Awww hun. Meltdowns are not good
What's important is that you wear stuff that you FEEL good in. It's lovely when you get a second glance or a compliment but at the end of the day you need to dress for YOURSELF and no one else.
Ok so you know you look good in jeans and you know you were pleasantly surprised by the leggings - so far all good!
Right so the problem is tops. Are you trying on a totally different shape to normal?! Have you thought about trying a few different shops to see what styles they have?! If you don't like fitted things round you tummy, M&S do nice things sometimes and also Dorothy Perkins. I have some nice tops from DP that are fitted on the neckline and then widen a little (like a 'swing' style if you know what I mean) and they are flattering to wear. Have you thought about trying something like that with a pattern or a bright colour that you can wear with a nice cardie to cover your arms if you don't like them?!
Who cares if noone can see your shrinking tummy?! You need to feel comfortable and stylish but that doesn't necessarily mean you have to wear tight fitting clothes. I'm like you and refuse to wear anything that is uncomfortable - but I do like fitted clothes sometimes. (Depends if I'm having a 'fat day' or not

I know your OH means well and you can't blame a guy for trying to give you a compliment - especially when you have worked so hard.
I don't think men ever really get stuff like this tbh. They try their best at times but no man I know is ever as self conscious as the women I know. For example, my bf will say "god I need a diet. I've put on weight" and then proceed to have 3 hotdogs for dinner. Lol.
I totally get where you are coming from with using your hand to cover things up. I do that all the Bleedin time. When we go to the pub my bf (gentleman that he is) will get me a stool or chair and I hate telling him that sitting down makes me feel like a whale. It makes my stomach all roll up like I weigh a ton and I have to sit uncomfortable with my hand covering my rolls. But im sure noone notices except me.
Don't ever apologise for having a whine. That's what I'm here for and ill always listen even if I can't help!!

try not to dwell on things too much and don't worry if you didn't find something you liked today....there will be other things in other shops that fit lovely and make you look fab!! (Size 14 eh?! Get you...

The pasta was really nice - def recommend it on an EE day. Tomorrow is EE again and I'm having a roast.
Have had a bath to try and relax my muscles a bit - I'm gonna hurt tomorrow I can tell. I am just sitting down to my vodka now and it's such a nice reward for working hard the last 2 days. Bf is mad at me though because I forgot to record the snooker for him....ooooppppssss!!