My 8 Week SF Challenge.

Oh guyz, wrote a big post and it deleted! GRR!

Week 2, Day 1.

Breakfast: Strawberry shake.. mmmm
Snack: Apple
Lunch: Strawberry shake
Snack: 8 crab sticks
Dinner: Pasta bolognaise (the sw way, but I made a huge plate of salad to have with it… because I was hungry!!)

Brownies last night and we had a big party, and it was HARD not to scoff my face.
Good day yesterday, but despite being hungry enough to eat my own face this morning, I’m sure I went over on my cals yesterday L meh.. better day today!

Week 2, Day 2.

Breakfast: Strawberry shake. (will try chocolate soon!)
Snack: I didn’t bring one – see below for reasons why!
Lunch: Strawberry shake… oh my goodness!
Snack: *as befoe*
Dinner: Don’t know yet, but definitely. Hungry for it already. Haha. Sorry, I probably sound obsessed with food.. yikes.

Today is a toughie, someone from work is leaving and we have cake, cake, cake, more cake, donuts and cake.
I’ve brought in some ‘jelly tots’ mini cakes as my own contribution to the ‘party’… and they’re tiny so should be able to have 1 for 200 cals (my two snacks) and not look like too much of a party pooper.

Another date planned for tomorrow, may see him tonight too, he’s a bit of a cling on. Well, more than a bit.

Good luck everyone, and seriously, thanks for the comments and support. Encouragement is appreciated right now! Hope I don’t sound too down in my post.. I’m not.. I’m just hungry! So scared I’m going to go off on a binge :(
Say hello to my little (77 calories) friend x


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Ooh that cake look delicious! And don't worry about sounding too down, it's your blog, you can moan as much as you want! We're here to support you on your good and bad days :)

And ooh a date? I'm looking forward to moving home and starting to date people. I've never really dated people before, so I'm quite excited about it! Hope it all goes well :)
yummy cake, share it please ;-)

you're doing really well. I've given in to a few temptations and would have completely fallen apart at your party
Thank you guys!!!

Seriously, you make me stick to this :D xx
Ela ine said:
Oh guyz, wrote a big post and it deleted! GRR!

Week 2, Day 1.

Breakfast: Strawberry shake.. mmmm
Snack: Apple
Lunch: Strawberry shake
Snack: 8 crab sticks
Dinner: Pasta bolognaise (the sw way, but I made a huge plate of salad to have with it... because I was hungry!!)

Brownies last night and we had a big party, and it was HARD not to scoff my face.
Good day yesterday, but despite being hungry enough to eat my own face this morning, I'm sure I went over on my cals yesterday L meh.. better day today!

Week 2, Day 2.

Breakfast: Strawberry shake. (will try chocolate soon!)
Snack: I didn't bring one - see below for reasons why!
Lunch: Strawberry shake... oh my goodness!
Snack: *as befoe*
Dinner: Don't know yet, but definitely. Hungry for it already. Haha. Sorry, I probably sound obsessed with food.. yikes.

Today is a toughie, someone from work is leaving and we have cake, cake, cake, more cake, donuts and cake.
I've brought in some 'jelly tots' mini cakes as my own contribution to the 'party'... and they're tiny so should be able to have 1 for 200 cals (my two snacks) and not look like too much of a party pooper.

Another date planned for tomorrow, may see him tonight too, he's a bit of a cling on. Well, more than a bit.

Good luck everyone, and seriously, thanks for the comments and support. Encouragement is appreciated right now! Hope I don't sound too down in my post.. I'm not.. I'm just hungry! So scared I'm going to go off on a binge :(

Norty cakes! But yr lil friend cake looks healthy n yummy x
Good luck with ur date Hun x

Yr not moaning ur off loading Hun that's wot we're here for! Keep at it u will be fine! Ur doin brill x
Thank you beautiful ladies :)

For tea tonight I'm thinking... stir fry! yummy! x
Week 2, Day 3.

Breakfast: Strawberry shake
Snack: bannana
Lunch: Tesco healthy choice sandwich (280 cals) fruit box (55 cals) half sushi pack 80) cals, yogurt (80) Total (495 )
Snack: half sushi (80)
Dinner: strawberry shake
Snack: 1 weetabix with hot water and snidge of milk!

Okay so date day, found this very hard! We went to tesco to ‘get food’ so I piled in lots of stuff that were low in calories, in a bid to be able to eat relatively ‘normal’ and hopefully he wouldn’t notice… he didn’t.. and neither did I . I felt like I’d definitely over consumed until I wrote this down.

As mentioned above, date was good, but company wasn’t. Don’t think I’ll be seeing him again in a hurry. I hate dating, I’ll leave it for the beautiful, capable people.

Week 2, Day 4.

Breakfast: chocolate shake! Finally tried this, and yum yum! Tres nice – I like it :D
Snack: muller light – vanilla cheese cake flavour
Lunch: Chocolate shake.
Snack: banana

Dinner: maybe stir fry – haven’t decided yet!
Snack: Maybe another muller :p

Am thinking of a stir fry for dinner.. although not sure since it feels like I’ve only just had it… haha. If I don’t have stir fry I will probably have two fried (light) eggs, sw chips and beans. Actually – will change the beans for mushy peas, since they’re only 129 per half can as opposed to 240 :\
How many chips can I /should I do? Will a potatoe take me over my calorie limit for the day? Eeeek!!

p.s. if I don't post this weekend I have completly gone off the diet because I
Ah sounds like u did well love sorry u didn't enjoy yr date too much hun that's a shame. Stick with it everyone is bootiful in their own right x
I wud have 2 medium sized spuds for yr chips love that wud b ok.
Dont give up Hun u have come so far, u just feelin rough sweet?
Aw I can't wait to start dating! But I'm terrified of rejection, so it'll probably be a long time yet before I build up the confidence to do it lol. Sorry it didn't work out for you though :(
Hi girls, thanks for the support :)

Sorry for offloading on here :p...Anyway, enough of my personal life and more of my slim fast life!

The weekend has been REALLY tough for me.
It started off on Friday when my friends and I went to TGI Friday's... I definitely went over on my calories, and I would say that was before I'd even finished the starter! Yikes!
This carried on until Saturday lunchtime... I decided, in my hung over (yes I also WASTED calories on cocktails, ugh yuck yuck!) state I decided that I would have 'brunch' for 500 calories and then 2 shakes later on.

Pfft! This didn't work and I ended up just eating.
However, I did cook the SW way and so would have been on plan on SW... not that this justifies this eraticness!

Anyway, I was up early this morning and have thus far cleaned (almost) the entire house!

I've decided to really give slim fast my all, 100% for the next 2 weeks... I've posted a new thread!
Have to rush off now as have Civic Sunday with my brownies (heha!)

But will check back later to catch up with any diaries I have missed.
Wishing you lots of luck. It is so hard to get motivated sometimes. I have to be in the right frame of mind for a diet to work and finally feel that now is the right time. The support on here definately helps.

Thanks hun! It really can be.
I agree so much about the support, don't know what else I'd do!!! :confused:

thank you, how have you got on this week? x
Thank you for all the advice re ketosis question.
I’ve concluded it has nothing to do with SF.. and to just stick to sf/a 1,200 calorie diet for the time being.

Like I said, really going to give slim fast my all, well, calorie counting – it would seem. I think I’ve been going over on my calories in the evening. After only losing 1lb each week, healthy SW portions will not do! Thanks to Awcarly for giving me lots of advice on MFP – I now have an account, add me :D

To show I mean business, I went out last night and purchased low calorie foods - snacks, yogurts, soups and ready meals.
I think I’ll find it easier already knowing the calories in packs etc (from boxes/packets) rather than estimating. I’ve taken the advice of Welshbird and got some low cal soup (hello 51 cals!) so will have ‘food’ for lunches instead of slimfast, for today and tomorrow anyway.

Plan for today:

Breakfast: Strawberry Shake (230)
Snack: 2 x S&V snack a Jacks (82 cals)Lunch: WW Chicken Noodle soup (51 cals), & 3 snack a jacks! (123) = 174
Snack: Activia vanilla yogurt (88 cals)

(Maybe what I should have done was swapped the snack a jacks for a slim fast?! Will sort this tomorrow :p…. )

Dinner: WW Chicken hotpot meal, cabbage, peas, carrots etc.
Forgot the exactly cals of this.. but it’s under 300! And then I’ll pile on heaps of veg.

Is it best to then have another SF.. or half after this.. instead of a snack? Well either way I’ll be eating 1,200 calories today!

Of course I will let you know how this goes :p and thank you for your invaluable support… haha sounds like I’m giving a speech, I know… but seriously, with all my 'problems' recently... I would have EASILY ate a whole tin of celebrations if it wasn’t for you guys.
Okay, not the snickers, I don’t like nuts...
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I'm thinking of introducing food in stead of 2 shakes maybe. or have veg as my snacks, you can have a LOT of veg for 100cals. do you find that the snacking makes you hungry? I do. as soon as I have my 3pm snack, my tummy starts rumbling and wants dinner :(
yes, absolutely!

First and 2nd week I only lost 1lb, then 1.5.

I found, whileon sf.. I was fine having 1 shake for B and then 1 for lunch (not hungry at all) but as soon as I had a 100 cal snack I would be near chewing off my arm.
Then I'd get home and (I am sure) over consume on the evening meal!

Now, well from today.. I plan to have lunch at work.. but withn 250 cals... (turns out you can get a lot of food for that - hello WW ready meal!!!!)

Today have 11 soup (51 cal) but having 3 snack a jacks with it... may consider having a ready meal in the future...

so weird - was eating so much food on sw, then so little on sf.. now it feels like I'm eating too much again :( as long as I eat 1200 cals it'll be fine ! :D

I agree with the veg/salad - a WHOLE packet of stir fry (was looking for a ww meal to buy to have with stir fry!) x
I agree wen I have a snx I get munchies I just try n drink lots until I eat, the gym distracts me x
hehe! I'm ON IT! with calorie counting now. On it, on it, on it! x
Welcome to my world hunni xx
:D whooo!

The key is finding foods where you get more for your calories!

ahah. I am actually STUFFED! after just finishing off an activia yogurt and now have a cup of tea.
Usually at this time I can't wait to go home and EAT... but now I'm off to the gym :) .. then home to my ready meal. Goodie goodie! x