day 5 of 120...
yaay,,im in ketosis... finally thank goodness..... i swear i will not fall off the wagon because ketosis is just so good!
I was a little worried this morning that i wasnt there but i checked mid morning and voila... between traces and faible or whatever it is..
Not hungry, ive only had one thought about food today, which is excellent!! usually i think about food every five minutes. instead of filling my brain with thoughts of food ive filled it with information about psychoanalysis and developmental psychology..... 8 whole hours of it!
And now its relaxing time,, might do some more reading later on, cant wait for these exams that start on Saturday just to be over!
Jayne, feeling a bit better today, still got a few sniffles but thankfully i can BREATHE!!! my ears still wont budge though, but i dont expect them too,,though i wish they would fix themselves!
Also im feeling upbeat and i was able to do so much today which over the last few days i just didnt have the energy what with LT and being sick!
i think ill stick to your advice Jayne, my friend has given me some of her leftovers which are cottage pie, and a spag bol. theres 12 of them, so i think ill keep them by as my emergency packs in case. No point going near them now if im doing fine with the shakes i guess!
Hey Funky, coffee with Dad was great, hes sick though as well. I love having coffee with him because growing up it was just him and I until he remarried when i was 10, and since leaving home we have such a strong bond, hes like one of my best friends. im very lucky!! Coffee is never as good without milk however. I had a peppermint tea

thanks for the advice on the bath, i might do that later on,, ill try anything at this stage!....well done on only putting on 4lbs by the way,,that will be off in no time!
Deb make it your goal to not wear that dress this year! Im sure you must nearly be in ketosis now!,,ketosis arrived for me today so ill pass it onto you now

Christmas was good, didnt eat that much, stayed away from carbs as much as i could and didnt touch a mince pie or a piece of chocolate which was amazing.. however i drank solidly from the 22 december to the 1st of january. Thats where i think my 4lbs came from! Im not that bothered though because i was just so proud of myself for not eating everything like the world was ending. I didnt even have a pre-diet final meal, but i think thats because i was sick!
i cant believe tomorrow is day 6 for me,,,time is flying by and i dont know if i like it or if i hate it.. your five weeks will be over in no time!!
keep it up everybody.... its still a new year for a new us!x