how do you lose 2 thirds of your self?

gosh that was a busy week !!!! since monday i have worked 60 hrs !!!! tired doesn't even begin to cover it:4635:

the problem with that no of hours is that i eat badly and don't drink enough. I defintly don't lose weight !!!!!!!!!

i have tomorrow off and am planning to write a meal plan and do the shopping for the rest of the week not planning properly is always my best route to failure

i have tomorrow off so am planning to do absolutely nothing except catch up with you all on here xxxx
Blimming heck youll be ready for that day off enjoy it xx

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I have read through your thread this evening and I have to say you are a true inspiration to me. I think you're doing fantastically well. Well done for keeping going on the journey even with a few wee detours along the way.

I think sometimes it's having the bad days with eating that make you relish the good so much more. Just know that you are doing really well!

I will keep following your journey and again, thank you for being an inspiration!
Hello lovely Mandy, hope you got that well earned rest yesterday....have missed reading your diary and must catch up soon...but never seem to get enough hours in a day lol
Who knows maybe one day...hope you have a lovely Tuesday hunni :hug99:xxx
I have done a really stupid thing guys :cry: and could really use some help and inspiration right now.

Apart from the odd day of refocusing I have been in a month long binge eating cycle, for the first time ever i have even attempted purging:eek: In fact it is that , that has bought be to my senses.

I could blame so many things empty nest syndrome as youngest is about to depart and oldest has gone to live in germany big changes at work (again) as once more they are reconfigureing our services. my gym went into recievership a fortnight ago which completly disrupted the routine i had set up, but it does just come down to the fact that i am an absolute idiot.
Same old story i over eat and then feel bad about myself so do it again then feel even worse so do it again.

to top it all i stupidly stopped taking my meds, i really should have known better but obviously i am an idiot and thats putting it mildly.

Now i need to break the cycle, i am drifting into old habits, making excuses to not go out and avoiding situations that i think will challange me. I have reread the first few pages of my diary and i don't want to go back there but reading some of the cognitive therepy stuff has got me thinking

not plucked up the courage to weigh my self yet, but sure i am almost back to square one :cry: I am such a fool

sorry for the depressing post but i needed to confess really and am hoping that by doing so it will help me, seeing it in writing makes it seem so pathetic xxx
Didn't want to read and run so :bighug: x

I don't have any constructive advice but I have 2 comments. 1. You are not an idiot!!! Please don't think you are. 2. You have done a great thing coming on here and admitting to what's going on. Not to all of us but to yourself too.

I hope you can get the help you need x

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Mandy hun :bighug:

You are not an idiot. As you yourself say you've had a lot going on recently and all of it unsettling. I find that anything which upsets my routine can set me off on making bad choices foodwise. You have seen that purging is deffo not the way to go and with your job you'll know what damage you can do to yourself with such methods if done regularly or for a long time. You have had the sense to stop and reassess where you are at rather then keep doing it.

You should go back on your meds but if they are ones you had to build up slowly initially it would be worth speaking to your doc as to how to get back on them safely.

Try to look on your kids leaving home as a job well done rather than empty nest. Part of your job as a parent is to prepare your kids to fledge and you have done an excellent job of that cos your successful well rounded kids have gone to fulfil the next part of their life stories. It is completely understandable that as both are leaving at the same time it will be having a greater impact on you than if they went at separate times. But you are easily strong enough to cope with this and you will find something other than food to fill the void. Do you have hobbies you could focus on to take your mind off things till you are more ready to deal with it.

Is there a another gym you can join or do you, like me have countless bits of gym equipment you could dig out and dust off and use at home. You may even have more room to leave them set up.

Finally well done for having the courage to post this in the first place. If you want to talk more indepth just give me a shout and I'll send my details for a more in depth chat. By whatever medium you are comfortable with. Phone email PM you choose. :D

And rememebr hun we are all here to help if we can. :bighug:
:bighug: anything we can do to help we will

You are not an idiot even in the slightest, this post shows a lot of bravery and courage (which I'm pretty sure it took) to come on here and admit how things have been going, and maybe it's made it sink in just that little bit more.

Mandy, you are one of the lovely ladies who inspire me to keep plodding away, to keep going at it and that's because you don't give up, even if you fall, you get back up again and that's what matters that you keep trying :bighug:
If you were an idiot you wouldn't be trying to sort it out, admitting to yourself that you've fallen off the wagon and try to get back on again!

If you were a skinny mini and had a crappy few weeks and ate what you wanted and gained some weight it'd be no big deal. Us who have a bit of weight to shift have so much guilt and give ourselves far to much of a hard time that it makes it worse for us.

You have been brave to admit to yourself you need to pull your socks up and now you have I don't doubt for even one second that you will.