probably have the meat with either potatoes or sw chips and veg.
i've got a gas you think gas mark 4 will be low enough?
i wish i'd bought more of the hoops and crosses when they were on offer....the only reason i didn't is because i have skips and the Tayto Whips and literally the shelf was full...kicking myself now! lol.
i don't think i'd use 5 or 6 syns on a standard packet of space was nice to have some cos it's been a while and handy that they're so low in syns.
i get what you mean about things becoming a habit. i used to have crisps with my lunch everyday at work...just for....and it was silly.
when i joined WW, that's when it phased i just don't take anything! the only thing i have in my drawers at work are some nuts and seeds (again from ww times lol) and some brazil nuts which have been there a while....but at least i know if i was hungry, i could have one or 2...and it beats going to the vending machine!
the days i'm really hungry at work, i just eat what i've taken...most days i bring some fruit/soup home but it's funny....if i'm hungry, i don't even really consider going to buy something...bonus i guess! but it is really easy to get in to a routine...years ago anytime i had free time at work, i associated it with going to get something to snack on just cos i had time...silly really eh!
just the usual on the cooking schedule for me...quiche's are in now, chickpea dahl next, soup is done then it'll be the meat and i'll make my lunch plus the lunches for tomorrow.
prob just as well i'm off on a monday otherwise i dunno when i'd have it all done around the after school stuff etc x