Lou ...I've got relatives who live in Worksop ;) which isn't far from Mansfield. Its appauling how the medical profession treat people with weight issues...its as if we don't matter because were overweight!

I had a snotty doc when I had my last chest infection and they said well the drugs would work better if you weren't as heavy! ....oooohhh silly me hang on i'll just take that magic pill and lose the weight then ...ggggrrrr don't they think we know this!

Sorry for the rant honey ....but I do understand where your coming from. My ex sister in law just had it done and when I saw her at the meal the other day ...she looks well over 19st ...but lives in Norfolk and was rushed into hospital with pain. Might have to do things if its too dangerous I dunno it just doesn't seem fair! x x x huge hugs x x x
Thanks Tru.... I`ve been admitted to hospital getting on for 20+ times now in excruciating pain..they give me morphine and domperidone via drip on the way to hospital and thats it..... check me ovver sleep it off for few hours then send me home!
On the Lipotrim topic I have CAVED !!! GRRRRRRR my emotions and feelings at this time of year are so intense!! Just ate some of my daughters tea.... mash, veg and pie.... then had a nibble of some cheese... so I`ve well and truly blown my good work this week no doubt... I hate my lack of self control and willpower.... right now I feel like I really do not like myself today at all... Seeing my ex has unearthed old feelings and he says he feels same, but says hes seeing someone, and feels like its going no where, so he tells me tonight hes going to see her to talk to her!!! I just know deep down he wont stop seeing her, and really part of me isnt too bothered if thats the case. Then part of me is bothered.... ahhhhh I hate life sometimes... IT SUCKS!!!!!!!!! :(
~huge hugs~ Try not to beat yourself up over this honey. Draw that line under this situation and move on...also can't help being in pain :( that hugely affects my moods.

You've had pretty much everything thrown at you this week honey...take care and keep strong! x x x
Ok.... here goes.... I am going to say something on here that I`ve never told a soul, not even my doctor. This issue hasnt reared its ugly head for me in years.... and I think its because I am feeling out of control... DEEP BREATH....... I make myself sick after I`ve binged... I can`t seem to help it... pathetic as that sounds. I know I have a problem and i know your all going to lecture me about going to see the docs, BUT if I do I will have to come off this diet, I just know it..... This is my lifeline literally. I will conquer this I know I will, and do also know that making myself sick is really bad for my health, BUT the thought of keeping and absorbing all the food I just binged on in my stomach revolts me more than forcing myself to throw up!! I said I hated myslef and this is the way I punish myself I guess. There, I`ve told you, I`ve offloaded a secret I`ve kept for years... and in a way I feel better for telling you all. Its not a secret any more.... I can get through this... I think with the PMT and touch of S A D I get in winter is the combination I dreaded this time. But the tablets I`m taking now should help.... sorry guys if what I`ve said has shocked any of you.... maybe it might help someone else in the same position who might be feeling ashamed as I do to tell. I have serious issues from my childhood which play a part but not the HUGE part they once did, after having therapy... but I didnt truly help myself in telling all back then... I want to change, I want to be strong......L xx
Lou... Well Done :) that took guts to say that out loud! It can't hurt you anymore now ..its out in the open. No one has the right to say that's wrong or right! Its your emotion and you now own that!

If its a secret it makes it easier to do ...but saying it means your friends here will keep an eye on you and help you at times when your struggling x x x
Hey Hun, that really was incredibly brave for you to admit and I truly feel for you, I know you don't want to come off LT but I really do hope that you can consider talking to someone like a councillor who knows what you are going through and can help you... It also may help with the LT as you may be able to work it out so that you don't cave as much etc as you will be addressing the other emotional issues as well as the food demons. Sorry I know I'm probably not much help and am only telling you what you know but having someone to talk to who can really help may make things so much better for you in a similar way to how this forum has helped xxx
Huge hug to you Lou. I wish I had some words of wisdom but all I can think of is you have just made an incredible huge and brave step tonight. My gut feeling is also that you should talk to someone quAlified to help but you need to get to the point where you feel you can do that and I feel sure you will in time because you want to stop.
We are all here for you. Xxx
How's you doing today honey? X x x
Aww girls girls girls, you are ALL so sweet and supportive A BIG THANKYOU to you all.... Tru I am a little bit teary right now to be truthful after reading above etc.... Peachpip and Pamdev your right and I will make that step at some point... when i`m ready. I`m feeling better that I`ve offloaded on here as well tbh... (such a relief) Sometimes the urge to binge is so overwhelming (I cant explain) its more than just wanting to chew something without undermining that though! cos I know this diet isnt easy in general.... Its the evenings when I am a bit bored and lonely that def don`t help... will have to see about do something that engages my fingers and mind! lol..... I`m ok during the day (doesnt happen then) Thanks girls your all brilliant XXXXX
Hi Lou,

So pleased that you found the courage to 'off-load' , I know how very, very hard that first step is.

I hung back a little when I read your 'confession' as this is hard for me, even now. I hope you'll forgive me.

As soon as you feel ready, please do seek professional help. In my experience you simply can NOT deal with these sort of issues effectively on your own as you're just too close to it, to be properly objective. I had a terrible experience in my early twenties which I THOUGHT I had come to terms with and I was actually proud that I'd dealt with on my own. 25 years later however, a similar (sort of) incident tripped a switch in my head and released all kinds of demons. I'd simply buried the issues,
not resolved them and they came back to bite me big-time!

I had a nervous break-down that put an end to the teaching career that I loved. Only now, 30+ years on and after proper treatment, can I say that I'm healed.

Sorry if this is a bit depressing but I didn't feel I could leave it unsaid

Thank you Denise, I know I cant deal with this alone and I will do something about it when i`m ready too. So sorry about your experience and I appreciate your wise words... :) I realy do know I`ve got to face this... Hugs to you xx
I think this diet helps a lot of us face demons of all sorts not only food ones!

Can I say I'm PROUD to have such STRONG friends who can admit problems that are this personal!

Love to you all and keep strong ladies....were tougher than we think ;)

x x x
Well having faced another Demon this week and really finding things tough....I have been rewarded with a fantastic weight loss that far exceeded what i thought I`d lost...... - 7lbs WOOHOO!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D I am pretty much over the moon today... thanks girls for all your wonderful words of encouragement and support..... love to you all MWAH XXXXXX
Honey you have so inspired me on this diet. A couple of days eating will not do that much damage. I ate for three days and yes I put on 3 but then lost 4 two days later. So be strong and I think you are very brave!!! Get back on track and keep us all motivated .... It has become your mission now ;-). We loooooovvvvvvveeeee you!!!
Honey you have so inspired me on this diet. A couple of days eating will not do that much damage. I ate for three days and yes I put on 3 but then lost 4 two days later. So be strong and I think you are very brave!!! Get back on track and keep us all motivated .... It has become your mission now ;-). We loooooovvvvvvveeeee you!!!
Awwww ty so much... I am truly blessed to have such wonderful friends on minimins... ty for being so sweet and supportive Peggysue, and I`ll defo try my hardest to help you out and all the other girls on here... hey if I can do this... anyone can ;).... Love to you chick XXXX
Well having faced another Demon this week and really finding things tough....I have been rewarded with a fantastic weight loss that far exceeded what i thought I`d lost...... - 7lbs WOOHOO!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D I am pretty much over the moon today... thanks girls for all your wonderful words of encouragement and support..... love to you all MWAH XXXXXX

Fantastic Hun! Sooooo please for you!
well donr hun thats brilliant, see you can do this stay determined and strong... then it just takes a little time xxx