Food for Monday 11th February was...
One tin WW Tomato soup (76 cals)
Half a carton of Tescos Bean, corn, veg and chipotle soup with 4 garlic dough balls (378 cals) (Yum-yum!)
Drinks - one cup Earl Grey tea, one cup of Twinings Rose Garden tea, one cup of coffee - splash of milk in each (45 cals), water, NAS squash, one cup of Twinings Lemon and Ginger tea, more water...
Total calories 499 (any ideas what I can spend that last calorie on?

Couple of sessions of hunger pangs today, but then I had had no breakfast as I decided to keep more calories for the evening. Love how those hunger pangs make me feel a bit smug!
Went shopping to Tescos after work - bought a mixture of cakes for work tomorrow (late Birthday cakes!), plus a white chocolate sponge for us at home. We've decided to stay in on Valentine's night, so for a change we got one of their Finest Meal Deals, so neither us of have to think about cooking. Looking forward to lamb shanks in garlic herby tomato sauce with roasted veg, potato and gruyere cakes, followed by belgian chocolate hearts and a couple of glasses of Prosecco, maybe a couple of chocolate mints to follow. It's pancake day tomorrow, so looking forward to that too. Think it was extremely good planning for my UP days to fall on Valentine's Day and Pancake Day!
I so, so hope this works long term. I love how I can see some food I really fancy, and... just... buy it, knowing I CAN eat it in a day or so! Even though I've been very impressed with Weight Watchers Propoints, that freedom with food was never there - I was always thinking about points and how I could fit it in, or deciding that I couldn't fit it in!
Debating whether I ought to start a diary in the JUDDD section, or if it's a bit too soon to do that...