hello ! against hunger I recommend some Rooisbos vanilla tea, it works perfectly

or sparkling water.
So what did I do today ? I surfed the internet, and noticed my order for the wonder cream did not work, so I did it again

And then I went to the police, to explain once again, why I will not pay the fine for the Thalys company. It's weired in Belgium, the police takes care of fines concerning transportation. First time I got a letter I spent the night wondering who I had killed

And moreover they ask me to pay for a ticket I already paid for. I sent the proof and everything but still I had to show up personnally, so time consuming. Hope now it will be ok because otherwise I will get very upset with the Thalys company !I'm also almost sure that the guy who fined me was either drunk on on drugs. Ok that done, I went to buy some nice Moleskinelike carnets, I intend to use as the new organized me

And then went to a lingerie store to buy a laced body which she did not have in my size. So I just went to the shop beside this one, and finally found something to wear. It's too small then it will do

Maybe I'll post some pics in my diary. Now I have my first shake of the day, and then again I will become a flylady