I'm bored. I need someone to talk to. even the cat and og have deserted me (cat in the kitchen asleep and dog upstairs asleep) I've sent loads of text messages but no one wants to talk to me.

so pathetic aren't I.
my stomach hurts. i've eateen too much chocolate. I made the kids go to bed early so I could wrap their presents but I haven't done it yet. I think I'll od it tomorrow then I only have to carry them downstairs instead of down then up then down again. Much easier adn I can force them to bed early tomorrow and get them out of my way when they're over excited. I've promised them they can get up at 7 on christmas day, wonder if they'll actually wake up that early. James will probably set his alarm to make sure of it.
Sooo tomorrow is the 1st of the 3 day binge. I'm thinking maybe I'll have my dinner at my mams then maybe for tea just have a cd soup or someething like that. I don't neeeed loads of food. I will probably be sick of dinners by boxing day. must remember I need petrol too. wonder if they will be open on boxing day.
I hate the day ater boxing day. I'm always alone that day which isn't good. Maybe I'll just sleep all through it if I'm lucky. Have to take my mam to the airport at about 4 am anyway so sleep will definately be needed.
Tried on my dress earlier it is great for £8. It's one of those marilyn monroe style things, just needs a decent belt with it. I only have 2 belts and they're both too big and fall down past where the belt is meant to be on the dress. It came with something on it but it looks cheap and chatty so wont wear that with the dress. I'd rather go beltless.
I tried the trousers on too but they only just fit. I sooo need to get back onto the diet as soon as boxing day is over. Will be having a drink for new year, then theres the vfbc thing in newcastle on 6th january, then it's my birthday on the 12th, then I can get back into it properly. at least a week without kids means I have no excuse not to go to the gym anyway. Maybe I'll find someone to talk to there. As long as I don't bump into mr postman there, don't want him worming his way back into my life again because I'm slimmer now. I usually hide behind a treadmill or someething if I see him in the gym, unless I'm upstairs then he usually stands near the door so I can't get out without being seen.
there's nothing on the telly. I suppose I might as well go to bed. It's warm there at least.
Didn't want to get out of bed early all week yet this morning when I didn't have to get up I couldnt sleep past 7 o clock. typical. Mind you 7 is still a lie in compared to having to get up at 6 most days.