbish day, hope it turns out better in the end.

Do you write everything you eat down?! I try to keep a good diary but sometimes forget! When I don't write things down i start to make mistakes I find.
yeah...i write everything be honest, i don't think it's the norm for SW after so long...but i always do. sometimes it helps me remember what i'm gonna have if i've thought of something the day before or whatever lol x
I have just been looking back over my diary and i wrote all my losses on the first page....its spurred me onto keeping the diary again. I should have got straight back on plan when i came back from holiday and I would be at target now - i was only a pound away!!!! how silly is that!!

I am slightly peeved with bf AGAIN as he managed to lose my shopping list after all my meal I wrote it again and he has just called me from the shops to say he lost it AGAIN ARRRGHGHGHGGH!!! SO I have had to repeat what I can remember over the phone and pray I didn't forget anything important lol. (If you want a job doing well.....!! hmmppphh!!)

I know what you mean about fresh stuff - my list was at least half fruit, veg and salad lol. I have only had 6.4 syns today (mayo and a bag of crisps) so am looking forward to a small glass of wine after my dinner! :eek:)
and you deserve it too me think ;) lol

i couldn't help but chuckle at your OH....they're a nightmare sometimes eh! mine probably couldn't tell you what was in the fridge/freezer/cupboards....well, unless it's the goodies right enough!
typical eh!

i wish i'd kept a note of what i lost with what food i'd eaten...i see that Minky lost 6lbs this week...that's a huge amount and especially as it's taken her over the 9stone loss mark! fab eh!
she has great meals and everything looks fab!

i'm having lentil curry tonight...soon actually cos we're going out. Charleybarley posted a pic last night on her thread and i asked for the recipe....tmi but i don't think i'll have any bother going to the loo tomorrow pmsl x
How u feeling after the lentil curry lol?! Might give it a try if it will boost my losses lol.

Can u believe that bf found the shopping list when he got home!! Right where I left it!! I swear that boy needs glasses (or a kick up the backside) sometimes

Got an EE day today. Pasta dish for lunch and whole sea bream for dinner, prob cooked in some spices and served with mash and some veg.
oooh you're kidding?? bloody typical eh!
MEN! hehe

i couldn't eat the curry....i dunno if it was the cumin i didn't like but something gave me a really bitter taste and i couldn't eat it :(
recipe asked for curry powder, cumin, paprika, ginger and tumeric so not sure which one i didn't like...but i was really disappointed :(
i ended up home at 7.30...starving and had sw chips with my HEa cheese. but i think i'd make it again and maybe just use curry powder or it's good that it's given me "food for thought" lol

Green again today for me....roll on tomorrow for EE til i have some meat ;) x
oooh you're kidding?? bloody typical eh!
MEN! hehe

i couldn't eat the curry....i dunno if it was the cumin i didn't like but something gave me a really bitter taste and i couldn't eat it :(
recipe asked for curry powder, cumin, paprika, ginger and tumeric so not sure which one i didn't like...but i was really disappointed :(
i ended up home at 7.30...starving and had sw chips with my HEa cheese. but i think i'd make it again and maybe just use curry powder or it's good that it's given me "food for thought" lol

Green again today for me....roll on tomorrow for EE til i have some meat ;) x

Probably the tumeric...I always put half of what the recipe says of that as I find it it bitter and overpowering x
Yeah I would say it was turmeric as well. I sometimes skip it put altogether or just put a pinch in.

Have you thought about trying some new fish yet or still a bit wary missk?! Ill send you a pic of my dinner to tempt you :)