Hi i`m back again lol

Well that sounds like a step in the right direction Honey. Remember it doesn't matter how long it takes so long as you slowly get the weight off and keep healthy. Low GI is a very good plan and your body obviously needs high quality nutrients which that diet will give you. I know you are disappointed about SS but whatever diet you follow you will lose weight and feel so much better. So, baby steps, less beating yourself up and more faith in yourself -OK? WE are all with you, we want this for you so badly, so take the advice, try not to worry and you will find that little by little your life WILL change.

Much Love, Barb xxx

Hi Barb,u r right i will lose weight if i stick to any kind of diet its just getting my head round the idea that this is going to take a long time and probably be a slow process but the good thing is that i will be re educating myself along the way.
I want this so badly i cant wait to start feeling a bit happier as well.
Thanks for all the care u show me Barb, take care hun xx
hey hun,

I've only just had chance to catch up with ur thread.
Sorry to hear u're havin a pants time of it - but hun, thats no excuse to keep beating urself up all the time! Whats done is done now, so together we must focus on the future and the quality of that future.
U have loads of love and support on this thread, and u've already proved what a beautiful person u are by all the support u give everyone.... so why not support urself now hun? U have to stop being cruel to urself, u don't deserve it! Alot of us have made bad choices which has lead us to health problems and weight gain, thats why the majority of us are here (myself included! :) ).
Please please don't think I'm having a go at u hun, thats not my intention at all. I just want u to kno what an important part of this forum u are and now it's time to give that support to urself.

Thinking of u hun, sending u lots of love & healing.
Much love, chelle xx

Chelle hun i would never think u r having a go at me :D and i have felt so low over the past 5 days and could not really face responding on my thread, but reading you post has made me smile thanks:D :D .
I know i have to learn to stop beating myself up all the time but to tell u the truth my self confidence and self worth has been so low for so many years its hard to start believing in myself but i promise u i am going to try.
So hun how r u doing girl,chat soon and ty xxxx
Ahh thats good roch, least you have something to work on...

Tesco's is good for low gi stuff, they have all their foods label red, green and amber ( i think)

hopefuly someone who knows more about it can tell you about it...

Chin up girl

Hey Geri,i went to tesco yesterday and i looked for the gi labelling and could not see any food with gi labels,am i missing something or walking round with my eyes shut :rolleyes:
So girl how r u doing, how has your week been.
Take care and chat soon xxx
Sorry to hear you're having such a tough, tough time at the moment Roch. Don't beat yourself up and be so hard on yourself, all of us on this forum have had weight problems which we inflicted on ourselves, but as already said it's not so black & white and as simple as that.

Anything you do at the moment will be a step in the right direction, if you GI for a few months, which is a really good diet you can always look at SSing down the line, when you come off the meds. GI is a very good healthy way to eat & very satisfying, it's what I use to maintain & I really enjoy the food. Tesco's are great because they label a lot of their food as GI green, and they now provide a lot of ready made foods that are GI friendly so you don't have to spend hours doing loads of cooking, which I did when I tried the GI diet a few years ago.

Just take it a day at time, the weight will start to come off and you will start to feel better. Keep posting, keep talking to us, so many people want to help you, don't feel alone, that's the worst.

Take care of yourself, your lovely son & your little puppy, but most of all - yourself.

Big ((((hugs)))))


Hi Dotty,taking it a day at a time is def what i intend to do, no more wanting quick fixes and running b4 i can walk.
I have had a weight problem since i was 5 so thats 33 years being very overweight, so if it takes me 2 yrs to lose this weight then so be it.
Unfortunately i do feel alone alot of the time but i hope to change that and start going out a bit more.
Thanks for all the support i really do appreciate it xx
There are I labels on some tesco stuff. There is the Tesco GI book as well - it's about £2.50.
Hi Roch

I've been away this weekend and just got home and trying to catch up ... I am really glad they have given you a specific diet to follow.. the GI should be a really good start for you and, I know that Ssing is what you really want to do, but for now, as others have said., baby steps.. first get loads of info on the GI , get recipes that are quick and easy and, if possible, do online shopping (Tesco etc) so you don't have the hassle and pain of having to go.. and , I know this is hard, ask Aaron to help you empty your kitchen of all foods that are not on the GI diet.. (no reason why he can't have the same as you but more of it) and have a clean sweep of things.

You CAN do this.. the medical problems (now properly diagnosed and being treated) will improve, I am certain. Whilst I totally understand why you are saying what you are, and feeling how you are, it is so so so important to be kind to yourself, firm but loving to yourself, as you would be with Aaron.. or a great friend.. congratulate yourself every single GI meal you have, and know that your weight will still be falling off you at quite a pace to begin with in any case.

See if you can try and think of 20 things to be thankful for in your life every day - make lists of them and stick them on your fridge, your doors.. anywhere and everywhere.. so you can see that you have such a lot going for you. Even tiny things.. like.. something made you giggle.. or your back didn't hurt for 5 minutes.. small things as well as the big stuff like... Aaron :D, you ARE alive, you ARE receiving treatment., you ARE beautiful.. know the kind of thing I mean?

You really will be utterly amazed at how many positive things there are and have been in your life...

Also - make lists of what you are looking forward to (but not in a way that makes you feel bad in any way, shape or form).. like.. walking up a flight of stairs without being breathless ... being able to put shoes on easily.. going to X Y and Z on day trips/long weekends... give yourself some lovely treats to look forward to.. a trip to the cinema.. a day at a health spa.. a trip to a favourite book shop.. anything that will make you feel happy.. use colourful cheery paper.. colour code them if you fancy it.. yellow for the cheerful looking ahead things.. bright pink for the thankful ones... I'm sure you get the idea.. lol

I am firm, I know.. lol.. just me I guess.. but I want you to do this Roch.. not for anyone else but YOU!! I know you CAN do this.. and all this medical stuff will, in due course, pass and you will get better and this horrid time will become a distant memory. So, hang on in there, and things will be better xx :)

Hi FFF,just want to thankyou for all your care and support that u always show me and u always have so much good advice.
When it comes to food at home i dont have alot of junk food as i encourage Aaron to eat healthily as i dont want him to follow in my footsteps with a weight problem.
I have sat down and wrote out a list of all the things i am thankfull 4 and it has helped me to see that things are not as bad as i thought they were.
I intend to start making small changes in my life day by day and hopefully they will make a big difference to my life.
I am rejoining back Sw on Thursday and instead of just getting weighed and leaving as i have done in the past i am going to stay for the meetings and socialising a bit.
I am going to SW for the support and incorporating GL with Sw.
I really like your firm posts as i often feel so sorry for myself and stay away from the site but when i read any of your posts u r kind and csring but at the same time u help me to get my arse into gear and i thank u for that xxxx
We are all with you in this. I agree with the baby steps and one day at a time.
Big ((((hugs)))) Roch

Irene xx

Hi Irene, how r u doing hun xx
Yep baby steps and the scenic route can be the only way for me now its just going to take some time to get used to the idea:sigh:
Take care hun and chat soon xxx
Firstly i want to thank all of u who have shown me so much kindness and support xxx

Its taken me a few days to get my head round things and actually take in and digest everything that the specialist told me but i feel i am coming to terms with things.
I started my low GL regime on Monday and i am rejoining Sws on thursday evening,the leader there is so nice and really makes me feel at ease.
One thing different i am going to do is stay to the classes and socialise a bit as i feel very alone most of the time.

I am also going to go back to finish off my IT course but i will have to wait till Saturday week as i have to wait till Ebony has her second injections and can start going out then i can walk her around 2.30 then leave at 3 and Aaron will be back by 4 so hopefully she wont leave us 2 many parcels or puddles lol.

Small steps and gradual learning has to be the only way forward for me but in the end it will still get me to my goal but just taking a bit longer.

I am setting myself mini goals and rewards each time i lose a stone but of course they will not be food related LOL.
Also if i have a bad day for what ever reason for the first time in my life i am going to try and not beat myself up over it and just carry on !!

I have now realised that my life may not be how i want it to be in a ny shape or form but at the same time i have alot to be grateful for and i have to start being more positive and also learning to say "NO" is something i have to work hard on as so many peeps have taken advantage of me over the years and i now realised that it was my fault for being so stupid and i must of had a sign on my head come and use me i am lonely, but all that stops here, i have had enough of being taken a fool of becuase my self worth and self confidence were so low, but from now on i am going to work at being tougher and stronger !!!

I am desperate to start living again and gaining some confidence again !!!

sorry to hear about your health issues but now is time to concentrate on the future & not dwell on the past.
good for you Roch on the attitude you are taking,ok so SS isn't the way for you at the mo, but as others have said GI is a really ggod plan to follow.
i plan to do GI for maintainance when i get there & in preparation my sis bought me 2 books for xmas, "GL Diet for Dummies" & GL Cookbook" . they were bought from Amazon as a package. It is really simply explained & has good recipies in them, as well as how to handle different situations like eating out etc. I think it was about £12 for the 2 books.
good luck & take it a bit at a time
Hiya Roch,
Nice to see you posting and so positivel too . I wish i lived closer it would be great to get together but i am definitely on for our shopping trip !
Thanks for your post on the pcos thread that was kind of what i put in my PM yesterday . I had a really bad experience at the doctors and felt so awful , i have to except that ss is not for me . I ordered the GL book you suggested from amazon looks good . I am going to give it a whirl it would be good to get rid of cravings !
So right with ya hun lotsa love Ju xxxxxxx
Good luck with sw hope there are lots of nice people to get to know !
Hiya Roch

Lovely to see you posting again & sounding so positive - well done.

Take care & keep posting & let us know how you get on.

All the best
sorry to hear about your health issues but now is time to concentrate on the future & not dwell on the past.
good for you Roch on the attitude you are taking,ok so SS isn't the way for you at the mo, but as others have said GI is a really ggod plan to follow.
i plan to do GI for maintainance when i get there & in preparation my sis bought me 2 books for xmas, "GL Diet for Dummies" & GL Cookbook" . they were bought from Amazon as a package. It is really simply explained & has good recipies in them, as well as how to handle different situations like eating out etc. I think it was about £12 for the 2 books.
good luck & take it a bit at a time

Hi Pandora,ty for the info on the books, have bought a couple of books already one is The Holford Low Gl diet made easy and the other is Rick Gallop the Gi diet, so far so good and i am finding them easy to understand, the holford diet book is actually a GL diet meant for losing weight not just normal every day living so it helps me with portion size and i am going to incorporate it with slimming world.
How r u doing and how has your week been, take care and chat soon xx
Hiya Roch,
Nice to see you posting and so positivel too . I wish i lived closer it would be great to get together but i am definitely on for our shopping trip !
Thanks for your post on the pcos thread that was kind of what i put in my PM yesterday . I had a really bad experience at the doctors and felt so awful , i have to except that ss is not for me . I ordered the GL book you suggested from amazon looks good . I am going to give it a whirl it would be good to get rid of cravings !
So right with ya hun lotsa love Ju xxxxxxx
Good luck with sw hope there are lots of nice people to get to know !

Hi Julie, hun i know its hard to accept that Ssing is not necessarily the right way for us but def low Gl is such a good diet.
I have been following the diet for 5 days now and i am actually sleeping better for the first time in years and i have been taking nytol over the counter sleeping meds for 5 years and now i come off the day one on the low gl diet and of course on the first night i did not sleep well but by day 2 i slept ok but just woke up a couole of times and now i am sleeping 7/8 hrs without waking up once and not falling asleep on the sofa during the day, so u will def get the benfefits after the first few days.
I am def looking forward to us going out shopping we will have a wicked day out.
Hun the cream i got from the Specialist is called Vaniqa and u can get it from your gp or if they wont prescribe it u can get it online here is some info on it.

VANIQA : The first and only prescription cream clinically proven to reduce the growth of unwanted facial hair in women.

Take care and chat soon xxx
Hiya Roch

Lovely to see you posting again & sounding so positive - well done.

Take care & keep posting & let us know how you get on.

All the best

Hi Madam D, thanks hun, i am feeling more positive and happier and focusing on the posiitve and not the negative and trying to get back in the swing of posting alot like i used to and offering back some of the support that everyone has shown me.
How r u doing hun, how has your week been.
Take care and chat soon xxx

I finally feel like things are slowly changing for me i can def see a light at the end of the tunnel and have got my head round the idea that Ssing is not right for me at this time in my life,but thats not the only way to lose weight !!

There are so many changes i want to make in my life and i have written them down and intend to accomplish them one by one.

I am already noticing the changes from eating a low Gl diet,one massive change is that for over 5 years i have been taking over the counter sleeping meds and when i have tried to come off them i have no luck at all, i decided to come off the cold turkey on Monday,did not get much sleep on Monday, woke up a couple of times on Tuesday but last night i slept all the way through from 12 till 7, that is the first time i have done that in about 20 years so that is a major thing for me.

I am re joining Sw tonight and looking forward to that, i now the Sw diet is not the diet for me but incorpirated with low gl is the def the way forwards for me.

Anyway off to buy a big plant for my lounge, got a new black leather and chrome suite today its very contempoary and looks wicked in my lounge, had to get a new sofa because of me weighing so much and sitting on one place for so much time each day i practically knackered my sofa and i have only had it for 22 months from Dfs my side where i sit was sagging and i heard noises when i got up it was a beautiful sofa it was ice white and a very centempoary corner suite but i gave it to my best friend as she needed a new suite and she is only 8 stone so if she sits in my seat it wont go down any more and its such a beuatiful sofa did not want it to be thrown away.

Anyway am off now to Ikea to get this plant, so will log on later after my Sw meeting.
Catch u all later have a good day xx

Hey honey.

Firstly, I want to give u a massive hug and thankyou for coming back to the thread! :) I love what u said;
"and have got my head round the idea that Ssing is not right for me at this time in my life,but thats not the only way to lose weight !!"
I too need to come to terms with this, as beating myself up daily thinking I'm a failure because I'm hungry is most definately not healthy lol!
Also, I really believe that u're such a strong lady that u will get there. I tihnk the SW and GL combined is a brilliant idea - u'll get to meet people and staying to classes will definately motivate u hun. Let us know how it goes tonight!

Big hugs and loadsa love,
chelle xx
Hiya Roch,
Thinking of you , at your meeting now i s'pose hope it all goes well so pleased for you, off the nytol thats a very positive change already i am really glad that your getting on with the gl plan .
I am poodling along trying not to think with my diet head its nearly impossible didn't realise i was so obsessed with food and dieting cant be healthy can it !
How do you find the choices on the gl plan i get so confused as to what you can and cant have but my book should be here soon .

Catch ya later love julie xxx