.... I have been on the web since six o'clock this morning! ...
Oooh! Naughty girl! .. 
Nice to have an easy day anyway isn't it?
LOL! Yes I was a very naughty girl! Working tomorrow, so I will admit I did enjoy a day of doing 'nothing.'
Am sure you will soon get back into cooking,does take time to get back into routine so don't worry and sounds like you are getting ready to do more exercise anyhow,well done :0)
Yes, I think now the school term has started properly I think I'll soon get back into a routine. To be honest I've become a bit lazy in the kitchen over the holidays, but I know once I get back into cooking mode I'll be OK.
I shall have to give these bagels a go!

Good luck with C25K, may join you on the mission, hmm
I'm sure you'll get used to cooking for yourself in no time at all

Mcdonalds, yum! Been ages since i've treated myself to fast food tbh!
I will of course report in with my C25K progress (determined it is not going to be 'lack of progress!') Shamefacedly have to admit that after spending four hours trawling round the shops late afternoon and early evening for running trainers, jogging bottoms, sports socks and more, we had another McDonald's. Two in one week, well worse than that - two in two days! I'm not sure I have ever done that before. It's all within my points, but I still don't feel I deserve to lose any weight this week. As I said to Daisy, I need to get myself back in gear now, because I have that '13 stone something' in mind for Christmas, or for my birthday at the end of January.
Yay at you getting prepared for C25K I need to do day 2 soon aiming for Friday xx
Good luck with day 2. I am ready to go apart from the bra! Ordered one from a site called 'bounce-busters!'

We went out this afternoon and got my running trainers from the local sportswear shop, which by luck was having a sale, (pink and grey Nike - very snazzy), two pairs of jogging bottoms, a hoodie and sports socks for me. Hubby is going to do it with me as he says he needs to do something because he is not cycling so much now. Two pairs of jogging bottoms and some socks for him then! It's pretty handy because it means we can go on the local bridlepath/footpath, whereas if I was going by myself I probably would have stuck to the roads round the town. Also picked up the Just Dance 1 and 2 from PC World at a good price. Really glad it is my payday next week now! All set to exercise my butt off (and several other bits!) over the coming weeks!