Nomes diaries

Hi Nomes how are you enjoying sf, do you prefer it to pp i keep saying i fancy trying it but am frightened of eating too much lol x
I'm feeling better for being healthy - I know I keep saying this but tracking is def not as good for you. I snack far less on sf and eat good food. Both plans work but if you cook or are even a bit prepared sf is best.
Aww nomes I hope your pain eases. Sounds like you've had a good day food wise. Glad you are feeling a bit healthier. I agree, sf is def the healthier of the two and really puts me off having sweet treats for even just a couple of points as I know they're coming out of my weeklies. I only eat wholewheat now even if I'm pointing.
Feel better soon. X
How did u hurt ur back?
Oh yeah I remember u say that, but do u know how it happened, sounds really painful, how do u get rid of it?
Tablets which I can't take. It's only sore when I sit down so I think it can't be nerve pain- tiring day trying to be up all the time!
Can it never be fixed then Nomes? X
Don't know- its so tiring but not giving up yet- if my back 'goes' again then I may not cope so well.

This is day three- always my hardest day to diet x
:( I really hope it gets better for you. My friend had some problems with her back and she was literally bent over like and old lady. She had a walking stick and everything! After an operation, she's much better now.

I hope you're feeling a bit better today. I admire you for sticking with WW through all this x x x
I hope ur day goes really good today, and that ur back eases soon!
Thanks- its been a long day at work!

Breakfast- all bran and skimmed milk

Snack- banana and apple

Lunch- 2 ww petit pains

Snack- 2 petite yogurt buns- 5pp

Dinner- chicken breast and actifry chips

Snack- sweets- 6pp

Weeklies reset tomorrow thank goodness!
Hi Nomes do you think a course of acupuncture may work on your back or is it a case of needing an op hope you ok lol x
Small yogurt buns that the kids in school make ;)

I'm scared of acupuncture- afraid of making it worse!!!

I am wi tomorrow night- avoided wi last week so assessing the damage tomorrow night. Prob a gain but need to face it!
Bad nights sleep- :(

Breakfast- all bran and skimmed milk

Snack- fruit

Lunch- 2 ww petit pains


Dinner- spag Bol

Supervise school disco so a long day