A bit of an o/t post, but how did you find out you were diabetic?
Don't answer on here if you'd rather not

Someone mentioned it to me the other day, and when I looked online I do seem to have all the symptoms, but I put everything down to the menopause!!
My Dad developed it when he was about my age, but he's not around anymore for me to ask.
Mandy I copied and pasted this from another thread I found about being diabetic.
I was diagnosed T2 in 1994. I was 50 yrs old. I had been in hospital for `water on the brain` and was prescribed countless numbers of water pills (diretics) . Eventually discharged then moved to another area. Joined an optician for eye test and she got in touch with my new GP and said I should still be under the hospital. GP sent me to the hospital for another brain scan, because of previous problem, all was ok but he sent me to a hospital opthamologist who eventually asked for a urine sample and told me I was diabetic.
At the time I was 25stone and said I had dieted since 11 stone and always put on what I had lost and more so would not diet again. Eventually of course I had to, was put on Metformin and glipizide.
Over the years I have lost weight and my control is usually good. Unfortunately I do get a hypo sometimes usually when I have been very active.
I have recently had to have some work done on my eyes as they have had a diabetic leak and had to be lazered. Does not hurt but have regular hospital checks for it. I don`t find carbs affect me too much, but I think I eat too much fruit.
Basically Mandy, I was overweight, over 40 and female. I had no idea until they told me. I have only had hypo`s since I have taken medication. They usually try to do it my diet alone. Some say no carbs. I just eat what I want and take the pills. I try not to eat loads of sweet stuff.
I know now that sometimes when I feel down or just not right (difficult to explain) I check my blood and usually my sugars are up a bit.
You could have a word with the doctor - they can do a blood test which shows the lst 3-6 months - or if you know somebody who hs a machine, they could check your blood for you.
OMG that was long, but I didn`t know it was only being checked for something else, which is often the case.
My brother is 65, 30odd stone and is not diabetic. I am 3rd generation diabetic.