Wow 5 weeks already time does go really fast xHi ladies
Millie is now 5 weeks 2 days! Cant believe how fast it has gone.
Congrats to the other new babies
Can i joun you all on the new thread? Xx
Just an had to freeze me with two different types of injection so she could scrape & pack the nerve. I've been referred to a specialist as its a wisdom tooth that needs extracted. This type of surgery is normally done under some type of sedation so needless to say I'm even more upset & nervous than before. Its gonna be a long few weeks.
On the upside I lost 3 1/2lbs at weigh in tonight!
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Ouch anything to do with wisdom hurts so much more even when its first coming out! Now that they have packed that nerve away will you be painfree until they extract it or will it still hurt when you eat?
Well done on losing the 3.5lbs x
Dentist doesn't think it will last as there isn't much tooth to hold the packing. I really need to see if the gp will give me something like valium just for the extraction. The stress today was unreal. I've already major chest pain etc just thinking of sedation free surgery! Baby has even moved -now higher than my belly button, where baby has never been before.
I drowned my sorrows of dentist with a big bar of chocolate -gonna be great for my dairy intolerance isn't it!
Just feeling very stressed & panicky. Want to cry but can't if that makes sense.
mama-bear via phone
Wow 5 weeks already time does go really fast x
How you coping with little Millie or is she one of those little good babies that like to give mummy a easy time x
Of course you can join the new thread x
I had the same problem with my first daughter and ended up bottle feeding aswell but she was a terror, i cant remember how many weeks she did it but she kept on waking up every 2 hours for a feed! My second daughter was a angel and my third my son was just as bad as his oldest sister. Just wondering how it will be this time round. All mine had problems with wind too so will need to get those dr brown bottle and loads of gripe water xI tried bfing and by 5 days she had lost 17.5% so we ended up in hospital and now formula feeding and she is gaining reqllt well! She is good 50% of the time, some nights she gets wind so bad she cries all night and i can get it up. Other nights she only wakes once which is amazing! X
Dentist doesn't think it will last as there isn't much tooth to hold the packing. I really need to see if the gp will give me something like valium just for the extraction. The stress today was unreal. I've already major chest pain etc just thinking of sedation free surgery! Baby has even moved -now higher than my belly button, where baby has never been before.
I drowned my sorrows of dentist with a big bar of chocolate -gonna be great for my dairy intolerance isn't it!
Just feeling very stressed & panicky. Want to cry but can't if that makes sense.
mama-bear via phone
I know the feeling hun, i know its not the same but i'm feeling the same (stressed and panicking like mad) about labour. I know its my 4th time but i hate the hospital and i will be all alone and scared something will go wrong. Oh well will have to face it sooner or later
Hopefully your gp will be able to help and put you at ease x
I had the same problem with my first daughter and ended up bottle feeding aswell but she was a terror, i cant remember how many weeks she did it but she kept on waking up every 2 hours for a feed! My second daughter was a angel and my third my son was just as bad as his oldest sister. Just wondering how it will be this time round. All mine had problems with wind too so will need to get those dr brown bottle and loads of gripe water x
My family are useless and his family are too far. As for friends i seemed to have lost them when i had my first baby. There is no way as suggested by my mum that i will be leaving my children with her because she stuffs them with junk, they get to watch all kinds of rubbish on tv, dont go to bed on time, and their house is not very child friendly so scared that my children will come under some harm one of these days. Plus my brother and sisters say stupid things in front of them or sometimes even swear in front of them which they know i dont like but they dont care especially since my dad died last year the house is upside down. Sorry for the rant emotions are a bit high as i'm getting nearer to my due date![]()
On a good note i caught my daughter little bum that she was busy jamming into my already sore left ribs. Lol it only made her wriggle more to get away from my hands. Just cant figure how she can as the same time as jamming my ribs be jamming into my pelvis, she must have a long body x
Wahay hopefully taking Poppy home tomorrow! Im quite eager to see how much I've lost! Although in still very bloated with water so I won't get a true reading for a few weeks I don't think! Poppy is doing amazing I'm do chuffed with her she's tiny but chunky so when you hold her you really feel like you have a hold of somethinganyway hope everyone else's pregnancies are progressing nicely!
How's Laura getting on does anyone know?
She was waking every 4 hours to start with and then all last week was every 2 hours and last night she went back to her old self. Slept until 11.30 fed her she woke at 3.45 and then at 8. Best nights sleep ever! Ive got tommee tippee anti colic bottles and infacol. Does gripe water work better? Me and OH were trying for date night prediet tonight. Bottle of wine, chinese, chocolate and a movie but she has been crying since 6.45 :-( x
U'v nothing 2 b sorry 4 hun, yer allowed 2 rant! It's a shame yer family rn't more supportive of yer wishes regardin yer kids but I'm sure yer labour will b fine n u'l b back home wif all 4 kids n hubby in no time at all. In the meantime we'r all here 4 u xx
Wahay hopefully taking Poppy home tomorrow! Im quite eager to see how much I've lost! Although in still very bloated with water so I won't get a true reading for a few weeks I don't think! Poppy is doing amazing I'm do chuffed with her she's tiny but chunky so when you hold her you really feel like you have a hold of somethinganyway hope everyone else's pregnancies are progressing nicely!
How's Laura getting on does anyone know?