I'm here!!!
I had a couple of days off work, so I went and did stuff!!! Shocking I know!
Yesterday, I spent most of the day in the kitchen or speaking to my daddy, and then went to the boys house with the pretence of cooking a special tea... in reality, when he got there after work, dinner
was in the oven, but I was sat, feet up on the sofa in my PJs, scoffing what was left of my christmas chocolate truffles that I had left at his (in quarantine, to stop me scoffing them...) drinking tea and watching Bad Girls on his big telly......

Girl knows how to enjoy herself...
I then cooked a fabulously healthy tea, which was lamb meatballs, rice, salad and a pitta bread, followed by a not-so-healthy chocolate fondant with WW cream on the side... Pic attached for show-off purposes because it was perfectly gooey and wonderful inside... I was so so so proud of it, I went very highpitched and was squeaking "it worked it worked look look lookit it WORKED!!" and have been dubbed Special Fondant Girl now.... haha
He admitted that he knows he's been a bit funny, and said it's work stuff, not me. And proceeded to tell me to make myself at home at his, and he said he was proud of me for sticking to my points even though we had that Burger hiccup at the weekend, that I should keep doing what I was doing
So in reaction to that, I ate the entire contents of my fridge/freezer today, but more about that later...
This morning, I had an interview. I kept it quiet, only Biker knew about it. Going by what happened last time, I didn't want to get my hopes up. But having been for the interview in the world's worst designed trousers ever, I don't think I would take the job if they offered me it. It's not quite what I was expecting from the job spec, and I don't think it would benefit me as much as I had hoped. BUT it did break the ice, so to speak, for interviews, since the last one I had was so disasterous!
The trousers... Were purchased from a retailer who caters for the fat bird, the "outsize woman" they call us.... SO why, WHY I ASK YOU do they zip up at the side? For christ's sake, I am at the smaller end of the size range that they do, and I could barely do them up because I am too fat to reach round far enough to pull up the badly designed zip without dislocating my shoulder!!!! Although I did find that lying on the bed, yanking the material so as to give oneself a wedgie, allowed easier fastening of the trousers!!!!! Boyfriend meanwhile half asleep murmuring "what the hell are you doing?" as I'm doing that shuddering with laughter trying not to laugh because I didn't want to wake him up... You know when you try not to laugh and it makes you laugh even more, then you start snorting in a comical cute-geek fashion.....
ANYWAY! Enough about my trousers (which did look horrendously smart, by the way)!! Needless to say, I was glad I didn't need the loo before my interview, and was glad I took jeans in my bag so I could get changed into day-off clothes in the bogs in Tescos afterwards...!
Then I headed into town, and bought stuff that I really don't need.... red shoe-boots, a bag, topped up my makeup since I have been running low on foundation and mascara for the last month or so, a single-egg frying pan in pink, a cushion, and some screenwash. Man I know how to live...
I actually thought I bought more than that... Strange.
Then, I saw that the carwash on the way home had defrosted enough to be in action, so I treated my car to a good clean, and then came home.
Felt the munchies, so I ate...
Having pointed everything, I am on 52 pp for the day, so 10 weeklies used, and I actually feel uncomfortably full. Just as mother comes in my room and starts quizzing me about her diabetes....
I need to get a grip....!!
So..!! That's my last couple of days! Not sure what's on at the weekend, I need to do laundry, that's about the extent of my efforts though I think. Don't think I am seeing the bloke tomorrow, as we think it might be the weekend he is going wedding suit shopping.... Not that he has checked with his sister...!!!! MEN!!
He did finally look into Morocco flights though, and said at the same time that he really doesn't fancy Morocco...

But said that he is taking me to Edinburgh to see the Pandas when they arrive. SCORE!!!
Happy days... x