Hi Kati,
I've only read this last page, so I think I've got lots of catching up to do as I need to understand the different characters in your life. You really made me laugh with your names, mrcinema and mrmechanic. And also, your last post about not changing your ticker - completely agree, 2lb will be back off in no time. And I'm going to have a meal, so there was also very funny! You have a gift.
But, I might be reading out of context (as haven't read the rest), but you sound a bit down and was being a bit mean to self - that won't do you any good hun, there is enough b'stards out there in the world that can do it for us, so we should be nice to ourselves.
And, I'm sure that he didn't notice your belly! He's probably just sewing his wild oats like nature intended primative man to do (again I might be assuming thats how he saw your belly - forgive me if I'm wrong). He's prob not mrright if thats the case and so maybe look for the mrright that has lost the primative nature just everso slightly instead?