Lost 4lbs in a year!!!!!!!!

Do enjoy that pizza . It sounds lovely.

The scales, the scales. I did the same thing this morning and they said I'm back up 3.5 lbs!! Much more tempting to jump on now they're in the bathroom but a really bad idea. I actually think it would be better to just weigh in once a month because the emotional swings they cause is not helpful. In fact one of the hardest things about maintaining is that you just don't get the same buzz from a STS.

It's always water because even my most uncontrolled eating only lays down 0.8lbs of fat a week but TOM can add up to 5lbs of water. 2cups of tea = 1lb , 1 pint of water=1lb, 1 cardigan=1lb, moving the scales off the rug=1/2 stone.

Don't let the inaccuracy of our measuring tools get you down. If you are on plan then you are losing.

Needed to read this. I've been fairly ok foodwise - been doing classes like a dervish and scales had me up 1.4lb on 2 weeks ago - really felt I should have had at least a pound off but it must be water weight and last time I weighed I know I wasn't bloated and felt great. Feeling really run down in general, I was going to get some supplements but not quite sure were to start - some are sooooo expensive & there are so many! Wonder if a trip to the doc might be in order but I don't want meds really, perhaps some bloodwork to see if anything obvious is wrong - then I feel like it's not bad enough to go bothering Dr with.
You're flying it mrs. Being obese rather than "morbidly" was a great barrier to get through - not sure I'll ever make "normal" but at least now I'm in the majority category of overweight. ;)
Hi LTM, good to hear from you. Sorry you're feeling run down. I think it's worth checking with the doc and getting some bloods done, it isn't wasting his time, and you might just catch something early.

You are so near goal that your weight is bound to fluctuate up sometimes. If you take me as an example, my BMI is 35 so I use more calories than I would if my BMI was 26 like yours. If my monthly pattern at BMI 35 is lose 2lb, lose 1.5lb, lose 1.5lb, STS by the time I'm BMI 26 it will be more like lose 1lb, lose 0.5lb, lose 0.5lb,gain 1lb because I'll be losing fat more slowly but still retaining water at the same rate. Obviously the numbers are just examples but I think you get my point. Maintainance patterns will be similar say lose 1lb,STS,STS,gain 1lb and you are very close to maintaining so monthly losses SHOULD be small and your diet should be very close to the one you intend to use to maintain.

I've thought about this a lot. Sure you can tell :eek:
I guess your right. I'm not in a hurry now - so I need to find a good sustainable way of eating for me. And I really am veering to a primal style diet & I guess it may take a few weeks for my body to catch up with a new way of eating - as it's prob more calories than I have been eating at times but I think better calories, that set me up for a lowish carb (100g a day ideally), low insulin response diet. With the training this should turn me from a carb munching carb burning maniac to a fat burning freak! I guess I just need to keep the faith and commit to it - not panic at a 1lb gain.
Just treated myself to an E-book cookbook called Well Fed - so going to plan, plan, plan my shopping and eating - starting with a big cook up on Friday night, going to be trying meat muffins and battling my egg phobia with a frittata (then that's 4 days of lunch/breakfast sorted) and a coconut and chicken curry, morrocan meatballs and a baked ham - 4 days of dinners. Then make my own mayo, salad dressing and stir fry sauce. Veg I'll just steam or actifry on the day
Chosen simple stuff as I'd really like the kids to eat the same, although they may want the odd potato or rice as well.
So eat well. Swing hard. Swim for fun. Stay away from the scales. Check stats in 3 weeks. If only I can keep the faith.
That sounds like an excellent plan. If you do get a small gain just tweak the diet slightly by reducing the portion sizes of high cal foods and increasing the portion sizes of low cal foods but sticking to the diet you've chosen. You are no longer a fat girl LTM and really need to change your username to Smaller Than Most and encourage your mind to catch up with your body:)
Well weigh in ...1lb on.

I really don't know why I've put on as have been more active have had no cakes, biscuits, chocolate at all and my eating has been the same as previous weeks. I just have to accept it's water I guess and keep on trying and not stressing. Was this weight on 2nd Feb so am feeling stuck. But yeah will just keep on keeping on - progress must follow. It really must!
Please don't let it get you down. If you've been on plan then you've done really well. Stay on plan. Carry your fat bag around a bit. You could have kept that on plus put on the same again wthout this effort. It is worth it. It is probably just a bit of water and will disappear if you carry on the way you have been this week. You are still over 1/2 stone lighter than when we 'met'.
Thanks bb. I had a little chat with myself and came to the same conclusion besides I'm NOT going on another holiday as an obese person - I really am not.

Also I did have another sneaky stand on the scales - after going to the loo and ..... up half a pound! which is daft so I know it's either my scales or mad fluctuations and not a reflection of my real weight. So oddly felt better for that and am now giving up the scales until next week and just going by my eating.

Have a lovely weekend - any plans today? I'm baking bread and just doing some batch cooking for the week. Aubergine and courgette bake today with mozzarella & little bit of parmesan [HExB & synned] and salad or the ubiquitous green beans.

Visiting Winchester tomorrow - will actually be thankful of my extra padding as it's freeeeeezing out!

Have a good one and thanks for your wise words :)
Spent all day in Dumfries. This dieting malarcky is so much easier at home. I managed to find a bakers that did proper homemade soup but standing in the bakers was agony. Scones, cakes, sausage rolls all calling out to me like sirens!!! Managed to resist but did have some ww crisps, they tasted nice but twice the price for half as much.
Spent all day in Dumfries. This dieting malarcky is so much easier at home. I managed to find a bakers that did proper homemade soup but standing in the bakers was agony. Scones, cakes, sausage rolls all calling out to me like sirens!!! Managed to resist but did have some ww crisps, they tasted nice but twice the price for half as much.
Well done for keeping strong. I had great intentions and bought a bag of coconut flour - 8 euro for 500g - certainly not for every day use but then made scones with the kids to go with the beef casserole for dinner and ended up just having one of those instead .... it was yummy (and cheap ;)) and I think it fits in with my day's calories as I swam for an hour this morning - although not sure how many cals swimming burns now as I'm much stronger and it is much easier & I swim for enjoyment not burst lungs! Wondering about getting a heart rate monitor, but car needs taxing this week so might have a look on flea bay ...
Grrr cannot get my well fed recipe book to print - it pretends it is going to and then says it can't. Not sure if it's a printer memory problem or a problem with my download. I hate looking recipes up on the computer & bought it specifically so could print them all off. pah.
STS yeah!!!!!

Congrats - great stuff!

Funny about the sports bra! Spookily my size too but I don't do anything active enough to wear one ;). I guess they flatten the boobs with the support so you end up with flat boobs and hence belly sticks out - similar to control pants or tights. Still as long as they're rock'ard who cares eh!

I was so cold out and about this weekend and my choices weren't all great tuna cheese melt and home made spinach and cheese bread from a farmers market so need to get back with the plan pronto. Roast chicken dinner today with roaseted veg and peas so pretty good on syns. Well done on resisting temptation at the bakers - you're made of strong stuff ... or girders!
HRM monitors are quite cheap on Amazon too LTM - worth putting a few on your wishlist - sometimes things just drop price quite substantially and it's easier to see if they're in your wish list.. I was going to get one but ended up with a Fitbit instead but as you're much more excercise intensive than me I think it'd be a good investment for you.
It was lovely and sunny here today. Cold but very bright so I went for a 6k walk as todays exercise. I don't always have time to walk far enough so I have decided that I'll just do something every day. Be it a dvd, or wii game, or swim, or walk, not a marathon, just some kind of exercise.

I'm looking for a new car but haven't quite decided what. I think I want something economical and eco friendly, my camper is neither of those, but they all seem so small. I've had some smallish cars before, I've had a clio and a fiesta and prefered the fiesta but there are lots of more eco friendly choices. It should be exciting but it's just a pain in the ****. I want a safe car that runs on air and never breaks down. Is that really too much to ask?
You don't really need a car with your mega power walks! :p How are your steps per day progressing btw? You must have racked some up with 6k in distance.

Unfortunately as a non-driver I've got not a clue about car suitability. We have a Toyota Corolla which seats 5 comfortably although is pretty small to look at from the outside and also quite fuel efficient. I guess maybe go to a showroom and just try a few out to sit in and see what suits? Or maybe online reviews? I'm sure lots of people look for economy and fuel efficiency now. Good luck with the hunt!

So sad in the news about the 19 people that have lost their lives in the balloon crash today. I took this exam same balloon ride 2 years ago when I went to Luxor and have nothing but wonderful memories of it - I can't imagine how scared and helpless those poor people must have felt. Just tragic.

Foodwise today I've had home-made savoury rice with lots of veg in but rather too much of it I think - am feeling quite heavy today. Have no fruit for tomorrow either but will try to eat a light breakfast instead. I need to plan better I think - I've been feeling a bit dissatified and more calorie-counting than SW so think a back to basics approach at the weekend after my shopping might be in order.
Steps just over 9000.It doesn't register short journeys, did 20 mins of wii step and it counted 31 steps!!! but it's fine as long as I just compare days and I find the distance measure handy.

Have you ever tried weight watchers? I'm considering using sw principles, 1/3 sf and the hexs but counting pro points 29 per day plus 49 per week for the rest. sf have no points but the hexs would need to be counted. I'm not bored of sw yet but when I am that's my plan. I know the counting would annoy me after a while but I could just switch back to sw.

Felt quite similar when the children were shot in Dunblane as I'd been working there the week before and thought what a nice peaceful town it was.
You've definitely done more that 9000 - I register around 8000 for over 3 miles but that includes every step I take - I think I'd find it frustrating if it didn't bother to count all my steps. Least you know you've burnt a fair few calories up.

I very briefly tried to follow WW but had very little points seemingly just 20 odd and they just seemed to use up just like that! So if I did have a treat like a chocolate bar - it was hard to get proper decent homecooked meals in.
I ended up having a very haphazard way of eating just snacks mostly and feeling a bit unsatisfied. perhaps my own fault for not utilising it properly but I did find it a bit geared towards using packaged food so that you could "trust" to the amount of points you were eating.

What's making you feel like you need the change? You're currently very successfully losing weight using SW. Does WW give you options that SW doesn't allow? For me I find as long as i count syns into normal everyday foods I don't necessarily SW any of my cooking ie real sausages and use of oil. Where I have fallen is where I have made bad choices when out - ie tuna and cheese melt sarnie - I know that's mega syns on SW but would imagine equally high points value on WW so not sure how you would benefit?
I lovee sw but I sometimes find the things you syn and the things you don't syn a bit random. Is fresh pasta and tinned pineapple really so bad compared to mugshots and bananas? It may be that I'd find ww too restrictive and I don't eat much packaged stuff, but I do need a plan B because I know what I'm like. I wasn't thinking for now but for when I start falling off the wagon and need a change. It would be nice to think that won't happen but judging from past experience!!! a plan B is essential. Plan C involves a deep fat fryer, a pizza and a mars bar.

Had a stressy day trying to get men to just do what they're told.