New Year New You Miss Slinky 2012

Hi All,

Weighed in this morning - another 2lb off. I've updated the list and added Shirley's as I passed her name on the way down the list to mine! :D

Will catch up with you all later - been really busy over the weekend.


Alsmum - 21lbs - Want to feel better about myself

Foxy_Lox - 21bs - Need to get out of the 13's its a mental thing lol
(-3.5lbs - 17.5lbs to go)

Gingercake 16 - 20lbs - Wants to be in those size 10s (2lbs lost ~ 18lbs to go!)

Hannah - 14lbs - (Possibly To Be Amended) - I'm Aiming for Target in time for Job Interviews.

Jayde - 28lbs - Going to be bridesmaid for brothers wedding
(3lbs lost-25lbs to go)

Karen.Hat - 20lbs - Aiming to look fantastic for when her husband comes back for leave
(3.5lb lost ~ 16.5lb to go)

Littlemy - 24lbs - Going to see sister in Madrid

Minky Dinky - 24lbs - Going to be bridesmaid for Best Friends Wedding (+1lbs ~ 25lbs to go!)

Sesame82 - 21lbs - new year new weight starting with a 10

Moppet - 21lbs - I want to surprise my Mum when she comes to visit in July (4lbs lost ~ 17lbs to go)

Naomi1987 - 28lbs - going to a wedding in March

HuliaHoop - 30lbs - has already lost a stone and wants to lose a total of three stones by 26th March

SuePat10 - 20lbs - I'd like to be able to walk without getting out of breath (-4lbs ~ 16lbs to go!)

Jersey Joe - 24 lbs - to feel amazing for my Birthday in Feb & then lose the next 2 stone with WW

ShirleyBroon - 21lbs - Wants to be a size 12 in 2012! (-4lbs ~ 17lbs to go!)

AbigailsMummy (-2lbs: 26 pounds to go) - 28lbs - Want to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight

Mummy of 4 - 20lbs - ?? (-3.5lbs - 16.5 to go!)

Urban Princess - 29lbs - Brother's Wedding (-5lbs~ 24 to go!!)
3lbs off people, will now attempt to copy and paste the list using my iPod! I can't be bothered to turn on the pc. Very pleased :)

AMAZING!!!! Well done you!
hello ladies can i joing your team?

I have 4 stone to lose, been for my first weigh in and i have lost 1.5lb which isnt bad considering i had a bottle of white wine to myself last night and a meal out with my other halves customers. Oh and totm appeared this morning too :rolleyes:

Must mean next week will be better surely?

Everyone is welcome just add yourself to the list and post away :D
I weighed in last night and have lost 2lbs again this week. That's me down to 11st 2lbs x. 17lbs to go ?. Well done to everyone else x

Fab!!!! :D
Hi All,

Weighed in this morning - another 2lb off. I've updated the list and added Shirley's as I passed her name on the way down the list to mine! :D

Will catch up with you all later - been really busy over the weekend.


Alsmum - 21lbs - Want to feel better about myself

Foxy_Lox - 21bs - Need to get out of the 13's its a mental thing lol
(-3.5lbs - 17.5lbs to go)

Gingercake 16 - 20lbs - Wants to be in those size 10s (2lbs lost ~ 18lbs to go!)

Hannah - 14lbs - (Possibly To Be Amended) - I'm Aiming for Target in time for Job Interviews.

Jayde - 28lbs - Going to be bridesmaid for brothers wedding
(3lbs lost-25lbs to go)

Karen.Hat - 20lbs - Aiming to look fantastic for when her husband comes back for leave
(3.5lb lost ~ 16.5lb to go)

Littlemy - 24lbs - Going to see sister in Madrid

Minky Dinky - 24lbs - Going to be bridesmaid for Best Friends Wedding (+1lbs ~ 25lbs to go!)

Sesame82 - 21lbs - new year new weight starting with a 10

Moppet - 21lbs - I want to surprise my Mum when she comes to visit in July (4lbs lost ~ 17lbs to go)

Naomi1987 - 28lbs - going to a wedding in March

HuliaHoop - 30lbs - has already lost a stone and wants to lose a total of three stones by 26th March

SuePat10 - 20lbs - I'd like to be able to walk without getting out of breath (-4lbs ~ 16lbs to go!)

Jersey Joe - 24 lbs - to feel amazing for my Birthday in Feb & then lose the next 2 stone with WW

ShirleyBroon - 21lbs - Wants to be a size 12 in 2012! (-4lbs ~ 17lbs to go!)

AbigailsMummy (-2lbs: 26 pounds to go) - 28lbs - Want to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight

Mummy of 4 - 20lbs - ?? (-3.5lbs - 16.5 to go!)

Urban Princess - 29lbs - Brother's Wedding (-5lbs~ 24 to go!!)

Again well done, come on girls we can do this!
Anyone in the team struggling? Please post and lets see if we can help each other.

Ive been to asda and now I'm just buying for myself was a bloody revelation because I didnt have to think about "What he might like or want or treats and things" (he was 6ft 3, very althletic, totally opposite to me lol) Im not blaming him for my weight gain (was only 10st when we met) But always struggled with my weight I was either up or down.

But today it was so nice just to buy what I want and needed. Dont mean to sound selfish or a ***** but I think a lot of the food I was buying I didnt really want or need. Sorry for the ramblings lol
I've woke up this morning feeling so poorly, I woke every two hours through the night now my eyes are streaming heads pounding an nose is like a tap and I'm so hot so diet has gone out the window!
I just hope I can pull myself together for wi in Thursday eve

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I've woke up this morning feeling so poorly, I woke every two hours through the night now my eyes are streaming heads pounding an nose is like a tap and I'm so hot so diet has gone out the window!
I just hope I can pull myself together for wi in Thursday eve

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Aww hun massive hugs, just keep warm and chill out. There is nothing worse than feeling like that.
Well done to everyone on your wi you're all doing well. I only lost 1lb this week but at least I lost!

Karen - I hope you're feeling better soon.
sesame82 said:
Well done to everyone on your wi you're all doing well. I only lost 1lb this week but at least I lost!

Karen - I hope you're feeling better soon.

Am feeling sorry for myself on the couch with a duvet waiting for biggest loser before bed but been thoroughly spoilt! My daughter cooked me a chicken dinner to make me feel better!!

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Well done on the losses this week so far gang.

Sorry to hear you're feeling poorly Karen - any better today? Could be a 24 hr bug? Loads going round at this rime of year :(

Feeling crap myself at the mo, splitting headache all day and shoulders are aching. Feels like I have been punched in the face and slightly sick. Bizarre. Early to bed for me tonight.

Foxy - isn't it great to have your shopping bill reduced because your not buying someone else's crap? Luckily my OH eats what I give him .... Although he does love to have the odd night of unhealthy food or raid any chocolate that may be in the flat. He even wants my fibre plus bars cheeky git.

Anywho, best dash back to work, hope everyone is having a positive food week and feels good xx
Mummy of 4 said:
Hope you feel better soon Karen. Net x

Have a sneaky suspicion I will have a gain tonight :(

Not feeling so snotty but head is pounding! Hopefully another early night will sort me out for wi tomorrow xx

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MinkyDinky said:
Well done on the losses this week so far gang.

Sorry to hear you're feeling poorly Karen - any better today? Could be a 24 hr bug? Loads going round at this rime of year :(

Feeling crap myself at the mo, splitting headache all day and shoulders are aching. Feels like I have been punched in the face and slightly sick. Bizarre. Early to bed for me tonight.

Foxy - isn't it great to have your shopping bill reduced because your not buying someone else's crap? Luckily my OH eats what I give him .... Although he does love to have the odd night of unhealthy food or raid any chocolate that may be in the flat. He even wants my fibre plus bars cheeky git.

Anywho, best dash back to work, hope everyone is having a positive food week and feels good xx

Get well soon xx

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Hope everyone is feeling better and good luck with WI's this week. Mine is tomorrow :D
Mummy of 4 said:
Lost 2.5 lb this week so 6 in total and gone into different stone !!! X

Amazing! Well done on the loss AND your shiny! Getting down to the next stone down is always a fantastic feeling! Fingers crossed I can say that on Saturday :D xx