Mini Valentines challenge

Vicky -6lb +1lb, -1lb, STS, -1lb, STS
Vodevil -7lb: --, sts, sts, sts
Shanny24 - 6lb
Dreamingmaid -9lb 5lb lost 4lb to go
Jot 14 lb -2lb
serafyn - 10lb
sa89 - 14lb.
9lb to go
Vegetarian - 10lb 1lb lost 9lb to go
Kerry-Ann - 14lb 5lb lost 9lb to go
Tristans Girl - 10lb
Bubbles1986 - 8lb. +1lb -1lb
Klizw - 8lb
Jenniferyellowhat - 10lbs
(-4lbs - 1lb - 4lbs - 3lbs) :)
Wasted Ink - 8.2. 2 lb to go.

Yay done it :))) Thanks for setting this up - it has really kept me on track. Still got a long way to go though.

SErafyn - Maybe its cos you've not got much to lose? It's always easier in the beginning when its coming off in chunks(like me), It's more impressive to stick with it while having STS weeks. Thats when you know you've cracked it. Well done you x

Forgot to change my numbers on here when I weighed oops

You have done done it and more Jennifer well done, you must be so pleased! x

Vicky -6lb +1lb, -1lb, STS, -1lb, STS
Vodevil -7lb: --, sts, sts, sts
Shanny24 - 6lb
Dreamingmaid -9lb 5lb lost 4lb to go
Jot 14 lb -2lb
serafyn - 10lb
sa89 - 14lb. 9lb to go
Vegetarian - 10lb 1lb lost 9lb to go
Kerry-Ann - 14lb 5lb lost 9lb to go
Tristans Girl - 10lb
Bubbles1986 - 8lb. +1lb -1lb
Klizw - 10lbs (-4, +1, -2) (3 to go)
Jenniferyellowhat - 10lbs (-4lbs - 1lb - 4lbs - 3lbs)
Wasted Ink - 8.2. 2 lb to go.
Oh i hope i have lost some this week, I have been messing around for weeks, but this week i have stuck to my calories.
There is a bit of a pattern occuring here for me!!

Vicky -6lb +1lb, -1lb, STS, -1lb, STS, -1lb
Vodevil -7lb: --, sts, sts, sts
Shanny24 - 6lb
Dreamingmaid -9lb 5lb lost 4lb to go
Jot 14 lb -2lb
serafyn - 10lb
sa89 - 14lb. 9lb to go
Vegetarian - 10lb 1lb lost 9lb to go
Kerry-Ann - 14lb 5lb lost 9lb to go
Tristans Girl - 10lb
Bubbles1986 - 8lb. +1lb -1lb
Klizw - 10lbs (-4, +1, -2) (3 to go)
Jenniferyellowhat - 10lbs (-4lbs - 1lb - 4lbs - 3lbs)
Wasted Ink - 8.2. 2 lb to go.
Ok everyone we are at the end of this challenge. Anyone up for an Easter one now This will take me to the months before i fly to Maldives so would be good... I will set the new thread up. Join if you want...