she will meet her mtch one day I'm sure.
It really made me think though, I hope this wont offend anyone here, but she was going on about how this girl must love herself because of the clothes she wears and how much makeup she wears but in reality (in her words) she looks a mess because she's so big (remember this is mrs stickinsect talking) I couldn't help but wonder if people think the same about me because I always wear makeup when I go to work and I always look a mess in my clothes (in my opinion) so do people think I love myself because of that?
I personally think it's more that I have to wear the makeup because I have to feel like I've made some attempt to look better. And this irl that she's talking about probably does the same. why shouldn't she make the most of herself? So she's obese, who cares. I've served her food plenty of times so I can see that she's not constantly eating the wrong things all the time but losing weight is a strugle, we all know that because we wouldn't be here otherwise.
I am wondering if mrs stickinsect thinks that because she doesn't do anything like that. Maybe she thinks that because she is thin she looks fabulous and doesn't need anything to make her look better. Or maybe she doesn't have the confidence to wear anything other than t shirt and jeans or to wear makeup or anything. She looks ok as she is but she talks about seeing people in nice clothes but says she doesn't have the figure for them or whatever so i think she too is insecure in herself. she just puts others down because they're not the same as she is.
I find it troubling that some people are extremely narrow minded and just wont look at things from anyone else's point of vew.
Anyway, there is a shop over the road where there are 2 gorgeous women run it and they are always looking very glam and she talks about them in the same way (that they love themselves because of the care they take over their apearance) the difference is that these women are also very slim and they do look really pretty. So I have come to the conclusion that she just has something against anyone who takes care over their daily appearance whether they're fat, thin, mediu sized, whatever. They don't do as she does so they must be wrong!
ok I'll stop ranting about her now lol