how do you lose 2 thirds of your self?

You've got it sussed now missus ;)

Well done chick x
funny old day today, had another of those stupid meetings at work this one far more stressful than the first. For a profession that is supposed to care we are very hard on each other !:confused:
Interestingly i didn't go to total pieces i actually got cross,:mad: not an emotion i have been able to summon up lately. The discussion centered round my ability to cope with returning to work and i bascically told them i would be back when i had had the time to sort my self out and that as i had an unblemished record i deserved that oppurtunity !!!!
Don't think my job is in threat but i pointed out that i would fight for it .
Think i shocked my boss :D

maybe they won't like the new me :eek::D:eek:

Small NSV today, it is really warm and i was looking for something cool and comfortable to wear to my meeting and the top i settled on was a 28 not my usual 30/32 :happy036:

Decided to have flexi syn day today increased my limit to 20, the logic behind this is to prevent the onset of bingeing, while i am so stressed out, only making it one day and haven't set the syns too high to make it irretrievable.

B 2 sausage (real thin pork sausage, 6 syns) bacon egg beans and mushrooms. 1 thick slice white toast (5 syns)

L chicken salad with syn free dressing 4 small boiled salad potatoes. fresh fruit salad

T 3 slices ww brown danish PB (4.5 syns)

S grapes

total syns 15.5 !!!! didn't need to go to the 20 :D
Hello sweetie sorry not been about as much :bighug: I am proud of you sweetie. going to counselling, its like taking all the layers off :bighug: you are doing brilliantly and i am so proud of you for sticking up for yourself at work. Way to go girl! You will come out the other side a much stronger person, you already are starting to. I think alot of us hide behind our weight, you're not alone :bighug: xxxxxx
funny old day today, had another of those stupid meetings at work this one far more stressful than the first. For a profession that is supposed to care we are very hard on each other !:confused:
Interestingly i didn't go to total pieces i actually got cross,:mad: not an emotion i have been able to summon up lately. The discussion centered round my ability to cope with returning to work and i bascically told them i would be back when i had had the time to sort my self out and that as i had an unblemished record i deserved that oppurtunity !!!!
Don't think my job is in threat but i pointed out that i would fight for it .
Think i shocked my boss :D

maybe they won't like the new me :eek::D:eek:

Small NSV today, it is really warm and i was looking for something cool and comfortable to wear to my meeting and the top i settled on was a 28 not my usual 30/32 :happy036:

Decided to have flexi syn day today increased my limit to 20, the logic behind this is to prevent the onset of bingeing, while i am so stressed out, only making it one day and haven't set the syns too high to make it irretrievable.

B 2 sausage (real thin pork sausage, 6 syns) bacon egg beans and mushrooms. 1 thick slice white toast (5 syns)

L chicken salad with syn free dressing 4 small boiled salad potatoes. fresh fruit salad

T 3 slices ww brown danish PB (4.5 syns)

S grapes

total syns 15.5 !!!! didn't need to go to the 20 :D

Yeah! Kick their a$$es if they try and mess you about :D You should try some boxercise - works out aggression you didn't know was there lol

The NSV is fab - it's nice to be able to see your body shrinking by clothes labels aswell as lbs :)

It's weird but I like seeing things like PB on your menus now - do you feel better for having more daily syns on average?

Breakfast looks scrummy (everything does actually!), wish I could have the same tomo'ow but no sausages in and I'll still have to eat scanbran:cry:One more flipping day :8855:
Just wanted to say congrats on your loss so far - it's really inspiring!
Also great that you spoke up for yourself at your meeting - I know how hard that is to do so I think you were very brave :)

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I am going out for the afternoon :eek::eek::eek:
hubby has decided i need to and has planned a trip.
The plan is to go to blackpool have a walk and see the illuminations something we have not done for years:rolleyes:

initially i said no, all those people, but i have taken a deep breath will take the anti anxiety meds and i am going to go :D

Now just need to avoid the candyfloss donuts and general seaside c***:8855:

Hope you are all enjoying the sun
will post my food diary later.
Not really having the best of weeks have had really high syns but have not exceeded them so time will tell or at least the scales will next week :D:eek:
Just wanted to say congrats on your loss so far - it's really inspiring!
Also great that you spoke up for yourself at your meeting - I know how hard that is to do so I think you were very brave :)

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thank you, inspiring is not a word i use to describe myself:eek:
fruit loop is more me according to my sister :8855:
Glad you popped in xx
I am going out for the afternoon :eek::eek::eek:
hubby has decided i need to and has planned a trip.
The plan is to go to blackpool have a walk and see the illuminations something we have not done for years:rolleyes:

initially i said no, all those people, but i have taken a deep breath will take the anti anxiety meds and i am going to go :D

Now just need to avoid the candyfloss donuts and general seaside c***:8855:

Hope you are all enjoying the sun
will post my food diary later.
Not really having the best of weeks have had really high syns but have not exceeded them so time will tell or at least the scales will next week :D:eek:

You can do this :D I am so proud of you sweetie. Go and enjoy yourself. Everytime you feel anxious stop take a deep breath through nose and out through mouth while pinching your thumbs and middle fingers together on each hand. Do this a few times and it will calm you again.... Let us know how you get on and have fun!!! :D xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I hope you have a lovely time in Blackpool :)

The counseling sessions sound really good. I could see myself in some of your descriptions. I definitely use food to hide behind and I push people away too. I hope you don't mind but I'll be following your sessions closely and might try some of the ideas to boost my confidence.

Tilly that is fine, one of the things i have discovered is i am not alone in the way i feel and we should be able to help each other.
My couseller recommended a book called feel the fear but do it anyway so i am just awaiting for it to arrive.
there is also a website called
that has loads of self help stuff on covering loads of things including confidence.
I am beating this! i will become who i really am xx
Hey hun, hope you have/had a lovely time in Blackpool. Great to see you going out and about, I still struggle occasionally with actually going out the door, but do push myself anyway, I have come to realise that it's something that I personally will have to deal with on a day to day basis, but you're so right, there are loads of lovely people ready to lend a helping hand or an ear just to listen.
Will definitely be looking at those books that you and Jackie mentioned, certainly can't do any harm reading them. Will be looking at that site too...Whoever you are and whoever you become I am certain you'll still be the wonderful awesome Mandy we have all come to know and love :hug99: xxxx
I've not been to Blackpool for years, it's a pain getting there for the lights too since I don't drive :sigh:

Hope you had a nice time without too much anxiety :)

I'm going to get a book out of the library this week for anxiety/depression from the 'for dummies' series (reserved it). It sounds apt atm lol I think it's a CTB-themed one anywho, I need to have a look at the website you mentioned aswell :)
Blackpool was soooooooooo crowded, didn't get out of the car there but did at cleavlys (or whatever it is called):confused:

Took 4 hours to do the lights there were so many cars.
blackpool has become the stag and hen mecca of the north west and they were out in force. think hubby admired more legs than the lights :eek::D
but no sweet sickly rubbish eaten used more syns than should off but counted everything so am averaging 14.5 syns a day, plan to reduce that over the next 3 days to minimise the damage.
so technically not off plan but not exactly 100% either ( althougth have been today :D)

Food Diary for today:

B/L syn free sausage, bacon, egg, mushrooms and beans 2 slices of wholemeal toast 400g loaf.(hexb)

T roast beef, yorkshire pudding (2 syns ) carrot swede and turnip mash,sweet potatoes,Cabbage and gravy (2 syns )

S muller yog, banana, alpen light bar (3 syns)

Total syns for the day 7

Planning on making a parsnip and apple soup tomorrow, have a loose recipe in my head based on a delia smith one.
quite excited and looking forward to it :D
how sad am I :8855:
I'll be sad with you, the soup sounds gorgeous lol If it works out please share your recipe as I've got some parsnips to use up :)

Blackpool sounds as bad as I would imagine it to be nowadays lol Sound as though you coped quite well so good on you ;)
Hey hun, glad Blackpool was ok, not been there since I was 17, didn't really care for it, but I think that was more to do with me and my life at that time than the place.
I always wonder why you don't like using the syns, I have always eaten about 12 or more syns a day, the body needs the fat as much as everything else to work properly.
100% is when you come in within your syns allowance and don't have really naughty stuff, not when you use the syns for everyday foods.
This question and answer comes from the Slimming World site:

Q: Is it OK to snack?

A: Absolutely! To stick to Food Optimising 100%, it’s worth keeping a stock of Superfree and Free Foods handy to snack on – it certainly makes the vending machine less appealing if you have your favourite Free Foods to hand! But if you like to snack on food that isn’t Free, keep track of your Healthy Extras and Syns .
I think the same thing about syns and always use close to the full 105 a week. But from seeing how some message threads can go on the main board it can be a bit of a controversial issue and the pro-low-syn folk will shoot you down if you sound too enthusiastic or encourage others about sticking around the high-end of the syns allowance :rolleyes:

I suppose the safest thing to suggest is to experiment with them and see what works best for you personally :)
I'll be sad with you, the soup sounds gorgeous lol If it works out please share your recipe as I've got some parsnips to use up :)

Blackpool sounds as bad as I would imagine it to be nowadays lol Sound as though you coped quite well so good on you ;)

The soup worked out ok, my sister suggested it, i googled it and found a delia smith recipe which i read and then just made it work with what i had in and like :D When i make soup i just bung it all in a pan with stock and bring to the boil simmer until ingredients are soft and then liquidise.

i just used
3 parsnips chopped
1 onion
1 medium apple
2 veg stock cubes
salt and pepper to taste
chilli flakes to taste.

I enjoyed it hubby is not so sure
i tend to add more stock if i need to cos i dont like it too thick
food diary for today
100% all day:D

B 2 boiled eggs, 2 slices wholemeal nimble (hexB)

L parsnip and apple soup 4 crispbreads (4 syns) 2 clementines, dessert yog (1syn)

T gammon, sw chips stirfry veg(mushrooms, onions, carrot, peppers and beansprouts) fresh fruit salad ( grapes, strawberries and banana) topped with 0% greek yog with honey (2syns)

syns for the day 7
syns for the week 66/105

Bit down today and have had to employ the HALT technique several times to prevent me overeating:sigh: have suceeded thougth. had a drink every time i went mooching and distracted myself:)

Don't think i have got over thurs meeting, dwelling on it a bit which is silly cos it really wasn't a problem, its me thats made it one in my head:confused:
Oh well Rome wasn't built in a day and my book arrived today, so i will be reading that for the next few days so hopefully it will help.
Going to costco tomorrow, without taking any meds :eek: Going to do this !!!