Life begins at 40, maintaining with SW for Life -Green days & some EE/Red photos inc

Again another not really SW day as we were using up cupboard and fridge stuff.

B - nectarine 3 plums

L - cucumber carrots cherries apple pear fresh figs corns cakes hex a low fat houmous 4 syns coleslaw 4 syns

S - croissant - syns unknown

D - homemade spring rolls made with rice paper 1 syn per sheet as they are 15 calories each . I think it was a free filling as my husband made them. 1/2 packet lemon rice again syns unknown.

S - hi Fi bar hex b chocolate

Total syns not a clue


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Green Day

B - apple nectarines

L - blue cheese hex a figs tomatoes salad leaves balsamic vinegar. Fresh pineapple pieces 2 corn cakes partial hex b clover lighter 5 syns

S - SW oats biscuits hex b from recipe on here

D - veggie burger 4 syns I think 3 onion rings 6 syns sweet potato fries salad

S - alpen light rest of hex b


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Well I weighed in at home just now and it is shocking I have put everything back on and more so I very much doubt I will weigh tonight as who wants to see a 2 or 3lb gain with nothing to show for it - no holiday no meals out no birthdays just half a homemade pizza and a croissant over the weekend

I am so mad and extremely upset