So my thought for today was.... Do diet pills work? And should i give it a try? Am conscious that xmas is fast approaching and i really really want to be a size 12 when i order my wedding dress in either Dec or early Jan. At the moment, size 16 is loose but not hanging off me, and i haven't yet tried to buy any size 14's yet (seem to have plenty of size 12 stuff from when i was a size 12, but only 1 pair of trousers in size 14!!! Did i just gorge over a weekend and jump from a 12 straight to a 16?!?!?!?! :8855: sorry just had an image of myself living in my fridge with chocolate dripping down my mouth)...
So some advice would be great... Have you tried any pills or herbal remedies? Did they work? My main problem is carbs, so i'm not sure that a fat inhibiter would be that useful as to be honest, i don't think my fat consumption is that high, if however, i was what i ate... I would be a bread loaf, a grain of wheat, a bag of flour.... etc etc etc