Rosielea's Maintenance Journey

Friday 28th February 2014

Breakfast - Banana, Black coffee

Snack - Orange, Blackberries

Lunch - Baugette, steak & red onion, salad (watercress, lettuce, tomato, cucumber).

Did not want the baugette but went out with a colleague to this littl cafe and there was no other choice

Snack - Cherries, youghrt, 4 tsp homemade Blackberry jam

Dinner - Homemade burgers

Could not be bothered to cook as I feel exhausted with my cold

Snack - WM toast, banana, 35gr mozerella cheese, glass of milk

Snack - Black tea, orange

walked - 2 miles

1. Wore a cardigan which was too big - in my fat days it was very tight.
2. Relaxed
3. Positive


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Friday 7th March 2014

Need to lose some weight to get into a dress for a birthday party next month.

Breakfast - Banana, apple, Black coffee

Snack - Orange, pear

Lunch - Ham Salad (Lettuce, Red cabbage, carrot, tomato, taragon), 1 tsp mayo, Black coffee

Snack - 2 bite size brownies, orange, banana

Dinner - Beef stirfry (Red onion, garlic, ginger, beef, aspragus, carrot, ciurgette, 1 tbs ghee, cauliflower mash, 35gr cheddar

Body magic - 1/2 mile walk


1. Beautiful sunny afternoon
2. Positive
3. Happy
4. Ate well and on plan
5. Going for a long walk tomorrow
6. Start exercise bike tomorrow


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Sunday 9th March 2014

What a glorious day it has been. Sunshine all day which put me in a great mood.

Breakfast - Bacon, mushroom, tomatoes, baked beans, satsume, Black tea

Went out for a long walk with a friend and she treated me to a 99 with a flake - not had one for many years

Snack - Pear, apple, banana, black tea

Had a productive day getting loads of washing done and getting on with a couple of jobs I have been postponing

Dinner - Beef stirfry (Onion, ginger, chili, asparagus, courgette, carrot, beef), boiled rice

Body magic - 2 miles

1. Positive
2. Good mood
3. went for a long walk
4. Productive day


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Monday 10th March 2014

Feel very tired from the injections dentist gave me. Made me very hungry so I just ate some rubbish. Do not know what is wrong with me lately, I am good most of the day and then all of a sudden I start eating junk.

Lunch - Big ham salad (salad leaves, carrot, tomato, cucumber), 1 tsp mayo, Black tea

Snack - too many mini chocolates and crisps, banana

Dinner - Red onion, chirizo, eggs, potatoes, satsumes, oranges

Body magic - 2 miles walk up & down the hill


Not sure as I have been eating loads of chocolates and crisps


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Tuesday 11th March 2014

Snack - Banana, satsumes, apple, Black coffee

- Massive ham salad (salad leaves, carrot, Red cabbage, tomato, cucumber), 1 tbs mayo

Snack - Banana, strawberries

Dinner - beef stirfry (Onion, garlic, chili, ginger, beef, asparagus, courgette, carrot, tarragon, sesame seeds), baked potato

Snack - Whole meal pitta, philli, 1 tbs peanut butter, banana, Black tea

Body magic - 2 miles

1. Hurrah managed to stick to almost a good food day
2. positive
3. Happy


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Wednesday 12th March 2014

Breakfast - WM pitta, egg, mushrooms, 1 tbs Brown sauce, Black tea

Snack - Banana, orange

Lunch - Large Tuna salad (lettuce, Red cabbage, carrot, cucumber, tomato, tarragon), 1 tbs mayo, Black tea

Snack - Banana, milk, Black tea

Dinner - spag bol *onion, garlic, chili, tomato, mince beef, tomato puree), cheese

Snack - WM pitta, phili, 2 tsp jam

I was doing so well until dinner time when it went to pieces

Body magic - 5 miles exercise bike


1. Got a lot of work done
2. did really well with food until dinner time
3. Had some good news


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Friday 21st March 2014 (EE)

Happy first day of SPRING

Today is a new day in the next chapter of my life and I have decided to go back on the plan properly and get the excess weight off.

Breakfast - Banana, pear, plums, satsumes, Black tea

Lunch - WM pitta filled with grilled salmon, rocket and tarragon, Black tea

Snack - 6 prunes (just fancied them) 3 syns, packet of crisps (6 syns), Black tea, Pear, banana, satsume

Dinner - Roasted vegetables (Parsnip, carrot, leek, Red pepper, Red onion, spargus), WM bread, reduced houmus (lemon & coriander), 1/2 HEXA grated cheese, Black tea

Total syns = 9

Body magic - running up & down the stairs

1. Happy
2. Confident
3. Made a decision to re-start the plan
4. Joined a 3 months weight loss challenge
5. Positive
6. First day of plan was good and I enjoyed everything I ate


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Saturday 22nd March 2014 - Green

Had a good night sleep and walk up early to start my chores & clean the house. Started in the chicken and cleared all the cupboards and washed everything.

Breakfast - Bked beans & cheese (HEXA) omellete, banana, Black tea

After breakfast, I decided to go to the garden and cut a few storm damaged trees. Good exercise all the bending, pulling and carrying heavy branches.

Snack - Pear, orange

Lunch - WM pitta (HEXB), lemon & coriander reduced homus, spinach, rocket, mint, tomato, pepper, tomato, Black tea

Did more gardening. My neighbour told me that farmer's tractor is broken so I might have to cut the grass myself

Snack - Black coffe, pear, orange, plum, packet of crisps (6 syns)

Kept the woodburner on as it is fairly cold. Went for a walk and got caught in a hale stone storm - there was nowhere to hide so I had to walk home and I was frozen. It all settled on the ground for a couple of hours

Had a lovely shower to warm up before making dinner

Dinner - Stirfry (Red onion, Red/orange pepper, chili, garlic, ginger, mushroom, asparagus, broccoli, sweetcorn), rice

Snack - 10 prunes (5 syns), Black tea


Superfree - Banana, egg, orange, pear, plum, grapes, spinach, rocket, mint, carrot, tomato, cucumber, Red onion, peppers, mushroom, ginger, garlic, chili, asparagus, broccoli (20)

30 gr cheese (HEXA)
WM Pitta (HEXB)
1 tbsp Olive oil (HEXB)
Packet of crisps (6 syns)

Body magic - lots of gardening & walking (3 miles)

Total syns = 11

1. Had a good night sleep
2. Cleaned kitchen and did lots of gardening
3. Happy
4. Positive
5. On plan and ate well
6. Determined to get excess weight off


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Sunday 23rd March 2014 - Green

Breakfast - WM toast (HEXB), 1 tbs olive oil (HEXB), mushroom, egg, Black coffee

Snack - Banana, Pear, orange, Black tea, carrot

Lunch - Sweet potato, baked beans, sweetcorn, cheese (HEXA), rocket, spinach, mint

Snack - Pear, banana, grapes, Black tea, hoola hoops (6.5 syns)

Dinner - Chili (Onion, garlic, ginger, chili, kidney beans, tarragon, tomato, boiled rice)


Superfree - Banana, pear, orange, grapes, egg, mushroom, carrot, rocket, spinach, onion, garlic, chili, tomato, tarragon (14)

WM toast (HEXB)
1 tbs Olive oil (HEXB)
Cheese (HEXA)

Body magic - Nil

Total syns = 6.5

1. Happy
2. Positive
3. On plan and ate well


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Monday 24th March 2013 - Green

Breakfast - Egg & soliders. yum yum, Black tea

Snack - melon, pear, banana

Lunch - left over chili from last night with tarragon & mint

Snack - Tea, orange, grazpes, mango, banana

Dinner - Burger topped with cheese and salad (spinach, rocket, pepper, cucumber, mint, tarragon)

Snack - Tea

Not sure if I am going to have any syns today as I have been sitting indoors all day as we had heavy rain and high winds.


Superfree - Egg, banana, pear, orange, grapes, melon, mango, spinach, rocket, pepper, onion, tomato, mint, tarragon (14)

WM toast (HEXB)
Burger (HEXB)
40 gr cheese & milk in tea (2 HEXA)

Body magic - Nil

Total syns = 0

1. Due to bad weather, had to stay indoors but probably a good thing as I need za rest
2. Relaxing
3. Happy
4. Positive
5. Ate well and on plan


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Tuesday 25th March 2014 - Green

Woke up to heavy rain which meant another day indoors. Did not feel hungry until late in the afternoon

Snack - Orange, Tea

Lunch - Sweet potato, cottage cheese, Red pepper

Snack - Mango, pineapple, kettle chips (6 syns), Tea

Dinner - Beef casserole (mince beef (HEXB), onion, garlic, carrot, potato, beetroot, tarragon)

Snack - 2 biscuits (4 syns), Black tea


Superfree - Mango, orange, pineapple, onion, garlic, carrot, beetroot, tarragon (8)

Mince beef (HEXB)
Milk in tea (HEXA)
Kettle chops (6 syns)
2 biscuits (4 syns)

Body magic - 2 miles walk

Total syns = 10

1. Positive
2. Found answer to something on my mind
3. Forced myself to go out for a walk
4. Ate well and on plan


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Wednesday 26th March 2014 - off plan

The sun was out and spend most of the day tidying the garden.

Breakfast - WM toast (HEXB), fried mushrooms & eggs, Black coffee

Lunch - leftover beef casserole, pineapple, mango

Snack - 5 biscuits (10 syns), Turkey slices, Black tea

Went to the tip and then food shopping before meeting a friend for dinner

Snack - 2 x cereal bar (HEXB + 6 syn), cucumber

Dinner - Pizza base (syns?), cheese (2 HEXA), chrizo (6 syns), glass of kir, Black tea

Snack - Cereal bar (6 syns), Black tea


Superfree - Pineapple, mango, onion, broccoli, garlic, carrot, mushroom, egg (8)

Toast (HEB)
Cereal bars (HEXB + 12 syns)
Biscuits (10 syns)
Pizza (?)
Cheese (2 HEXB)
Chrizo (6 syns)

Body magic - loads of gardening

Total syns = Zilion

1. Positive
2. Happy
3. Sunny so spent most of days gardening
4. Good deed for a colleague


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Thursday 27th March 2014 - EE

Breakfast - WM toast (HEXB), cottage cheese topped with strawberries and banana, Black coffee

Started in the garden and was doing well - apart from being attacked by Blackberry bushes, then all of a sudden went so cold that I could not stay outside.

I was so cold that had to eat something so made a quick soup to warm me up

Lunch - Soup (Tomato, onion, garlic, beetroot, carrot, tarragon, mint), Black coffee

Snack - Oranges, mango, strawberry, banana, packet of kettle chips, Black tea

Dinner - Burger topped with HEXA cheese, Red onion, mushroom, peppers, broccoli, small potato, Black tea

Yum yum that really filled me up and warmed me through. I am freezing today


Superfree - Strawberries, banana, mango, orange, tomato, carrot, onion, mushroom, broccoli, beetroot, garlic, tarragon, mint (13)
Toast (HEXB)
Cheese (HEXA)
Kettle chips (6 syns)

Body magic - lots of gardening

Total syns = 6

1. Happy
2. Got an interview for a job I really want.
3. Ate well and on plan
4. Can feel my tummy shrinking a bit
5. Positive
6. Determined


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