Sunday 21st July
Well I have had an extremely lazy weekend this weekend. Apart from the very basics like washing up after meals, food shopping and clothes washing, we have done absolutely nothing except laze around with books, tv and computers. I really needed a couple of days like that and feel so much better for it. I can always catch up with housework etc. over the holidays. I have managed to see off quite a few weeklies today.
Breakfast - cinnamon and raisin bagel with butter and a drizzle of maple syrup (10PP)
Lunch - 2 sweet onion ryvita with l/f sweet chilli Philadelphia, tesco coconut yogurt with lime juice and pineapple. (6PP)
Evening fry up - this was more PPs than I had originally planned because OH got to the packet of bacon before me. For some reason he finds it impossible to cook part of a packet of anything! He also cooked the whole packet of chipolatas, but I did manage to resist the extras there!
So... 4 bacon rashers, 3 pork chipolatas, tomatoes, mushrooms, half a slice of gluten free seeded bread, one fried egg, squirt of HP sauce, tbspn olive oil, strawberries, sweetener and spray cream, plus two tspns double cream (19PP)
Snacks - one gluten free cranberry and blueberry muffin (9PP) one salami stick (3PP)
Drinks - water, one coffee with cream (2PP) s/s milk in earl grey teas (1PP)
Totals for the day 50PP! (29 dailies and 21 weeklies with 22 weeklies remaining)
Three days at school to go, then lovely long holidays!
Lunch for tomorrow is ham and blue brie salad - with our own home grown salad and rocket leaves and cucumber. I love it when I can start to pick our own stuff to use. A bit late starting this year, but plenty more to come. Apart from the red currants that is. The birds stripped every last one of them - the OH had two and I had none at all. Serves us right for not netting them. Don't really begrudge the birds having them though!