Is propoints the same as discovery regarding bringing points back? I mean, I know you are supposed to eat all of your daily points or you will get sent to prison or something, but when you "owe" points, you wouldn't be able to bring them back, would you? Or would you, you know, if you did it illegally so to speak
Have a wonderful week Miss Penny. xxx
I think this is a grey area unless you ask a real WW person, like a leader or something... The general consensus is that you use it or lose it on ProPoints, but the way I see it, "normal" people would compensate by having "healthy" food around a night out, so if I want to have 60ish points one day, I can have 20 the next day to balance it out, making the most of the free froot n veg.. That's what your average "normal" person would do, I'm not stuffing myself with 40 points of carbs when I only want a vegilicious stir fry! Cos that is where the cheese sarnies come into the equation... no no NO!
Rant over! haha
I'm doing something radical here - Planning my meals in advance, once and for all... Mainly because I have to actually use what's in the house before I go to Tescos again... Three times in the past 4 days, I have been and "stocked up"... I have tonnes of food, it's ridiculus!
Anyway... The plans:
Monday - Turkey Steak, rice and veg
Tuesday - Beef steak with peppercorn sauce, roasted potatoes & veg
Wednesday - WW Chilli Beef Pizza with spicy potato wedges
Thursday - Chicken & Chorizo risotto
Friday - Lamb steak with spring onion mash
And most of the lunches consist of quorn steaks, sliced up in wraps..
So the theme of the week is
And next week will be
And the week after, will be
I kid... Best not risk the cake thing. Maybe donuts... ;-)
I got some earmuffs to keep me ears warm when I go my walking. Hurrah!!!
I'm stuffed today. Total of 38 points, and got 5 meals and a dessert out of that... I could get used to this! x