my diary ~ no more CD for me

Sure have it....and dont forget the huge portion of guilt you'll need to get through tomoro if you do.....oh, and a giant glass of feeling miserable for having to get into ketosis again.....think I might have chinese with my guilt!!!

Get yourself to the food dump now girl and dont even be thinking about it!!
lol ok. my stomach is gurgling like mad but I'll resist it. I have nothing to make it with anyway and throw away all the takeaway menus as soon aas they get put through the letterbox so I wont get tempted
well an extra bar isnt too bad if you really MUST have something, better than food anyway

war of the worlds isnt grabbing my interest very much. dt tink I'll bother watching it again
water is always a good idea too try first.doesn't always work but good to try. Just think there's only an hour and a half of the day left. You can manage that long without a bar can't you?
Im with you on the spaghetti Carbonara. It is gorgeous!!! Yummmmm!!

Although I think you should probably dump that in the food dump (if you havent already)!
you're right I need to go to the food dump. Not before I sprinkle tons of pepper on first (I hate pepper in any form)
Ok I'm going to be brave here lol if it's inapprpriate someone who is able to delete it for me since I can only edit it for so long.

But since you all now know mr cinema stayed overnight I'd like to mention something about it. It's been bothering me all day but haven't had anyone to ask about it.

Anyway we were in bed doing as you do and it hurt. But the place hurting felt like my back on the right side kind of under my hip bone. don't know how else to describe it. I've no idea about biology or whats where in your body (general idea but nothing more). so does anyone know what could be hurting there? it wasn't a sharp pain but wasn't normal, not the kind of area I'd expect to get pain from doing that anyway.
Ok I'm going to be brave here lol if it's inapprpriate someone who is able to delete it for me since I can only edit it for so long.

But since you all now know mr cinema stayed overnight I'd like to mention something about it. It's been bothering me all day but haven't had anyone to ask about it.

Anyway we were in bed doing as you do and it hurt. But the place hurting felt like my back on the right side kind of under my hip bone. don't know how else to describe it. I've no idea about biology or whats where in your body (general idea but nothing more). so does anyone know what could be hurting there? it wasn't a sharp pain but wasn't normal, not the kind of area I'd expect to get pain from doing that anyway.

This used to happen to me with one of my ex's. I just put it down to the fact that he was a very big boy (if you catch what Im meaning) ;). I havent a clue what it can be cause I was too embarassed to ask anyone about it. But interestingly enough, he is married now and his wife experiences the same thing. Maybe its something to do with tissue stretching or something??
hmm well nice to know it's not just me but am now wondering why you're discussing that with his new wife lol and wondering what else you've discussed with her lol.

But I don't remember thinking omg thats huge or anything lol, he just seemed quite average to me. Lets hope he never reads this eh lol
hmm well nice to know it's not just me but am now wondering why you're discussing that with his new wife lol and wondering what else you've discussed with her lol.

But I don't remember thinking omg thats huge or anything lol, he just seemed quite average to me. Lets hope he never reads this eh lol

He actually discussed it with me. We were a couple very much in love at the time but his parents were quite sectarian and arranged for him to get a beating as a warning to not go out with me anymore. We lst contact for a while but then he contacted me again. I was with Jonny and he was with what is now his wife. He said there would always be a place in his heart for me but I couldnt say the same thing Im afraid. I was well and truely over him. The conversation came up about how alike me and his wife to be are (now his wife). That was one of the things that he said we were alike on. lol
oh ok. Thats awful that his parents did that! I can't believe they would get their own son beaten up (I can but it's just wrong).

I'm glad you're over him and happy with Jonny, I'm sure you'll have much better inlaws with Jonny. I don't think I'd like to join a family like that!
Your telling me!! It would of been guns at fifty paces. Jonnys parents are brilliant. Although his mum does tend to treat him like a child still (which really gets on my goat) and she occasionally goes on a rant about the need to respect your husband at all costs. I almost said to her that its hard to respect someone when they are treated like a child but I bit my lip! lol She is just a bit of a control freak but not in a bad way. Her and his sister are the same. They are so organised that they constantly make you feel inferior!! lol Im sure they dont mean to though.
well at least being organised is better than being completely disorganised like me lol :)

Had a food filled day today :( since I've been ill and off work all week my mother has been worried about me. so I agreed to to go their house for sunday lunch today because I knew it would get them off my back for a while and wont try to ruin my diet. They admitted they just wanted to see me actually eat something so I did. all healthy stuff but very carb loaded. Then ended up at the shopto buy supplies for the kids and saw the drk chocolate flakes there so HAD to get one. I must say though, what a disappointment it was. I love flakes and I love dark chocolate but the dark chocolate flake was just awful. Maybe it's because I haven't had any chocolate for ages, or I just got used to the cd chocolate I don't know but I'm glad I tried it because now I know I don't ever want it again.

My 2 nieces were there too. One is 13 next week and my mam tried to tell me that I'm thinner than my niece now. I am definately not that thin. She asked me what i weigh now and wouldn't believe me when I said. she asked my niece her weight and she said 7 1/2 stone so that made my mam believe me even less. I should have asked my niece what size clothes she wears to prove I'm not that thin but I couldn't be bothered.

I got some lemsip things to take tonight but as of tomorrow morning I'll be back on the diet. I'll have work to distract me then at least. I've just got to manage to resist the garlic chcken so as a treat for me were having chicken kievs for tea