JanD into the third year of maintenance :-D

Sounds like another lovely day Jan :)

Did you not have the pasta? I much prefer just a bowl of the actual bolognaise too :giggle: x
No - on the whole I'm still trying to stay low carb, not always succeeding at the moment but trying .... I've just said to John I've got 'the eats' .... want something but don't know what. There's some bolognese left over & wouldnt be TOOOO bad as I made it with quorn mince but it's practically another meal ..... hmmmmmmmmm xx
Mmmmmm I'd love a bowl of bolognaise!!!
Don't encourage me! ;) x
If you want it have..............otherwise you may gorge on something worse later xx
Just tucking into a piece of bread with philli light & elf salad cream :eek: ... I don't know what I want, it was just that the left over dinner was there - hoping this will do it! x
I just had 2 crackers.........was starving!! Have downed another half litre of water now I'm going to bed before I do something stupid x
Has it done the trick?
Could it be alcohol munchies?! ;) x
Dunno bout alcohol munchies ... if so why just last night? The piece of bread etc DIDN'T do it :( .. ended up having the rest of the bolognese AND 2 custard creams :(

Thought RIGHT! Back to it today ... but I forgot to take a bar out with me. I was at Mum's as she needed a perm before we go away (jack of all trades me ;)) so ended up having a slice of ham, 3 Carr's Melts crackers one dry, one with cheese and one with pate, 3 cherry toms and a banana. Later on I had a skinny cow chocolate brownie ice creamy thing (93 cals)

Tea has been slow cooked turkey stew with boiled sweet potato. Trouble is I gave the kids theirs before taking them home to their new house, neither of them finished (too excited I think) so guess who became the human dust bin again?! :eek:
Then, when I got back I had my own and the portion was too large!

I don't know whether it's something to do with stews .. I know that sounds mad, but I'm fine with a bit of protein and veg or salad. I've avoided stews and things but couldn't tell you why. Maybe I subconsciously knew they'd be a problem but I have no idea why ... anyone got any ideas??

Taking a bar to work - really need to be super good now. I KNOW I'll be having full englishes all next week so would love to have a bit of leeway :D xx
Maybe its cuz you associate them with being a big pot of 'health' thats why you had a large portion? Or are you wondering why you are avoiding them? That could be the reason, you know you'll have a larger portion?

Oh does that even make sense?! Lol x
LOL! Eeeeeeeeerm ... sort of ;)

Maybe it's because you (or at least I) can't make the EXACT amount needed. With fish or chicken or something there are limits to the amount, a fish fillet, a chicken breast, a tin of tuna etc etc but with stews there's just loads and unless there's about 8 people for a meal or I box them up for the freezer I just keep picking at it till it's all gone. And actually that doesn't work because I pick at them while they're cooling ready for the freezer.

I'm just weird :eek: xx
:( .......... :p xx
POO! Just remembered I also had a little crust off a small seeded wholemeal with clover on and 1 Heinz cheese ravioli - well I have to give the boys exactly the same and there were 23 in the tin .... odd one went down my neck! .... No excuses for the bread though :eek: xx
:giggle: giving the boys the same - do they count it all?! lol x
It has been known! ;) xx
It has been known! ;) xx

Exactly like my eldest Son and youngest Step Daughter when they were kids.......meatballs HAD to be equally shared, even CHIPS :rolleyes:

Stew is just one of those things Jan, you have to have a bowlfull :D
Lots of temptation around makes it hard to resist. Just allow it as your 20%. No point in beating yourself up over it.
Friday 22nd July

The crust off the other end of the tiny seeded loaf with clover on at Mum's :eek:

Breakie - Vanilla mousse


Picked at a few bits of chicken when putting tea out for my son & his boys at their's.
(He's done really well at getting things straight in the new house in just 24 hours - still loads to do obviously but the fact he's still not sleeping gave him more time :()

Tea - Tin of tuna with salad & balsamic


Work - BL fruit & nut breakfast bar. xx