Jenny's moved on :)

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Sorry to hear about the job Jen but sounds like you had a really nice time with BB - much more important IMO!

Hope you've had a good day :)
Aw thanks people :) You're all so nice and supportive, I dont know what I would do without you all.

Today has been a funny old day, and I get the feeling it isn't quite finished yet.. I have succumbed to pizza, but I shared it with dad and I didn't really enjoy it as much as the thought of it, so it's re-affirmed my healthy eating outlook. Hurrah!

I'm not really following a plan today.
I have eaten:
Beans, scrambled eggs and salmon on toast, then honey nut shredded wheat with semi skimmed milk, a banana, an apple, a tuna salad with tomatoes, cucumber, lettuce, carrot, pepper and red onion, a WW fromage frais, a curly wurly and half a meat feast pizza.

So in theory, if I'd not had the pizza, and had I dunno, pasta and homemade red sauce instead... that would have been better. But I wanted the pizza and now have got that out of my system which is a victory! haha. Like the logic? :p

Going away to make some pasta for lunch tomorrow now, see yas all later x
Perfect logic! Well done on sharing it with yr dad - far better than eating it all yourself thats for sure. Now its all out of your system in readiness for a 100% day tomorrow. Enjoy that pasta lunch xxx
Fanks! :D

We've decided on dates for the London trip, and started looking at stuff to do, and places to go...
And decided on a proper steak restaurant....
And I made the mistake of looking at the website, and drooling on the keyboard... OMG. I have til July to lose half my body weight so I can comfortably fit back in my size 22s by the time I finish at that restaurant, because I want to eat and drink EVERYTHING except the champers....

Best thing is? It was his choice. So he's paying for that meal :p I'm paying for Burger King the next day :p haha :D x
I swear one of these days that woman is going to end up 6 feet under and I will NOT admit what happened.
She has to dig, every damn day. She can't just let it lie.

"Have you spoken to that company yet for feedback?"
"Well are you going to?"
"Why not, you'll never get anywhere in a career if you don't find out why you are failing to get interviews"
At this point I want to shout just f*** off and leave me alone.
I don't.

The reason I am not getting interviews, is because I'm aiming for a new career path, and I don't get the same chance as I don't have the right experience. I understand that. I accept that. It's not a case of "Jenny is looking for work and will take anything that pays over x amount" anymore, I'm actually looking for a proper job now, one that I intend to stay in for some time. Til I have babies or emigrate, or something. This role was pretty much my dream job, it was ideal, it was exactly what I wanted when I left uni, and I didn't get it Mother, thanks for reminding me. It took me a good few hours moping, but I'm done, I'm over it, and I'm happy to do what I'm doing for now. Full stop.
Why the hell do you have to bring it up all over again??

Oh well, it made a nice change from her telling me that Biker's no good for me, and that I should speak to the ex because "he was a nice boy"... Maybe he was, once, but not the side that I saw towards the end of the relationship after he virtually conned me out of every penny I had! At least Biker's got his own money and doesn't need mine to bail him out every week. Fair enough he upset me when he was in Brazil, he always upsets me when he's away, but I put that down to me missing him and feeling left out. I get jealous, I know that, I would so love to travel like he does. I know it is work, but still. Work and seeing some of the world is more appealing to me than work and seeing the same traffic jam every day! I might do a TEFL course though, and push the fella into looking at work overseas... haha

Moving on - Food today:

Brekkie - Beans on toast
Lunch - Pasta, quorn sausages, Jenny's generic red pasta sauce
Tea - I keep changing my mind.... maybe curry, or maybe potatoes. Or maybe fish fingers.
Snacks - yogurt, banana and yep you guessed it - an apple!

Might have to have a curly wurly too....
Arrgghhh Mothers
can be a right pain in the butt and unfortunately your stuck with them :8855:
It doesn't matter what you do, you'll still be wrong its mother logic
My first ex husband became " that lieing, cheating toerag you lumbered us with ":8855: umm excuse me I didn't tell you to buy a house with him
And poor Brucie is resigned to the fact he's that wierdo, your married too....

Also years ago getting feedback from an interview was more or less the norm but now days that is just not the way its done and you would be classed as pushy and desperate to do so.
Yay, I'm going to turn into her, great!!! :p

Thanks on the job front, people. I am pleased to report that given all the uncertainty in the company, the HR manager, lovingly referred to as the Redundancy Angel of Death, was in our office today, and I still have a job. One good thing to come out of today!

Looks like I'll be saying :wave_cry: again soon... came home to an email from Biker to say he's maybe off working abroad again this weekend, so that could be him gone for 2-3 weeks this time. They don't even let me have my fella back a week before they take him away again. Bahstards.

Oh, and another email to say best to cancel the London weekend, it coincides with the world cup final and we probably dont want to be in London for that. I knew something would come up, I was so trying not to get my hopes up, but now here I am crying like a damn baby. Oh well, the more I have to blow my nose, the more chance I have of a genuine loss tomorrow at WI :p

What is it Bridget says? The moment one part of your life starts to go well, another comes crashing down??? Well, that would be a bit melodramatic, but it kinda feels a bit up and down at the moment.

My parents have spent the last 20 minutes having a serious debate about whether to empty the bin or not. We live in the countryside, on a farm, so we get the odd mouse in the house, and have a trap in the cupboard. It gets checked daily anyway, but usually one of the dogs senses something's there and lets us know. You know what dogs are like. Anyway, there was a funny smell in the kitchen. Mum and dad have been poking about, sniffing various corners, cupboards, "do you think it's a mouse?" "It can't be, there's nothing in the trap" "are you sure it's not a dead mouse somewhere?"... and have come to the conclusion that yes, they will empty the bin, despite it being a waste of a black sack, as it was only changed this morning.
I CONFESS. I was not thinking and put some chicken in the bin this morning, which subsequently has made a bit of a pong... Am I telling them? Hell no. :cool:

I came home, and did an hour on Just Dance. It cheered me up :)
So today, the eagle-eyed amongst you may have noticed that I have changed my exercise ticker several times. If not, don't worry. For some reason, it only shows up half the time anyway :rolleyes:
New challenges... The first was to cycle 546 miles by the time we go to London. However, since London is now looking shakey with no definite date, this has changed to 12x20 minute chunks of exercise by the end of May.
I did 3 tonight. So it should be easy peasy. :)

I clearly have no control on food, tea tonight was a monster bowl of honey shredded wheat, so I'd better get addicted to exercise instead...
I love that.
I confess...*said through gritted teeth*
thats just the kind of thing i do, blatently deny it. deny deny deny!

Sorry about BB going off again and the job and the mouse!

We had a mouse in our house about a year ago, i was on my own, saw it out the corner of my eye. I just screamed and jumped on the sofa, where i stayed for over an hour till someone came home....crying the entire time. I was scared it was going to go in my room and i would have to live stood on the sofa for the rest of my life ha!
Haha, I used to be much the same with mice... til I moved here, and I see them all the time, I'm used to it now. Just like spiders too. It's fun watching Reiver [the dog] stalking spiders. She lays on her belly and drags herself along the floor after them...

Talking of spiders... my boyfriend is scared of them. Much to my amusement...
Aw can't beleive they are taking him away from you again, poo!! I only see my OH about one weekend a month at the mo so I know how you feel hun, the joys of long distance.

Well done on all the exercise too!

Must be
Bah-bahhhhhhh... nuffink more, nuffink less, love is the beessssttttt

Slightly ashamed to admit to having that on in my car earlier, I believe it was followed by The Darkness - I Believe In A Thing Called Love....

*leaves thread...*
NO jen come back!
If you leave i am the only romantico left :D
Me too, Nik, me too... lol
They were still poking at the bin this morning to make sure the smell had gone... haha, and I don't feel bad at all :D

We had an exciting night - turns out we have a Badger set on our land. One of the dogs was going mental in the porch last night barking at something, so I went and sat with her to calm her down, dad was shouting at her to shut up, and I was like "dad, its a badger, she's barking at a badger"... So my folks then went clumping about outside to see this badger... They certainly are funny creatures :)

I keep getting discount offers for Tapas. I don't know anyone who will go out for tapas, it's most annoying. People just say "But I don't like tapas"... How can you not? They do everything?? Eurgh. Maybe I'll just go on my own :D

Update on the BB going away.. he emailed this morning and said "You're being too supportive, you don't want me to go do you".. DAMNIT! If I came right out and said I didn't want him to go, I'd be a crap girlfriend. If I say I want him to go and am excited for him, he doesn't believe me... All this by email/text too. I haven't actually seen him since the weekend... I support his career, I want him to go, I really want a nice spangly pressie from Canada, but the TIMING has annoyed me!! It's all out of his control anyway, if they want him to go, then he's going!

Food today -
Breakfast - Bacon Sandwich
Lunch - Quorn curry
Tea - after WI - scallops and potatoes
snack - Banana and rhubarb crumble, Jenny style. This means a chopped up banana, a rhubarb muller, and a crushed digestive. :D

I really want a whole heap of chocolate, but that would be a bad idea.. !!!!

Not feeling overly optimistic about WI later... but I'll carry on regardless......
Its a bit of a bummer timing wise
poor ole BB just getting back and then whizz off again he's really joining the jet set at this rate
but at least there is the pressie bonus factor :8855:
speaking of Spiddy's I have a couple of tarantula's you could use to scare BB witless
have a great day Jen, hope the weather there is as good as it is here today
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