Hi Roch
I've been away this weekend and just got home and trying to catch up ... I am really glad they have given you a specific diet to follow.. the GI should be a really good start for you and, I know that Ssing is what you really want to do, but for now, as others have said., baby steps.. first get loads of info on the GI , get recipes that are quick and easy and, if possible, do online shopping (Tesco etc) so you don't have the hassle and pain of having to go.. and , I know this is hard, ask Aaron to help you empty your kitchen of all foods that are not on the GI diet.. (no reason why he can't have the same as you but more of it) and have a clean sweep of things.
You CAN do this.. the medical problems (now properly diagnosed and being treated) will improve, I am certain. Whilst I totally understand why you are saying what you are, and feeling how you are, it is so so so important to be kind to yourself, firm but loving to yourself, as you would be with Aaron.. or a great friend.. congratulate yourself every single GI meal you have, and know that your weight will still be falling off you at quite a pace to begin with in any case.
See if you can try and think of 20 things to be thankful for in your life every day - make lists of them and stick them on your fridge, your doors.. anywhere and everywhere.. so you can see that you have such a lot going for you. Even tiny things.. like.. something made you giggle.. or your back didn't hurt for 5 minutes.. small things as well as the big stuff like... Aaron

, you ARE alive, you ARE receiving treatment., you ARE beautiful.. know the kind of thing I mean?
You really will be utterly amazed at how many positive things there are and have been in your life...
Also - make lists of what you are looking forward to (but not in a way that makes you feel bad in any way, shape or form).. like.. walking up a flight of stairs without being breathless ... being able to put shoes on easily.. going to X Y and Z on day trips/long weekends... give yourself some lovely treats to look forward to.. a trip to the cinema.. a day at a health spa.. a trip to a favourite book shop.. anything that will make you feel happy.. use colourful cheery paper.. colour code them if you fancy it.. yellow for the cheerful looking ahead things.. bright pink for the thankful ones... I'm sure you get the idea.. lol
I am firm, I know.. lol.. just me I guess.. but I want you to do this Roch.. not for anyone else but YOU!! I know you CAN do this.. and all this medical stuff will, in due course, pass and you will get better and this horrid time will become a distant memory. So, hang on in there, and things will be better xx