my diary ~ no more CD for me

thanks for that, but the only problem is I leave for work before 7 and dont get back till after 5 so would never be able to get it if it doesn't fit through the letter box. Even if it gets taken back to the royal mail depot I'm still not able to get there for their opening times so I daren't order anything off the internet.
bloke locking the door behind him?! Eh, next time he tried to come in when ur locking up I'd tell him no!! Thats just a bit too much!!!

Forget bout last nite hun & get back on the SS wagon today!!! Good luck with the babysitting!! I hate minding other peoples kids just cant tell them wat to do like ye can tell ur own!!

Nice builder eh?! Hhhhmmmmm maybe he is interested?! He prob thinks your about the same age as him since you look so young! If he comes in b nice to him!!!
I have been back on the diet today, sooo tempted to eat something though at least when I'm at my sisters I wont be able to just go in the kitchen and get what I want.

The builders know how old I am cos there was one day my kids were ill so I had to take them in to work till my mam went home with them so they were all there at the sme time. And I'm always nice :) lol
oh and theres no chance of me chatting him up or offering my phone number. Can you imagine the embarrassment if he's not really interested!!!
well i doubt it's meant to be somehow. oh well.

It's now 12 30 am and I have only just got back from babysitting (it's less than a 2 minute walk so travelling time is nothing) I am so annoyed I thought I'd come and write about it before going to bed because even though I'm shattered I would toss and turn and not be able to get to sleep.

I have so much I need to do before I go to work in the morning I cant believe they were so inconsiderate to be home so late. They know I have to leave before 7 in the morning. Every time they get me to babysit they take advantage and don't give a **** about me, what I need to do or whatever. The only reason I still do it occasionally si because it is my sister and I need her to do me favours with the kids too. At least i don't take advantage though. i go straight to work and come straight home, if I'm early I'll go for the kids rather than doing something else and picking them up the time I'm expected to (unlike her)

aaaargh!!!!!!!! it's bloody freezing outside too. the presents are still there unwrapped which I need to move before I go out, I need to find and iron party clothes for the twins and I bet their dad hasn't ot them any food to take either so I'll have to find something. I need a bath and wash my hair too before I go to work so I can look and smell ok for my builder blokey lol. I'm going to look terrible with the bags and dark circles under my eyes anyway.

I am sooo sick
I'm knackered.

I really am soo tired I culd feel myself falling asleep as I was driving home. I almost had a crash too but at the start of my journey not when I felt like I was falling asleep. I was driving along shivering cos the heating hadn't got hot yet. The other side of the road was pretty much just cars bumper to bumper so I wasn't paying much attention to that side of the road it was just a blur of lights. Then next thing I knew someone had pulled out from one of the side streets right in front of me! He didn't see me obviously but then again I didnt see him either till his car was almost in mine. But then again I was on the right side of the road and shouldn't have expected another car to suddenly pull out in front of me, then again you're supposed to watch for everything when youre driving. ack, oh well at least we didnt crash.

Had an extremely hectic day today. i slept in so had to rush round and was late for work. Abut 10 minutes aftr I got there the police came and sealed off the car park exactly opposite and the newsagents and jewellers just along the road so loads of people were coming into the shop to try and find out what was going on. There were quite a few different stories flying around. A local news reporter even came in to ask us what had happened, I was thinking aren't you supposed to tell us what happened? But shows how quick word gets aroud for reporters to get on the scene.

So we haad loads of orders and were flying round all over the place making bacon sandwiches, breakfasts, toast etc then the police came in wanting to ask questions and see if we had cctv so they could get any evidence from it (evidence of what i have no idea). Then they opened the car park again and people stopped coming in. We must have stood there for an hour doing nothing then like magic everyone started coming in all at once. It was like locusts had desccended we were left with nothing. Oh and we've had an order for 120 sandwiches all bacon sausage egg mushrooms tomatoes etc. eeek. that is for thrsday at 9 30. So I have to try to get the kids to go to school on the bus themselves and go in early. I just hpe they remember to go and dont just sit watching telly all day. It is the second last day of school though so they will want to go in cos they wont be doing work and its christmas dinner day.

Just spoke to my ex and he's deceided he's hving the kids from after lunch on christmas day to the saturday morning after that. what am I going to do with myself. He's making sure he doesn't have them for new year! anyway, I've got new year sorted for with the kids already. christmas night I'm going out with my friend who was here on sunday night but after that theres nothing to do apart from go shopping in the sales but I have no money for shopping even in the sales.

I'm starving, need food will be back
majorly depressed now at the thought of spending the next week alone I've forgotten what else I was going to say now.
OMG must b very shaken up after the near miss.....hope you are feeling ok!!

How on earth can ur ex just DECIDE he is having the kids for practically a whole week?! Surely you can have them a couple of days? I cant believe he will just take them and theres nothing you can do about it
well I can't do anything about it if he takes them to his girlfriends cos I have no idea where she lives to go and get them and bring them home. thats where he usually does take them too.
How inconsiderate of should ring him back hun and tell him that you have no objections to him having the kids some of the time but that he cant expect you to do all the hard work and then be left by yourself for the rest of the week. It just seems so unfair on you!
Aw hun, can you do something thats not too expensive, Dunno what, invite some friends round and have a cuople of girly nights in??
well I doubt anyone will come round but who knows something might come up for me to do.

Just remembered Kazz, I got the oportunity to treat nice builder bloke to some extra bacon today cos thats what he had for breakfast. I didn't know which was his though cos he ordered 2 and we were really busy. So never even got to talk to him other than to ask what he wanted.

I did however think later on that maybe omeone else thinks he's getting special treatment cos he wanted soup and we only had half a portion left so I gave him it for free cos it would have just been thrown out. But a while ago I served him and got an eyelash in my eye and was trying to blink it away and he thought I was winking at him. lol well maybe it'll boost his ego a bit but he's not quite the type I'd go for lol

must go tuck in twinlets. I wonder if I'll still be tucking them in when they're 30
Hi hun- what was going on in the High Street?? How exciting? Armed robbers in the Post office? Coffee barons snatching back the lattes from Cafe Nero? lol - wonder what it was!

Hope you're feeling better today, hun xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx