my diary ~ no more CD for me

well maybe that was me having a word with myself today! lol

I did kind of feel in control because I didnt feel the urge to be picking all the time. I just hope taking the soup in works just as well
Hi Nikki
Both LL and CD do a savoury vegetable drink but a lot of people use Marigold vegetable bouillion which is about £1.49 from Tesco, Asda etc therefore much cheaper. You use a teaspoon in half a pint of boiling water. It is delish. If you have that with a bar or "muffin" you feel as though you have had a meal.

Hope this helps

Nikki, just a thought, dont know if you have a wilkinsons near you but the hand blenders there are £4.99.

I have one and its good.

Also take the powder out of the capsule from your PH's and mix it in that way, I did before I got the powder form.

Tescos have the reduced salt MB too.

Also, my advice is to take a step back from the stresses you have as sometimes we cant see the wood for the trees. When Life is getting us down then the diet is extra hard, try and take the stresses from other areas out your life (easier said than done I know) and then dieting does become easier x
ok thanks there are a tesco and a wilkinsons pretty close to each other in gateshead so i can go there and have a look for them.

will have a try mixing some psyllium husks in the morning before I go to work, it might make me feel fuller for longer I hope.

i understand what you mean about stepping back from stresses, I just don't know how to really...
I know, its so hard sometimes, we get caught up in so much cr@p. My dad says 90% of what we worry about is never going to happen, and he's right, shame I cant take his advce more often!!!

This time of year is hard for many, dark nights, money worries, relationship worries to name a few, maybe its worth looking at what we can change and let fate take over what we cant, ill have a go if you will!!!!!

Hugs to ya hun, things will be on the up, and weight will be on the down very soon x
Wise dad!

Ok well I don't have a relationship, my worries are over not having one so might as well forget about that and keep using this forum for someone to talk to on a night time. Money worries, well I can't earn any more than I do so will just have to forget that one as well. My ex is always going to get on my nerves whatever he does so I should ignore him unless he's here in front of me. And the mess in my house lol, I need that ketosis high back to get me moving!

Lets hope the plan for tomorrow works then I'll be too happy to let the rest of it get me down.
Hey hun - sorry I haven't been around much - I've got a horrid cold -boo!!!

Give me a call if I can do anything to help - drop packs off to you at work for know where I am xxxxxxxx
Hope your plans working hun, positive vibes on the way to you x
I didn't eat today yay!!!! I know it's only 5 pm but the hard part is over!!!!

I resisted all temptation at work, the kids have had their tea and there is no reason for me to go near food again today.

I hope someone is proud of me lol, I am proud of myself anyway. It feels great to have finally had a good day dietwise. I haven't drank enough but thats ok I'm thinking I'm going to need more water tonight anyway incase I get any cravings.

I had hal a pack before work, I had vanilla with coffee and tried putting 2 ph capsules in it. I whisked it and it looked like a lump of snot attatched itself to my whisk, it was disgusting I had to wash it off or I'd have been sick thinking about it. I think maybe I might have to stick to them as capsules if thats what is always going to happen. I had some spicy tomato soup at work, split it into 3 and still have 1/3 left. I've just had another vanilla coffee so still got 1 1/3 packs left to have for today. I'm doing well :) I still haven't been shopping for food but only have £15 left so wont get much with that.

I really should finish painting the twins room tonight but knackered now I've sat down. I'll see if I can be bothered lol. I really need to do it so I can put their clothes away in the drawers.

Thanks for thinking of me today and for the good luck vibes lol. Isobel thanks for that offer, I'm ok for packs this week but I'll have to ring to arrange to see you next week so I can get more for over christmas. And I still need to try the cheese and broccoli soup!!!
You know I was just thinking to myself, I have 12 days to lose as much weight as i can. But then i stopped myself and thought no I don't. Nothing miraculous is going to happen at christmas, life is still going to go on just the same afterwards so really I have as much time as I need to get this weight off. So my dress isn't going to be hanging off me for christmas, who cares, it still fits (I hope lol no idea what i weigh). So I'm going to have a few setbacks along the way but that's ok as long as I don't start putting all the weight I've lost back on.

I have a bit of a dilemma. My car has started making horrible grinding noises and needs attention urgently. I don't know whether to ask Mr Mechanic to look at it for me (which will mean I have to see him again and risk him working his charms on me all over again) or to take it to a garage and have it cost a fortune which I don't actually have. I could cry.