Men are a totally different species in my opinion - and they say we are hard to understand!!!
I'm really glad you had a nice day and treated yourself. Ooohhh and a 15 - get you!!

i cant understand why some people work in retail. If you cant be pleasant then you shouldn't be allowed to serve customers in my opinion. I worked in shops for years while at college and Uni and was always polite, helpful and friendly.
I actually went and bought some walking shoes tonight and a mini backpack because I'm climbing mount snowdon for charity next month!! Eeeeekkkkk!!! (Need to wear them in a bit so I don't get blisters. ) and the sales girl was far too busy to help so I just pissed her off by keeping on asking her for stuff until she actually started paying attention pmsl!! That'll teach her
Apart from that purchase I have stuck to my budget for food this week of £15 and I'm pretty pleased with myself. Of course I have little in the freezer now but being as we are away next week it doesn't actually matter and we can stick up when we get back. So £15 from tomorrow for another week. Tomorrow will be EE as i have bits to use ip after the bbq. Bf has tuna pasta smothered in mayo (dread to think of the syns) and I'm having chicken, potatoes and mushrooms. Don't have much salad etc so will have extra fruit tomorrow for superfree. Dinner is salmon and veg mmmm!!
Planning on a stir fry Thursday using left over roast turkey so that will be a red day.
Frozen veg I have in all the time is broccoli, peas, sweetcorn and soya beans (love them!!) I tend to get the rest fresh but frozen cauliflower is good. And I have had the mixed veg with peas, carrots etc before and that was good too.
Yeah we have an Iceland - and actually a couple of them near work. I find it really good value but hard to resist the temptation of Indian and Chinese snacks lol. I did pop in the other day as they had the Special K biscuit moments for £1 a box!
Ahh shame about your quiche - maybe it just needed a bit longer hun. Next time I try one I must get cottage cheese hehehehe. Although the omelette I ended up with was pretty tasty to be fair.
Do you like The Apprentice?! It started tonight and bf hates it. So I banished him to the spare room to play Xbox while I chilled out and watched it. I had a vodka diet coke since I had only used 4 syns so I'm only 6.5 for the day. I didn't feel hungry though so didn't want to eat for the sake of it. Ill prob wake up starving at 5am lol