Aww Jan, I can hear your frustration, I know how you are feeling as I was feeling exactly like that before I came back onto LT. Just wanted it because it was there, not because I even fancied it, it was just staring at me saying 'EAT ME' in a very loud voice. Thankfully the strictness of LT has put me back to 'a nice place'.
What about your routine - could you possibly change that, and pop into Mums a little later, rather than straight from a nightshift? I find after nights, I just go straight to bed, as I am cold, tired, and a bit hungry, but if I stayed up, I know I would eat too.
I remember reading a book a few years ago too, I cant remember who it was, but I think it was that McKenna bloke, called something like 'think yourself thin'.....something similar to that, and I found it very interesting. I think this was the one
Might be worth having a wee look at it.
Ah Jan!!!!!!! Im back! :giggle:
HOORAY!!!!! Hope you had a BALL!!!!!!!
I can totally understand falling off the wagon and eating the horse! Its so hard to stop when all you really want to do is just eat whatever the hell you like!
You can pull it back i know you can!
5 weeks till your jollys, theres a motivation xxx
hi Jan, I dont know why we have day's like this, but I think we are bound to now and again. Five weeks, you will do it, go girl.
Started at Mum's ...... **sigh** 5 chocolates, 4 biscuits and a toasted hot cross bun with clover.
'because I want it, I feel like it, I'm having it .... well I don't really WANT to have it, I know I'll feel awful when I've had it but I'm going to have it anyway so why bother fighting it' ...... you know the kind of thing.
I was going to advise you to take your healthy breakfast, eg 2 weetabix with you at your Mums when you finish work, and vow to yourself, just eat the breakfast, and nothing else, but excellent advice from KD as usual, and I think her suggestion of NO eating at your Mums for the time being could be the better alternative.
At least try it for a week or so Jan, and then everything becomes a habit, so hopefully that could be a habit too.
Hope you get this cracked Jan, you know you can do it, you just need to get that mojo back hun. xxx
I need to adopt this attitude now don't I?
well I won't stop trying!!
You do. Just for now. There is plenty of time in maintenance to work on things...try different things. Sometimes when it all gets too much, and it feels like it's going wrong, it's best to just reset the button.
No 'trying'. If you try you will fight. No willpower. None needed. You just dont do it. You don't fight it. You just don't do it.
The foods that seem to set you off tend to be the processed ones that react with the reward signals in your brain. It's much more complicated than that mind you, but there is a physiological reason why it's hard to stop once you start. It's not just you possibly being in the 'wrong' mindset.
Obviously you want to include these things eventually...or even shortly, but it can get too much when we allow ourselves so much freedom of choice and hope to work on them all at the same time.
If you can go for 'real' foods for the moment, you'll find it a lot easier...but do plan it out. Give yourself some structure...some rules. A bit like a TFR but without the shakes