My weightloss diary :)

Oh no it's weigh in day :( I've so put on weight this week and it's not even baby weight it's I quit cigs and ate nonsense weight!!!! So will weigh in take on the chin and get it off again x
what exact time did you give up as I bet the seconds are far more than I put there for you

as for some weight gain dont worry about it
at this stage any doctor will tell you giving up the cigs is far more important long term than a few pounds now they will come off :)
Aaleigha said:
what exact time did you give up as I bet the seconds are far more than I put there for you

as for some weight gain dont worry about it
at this stage any doctor will tell you giving up the cigs is far more important long term than a few pounds now they will come off :)

Can't say exactly but around 9.30pm last Thursday night x
so as of 8.50 this morning that is
155 hours and 20 mins
9320 mins
559200 seconds
so there you go you can keep adding to that now you know
I used to add to it every time I craved a ciggy it took the edge off as I had something to do :)
for me round about week three of four I think
after nine days I was doing so well then my car broke down in the snow miles from home with everything packed in it and Dh still smoked and the car smelt too
we phoned the rac and waited forever with three dogs and no heat dh went off for a ciggie at one point
then when the breakdown turned up we had to detour - it was a total nightmare I told them that the dogs were coming in the cab with us full stop so they did
but the driver stopped every 45mins for a smoke break not a good time for me - but I resisted then the next few days of normal routine were difficult and depression set in due to the lack of nicotine then after weeks three or four I seemed to turn a corner even though dh still smoked
he never did it in front of me he used to go elsewhere to smoke to give me every chance

just try not to be around other smokers for as much of your time as you can - I used to take the dogs out one at a time to fill the day and some days easily walked 10 miles a day
I'm having a bad day but I'm still not going to buy any. Most of my "mummy" friends don't smoke and tony has stopped too so not much in the way of temptation it's just my brain my own worst enemy at the moment :) x
Breakfast hifi bars
Lunch burger chips and salad (SW recepie)
Dinner chicken chow mein and bakes apple
H ex a milk
H ex h hifi fruit mince meat
Syns haribo milk bottle 3 cream 3 (6)
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We did went over towards ashford in the new car to pick up a scooter type toy for miss Imogen. She had a great time all afternoon :) we had a little jack russel Ruff that used to think he was a cat he even tried to climb trees god rest his little paws x
Breakfast banana and yogurt
Lunch chicken salad sandwich chips
Dinner spagetti bolognaise
H ex a milk
H ex b hifi bar bread
Syns Mayo 2 chips 5 2x fun size crunchie 8 (15)

Doing a little bit of walking today taking imi to a soft play she loves running around with the other kiddies. X
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Oh and I've put on half a pound this week had a couple of waaay over syns days and went really heavy on the carbs but half a pound I can deal with least it wasn't more. X
Still all fluey.... Not having a good time!!!
Breakfast toast with butter marmalade
Dinner beef stew mash veg
H ex a milk
H ex b hifi bread
Syns 2x snack curly wurly 7 butter 4 marmalade 1 chips 5 (17)
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Breakfast. Bovril on toast
Dinner pork sausage mash (fruit for after left 1/3 plate blank lol)
H ex a milk
H exb 2x800g whole meal
Syns butter 7 sausage 3 (10)

No exercise at all simply feel too sick!!!

Having yogurt and grapes this evening feel nauseous when I think if a big meal :(
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feeling ruff is to do with not smoking - all those toxins coming out and the weight could easily be fluid retention due to the toxins your liver is working on and trying to expell

sorry to not visit - its all I could do to visit my own diary and I visited my visitors and just plain forgot I am so sorry - I know when giving up smoking you can do with all the support you can get -
by now your body is working hard to get rid of many things that is why you are feeling fluy keep up with the water and walking all will soon be well in your world and think what you are doing for your health and that of both the children :)
Aaleigha said:
feeling ruff is to do with not smoking - all those toxins coming out and the weight could easily be fluid retention due to the toxins your liver is working on and trying to expell

sorry to not visit - its all I could do to visit my own diary and I visited my visitors and just plain forgot I am so sorry - I know when giving up smoking you can do with all the support you can get -
by now your body is working hard to get rid of many things that is why you are feeling fluy keep up with the water and walking all will soon be well in your world and think what you are doing for your health and that of both the children :)

Thanks h I honestly believe weigh gain is due to me eating whatever I can lay my hands on as I've felt too poorly to cook much. Tomorrow if I feel better ill start up the walking again :) x
I am in so much PAIN!!! Bad sinus is no fun it's been like this for 2 days now.. Poor imi now has the lurgy too.


Breakfast red grapes and cherry mullerlight
Lunch ham salad mayo in pitta
Dinner had few slice of pizza and I enjoyed every mouthful!!

H ex a milk
H ex b 2x whole meal pitta
Syns mayo 2 sunbites 6 mini dairy milk x2 8 (16)
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