JanD into the third year of maintenance :-D

Sounds like you've had a very busy few days Jan, but enjoyable, that's the main thing. Glad you've had a good time. Food seems really good too, keep up the good work!
Thanks Bev I did enjoy it :)

Very happy to report being back under the 10st as well! Got weighed this morning (day early but will be weighing monday next week before taking my mum away) and I'd lost 1.8lbs making me 9st 13.4lbs :D

Got up v v v late - didn't have anything to eat coz we were going out for lunch. We shared 2 paninis, a bacon & brie and a tuna melt. Too much really :eek: but they were nice - especially the tuna melt YUM!

Going to zumba later and having turkey breast steak & salad for tea xx
wow 930 miles!!!! :eek: How big's your notebook Jan?!!!

Well done on the loss, thats fab :D xx

It's not big but it's heavy :( ... now you weren't thinking


now were you!! ;) xx
Haha yes I thought you meant a paper notebook now I understand!! LOL xx
What are you like? :giggle: ... Easy mistake to make though. I wish it HAD been a paper one - she's posted it now and it cost £13.45 :( :(

Being a naughty girl tonight and breaking my 'not drinking on a monday' rule :eek:

It's because I got weighed this morning so I'm not thinking about weighing tomorrow :eek: Need to be careful though coz I'm up early and have the little one's to look after. xx
wow £13.45!! how did you manage to forget it?!! :giggle:

Enjoy your drinkies ;) x
I had it out in their living room the night before and didn't go back in there before I left! I wouldn't mind but I couldn't get on their wifi anyway so it was a waste of time having it out at all!

Real pain! I realised when I'd got about an hour into the journey home and thought about going back but adding 2 hours and all that petrol to the journey would have been even worse.

That'll larn me!! ;) xx
Bummer on the cost of postage but it couldn't be helped. Well done on weight for the week. I bet you feel the better for it too. Enjoy your few drinks tonight.
:doh: lol x
Glad u had a lovely week, well done on the loss after all that wine! x x
Tuesday 19th July

Breakie - Choc mousse

Lunch - Slimfast bar

Tea - not sure yet

Looking after the little ones today - worn out already and it's only 10.50am! Off to Sainsbury's in a mo, then my mother's & then toddler group. I've tidied up, made the beds, unloaded & loaded the dishwasher, taken one load of clothes out of the dryer and have another load in the washing machine and got the boys washed & dressed.... I'm knackered ;) lol!! xx
Wow you did put in the miles girl, but seems like you had a good trip away.

LOL Tanya, I too thought it was a paper note pad, hahaa, great minds think alike.

Well done on the loss Jan, especially after your break, thats fantastic, you have done really well. You must be super duper pleased.
Just reading your day today has made me yawn!!! :giggle:
It's me age Tan .... can't sustain the activity like when mine were that age! ;)

Had roast beef & stir fry for tea & V&Cs are being imbibed xx

OH! And had 2 biccies at toddler group :( x

Edit - Pkt crisps :(
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Mary - just hoping it's not a delayed reaction!! xx
Sounds like you had such a busy but fruitful day Jan. You can chill for the night.
Well done on the loss this week Jan.

I too thought you were talking about a paper note pad (durrr!).
Wednesday 20th July

Breakie - vanilla shake

Lunch - Tesco bar

Tea - Bolognese with 1 pc tesco light choices garlic bread (everyone else had pasta too) 2 strawberries.

wine + probably more strawbs later. xx
I've had a nice day with the bigger boys. Picked them up about 10.30. We've been to the Tam O'Shanter urban farm, where we had lunch & played football & tennis. Then we went to Tescos and then down to the beach for an hour where the wind was absolutely freezing but the boys didn't seem to feel it! They played and wrote in the sand. I wish we could have some nicer weather for them though :(

They played on the Wii before tea and since then they've been building a marble run with grandad :D

Knackered again though :eek: ;) xx