ProPoints Sarah's i will be thin diary

Hiya.Hope you have a fab time away,look forward to hearing all about your holiday on your return :0) just remember the weight that you have already lost and don't be hard on yourself!
Hey erm today was good enough I went over my points but went swimming for like 40 mins so dont feel too bad about it! I think I'm already In holiday mode lol so aslong as I'm not pigging out I'm ok I guess! I'll be right back on it after my holiday :D thanks ladies I'm sure I'll have a great time just 2 days left at work woooohooo :) xx
That's good that you went swimming,yay to only two days left at work,not long to wait for your hols now,it seems to have come round quick!
Thank you :) yeah I know it's flew by thank god lol not feeling great today but I'm sure I'll be fine when I'm getting excited tomo go go away lol x
Heyyyy back off holiday had a fantastic time :) ate and drank like a pig but I guess that's what holidays are for lol back on it as from tomorrow well at least gonna try n cut down first so don't go into starvation mode!! Lol hope your all ok and still doing well :D x
Thank you :)
Yes I have lots of pics but not put them on my laptop yet hopefully do that tonight as I have work today....gonna be very tiring after 2 weeks off I know that lol
I'm bloody starving aswellas I'm used to eating what I want when I want! Think I'm gonna struggle a little to get back into it :/ that's why I'm gonna just start cutting down first! Well done for still being here daisy and I see your not far from the 11's now hey!! You've done increadably well, well done :) x
Thanks Hun! Changed wi day to a Friday as suits me better,not so worried bout using my weeklies now lol plus did my first simply filling day yesterday,it went well :0) ouch at back to work! Yea it will take a week or so for your body to get used to the change so you're doing it the right way,Okies bout the pics,bet you didn't want to come home!
Ahh ok yeah that makes sense :) I put my work trousers on today n they felt tight b my button popped :( im gonna weigh in tomorrow to see the damage!! Ahh I may try some simply filling days did you enjoy it? No I didn't wanna come back and today at work were awful so not good lol x
Boo to work being crap! That's not so good! Those trousers will fit again soon :0) ok bout wi tomorrow,hope all ok when you do.sf going well,I do have some treats still and use my weeklies for that plus I have still weighed my potatoes and peas but i didn't choose sf cos of being bored of tracking I just fancied a change :0)
bulldogdaisy said:
Boo to work being crap! That's not so good! Those trousers will fit again soon :0) ok bout wi tomorrow,hope all ok when you do.sf going well,I do have some treats still and use my weeklies for that plus I have still weighed my potatoes and peas but i didn't choose sf cos of being bored of tracking I just fancied a change :0)

Yeah it's pooh but hey lol yeah hopefully they will!! I'm still at the gym till the end of July then I'm trying a 30 day free trial at la fitness with my friend as they have a pool too so would be better just abit more money! With sf can u have unlimited petit pains n crumpets and it says there free :/ how big do you have your potatoes etc? X
Oh dear!! Just weighed in and I'm disgusted with myself :( I have been off track for about 6 weeks now as I gave up before my holiday n had the I don't care's sure made a difference I've gone from 13,1 to 14st 8!!!! How is it do easy to put it on :( anyway fresh start enough of being fat and horrible!!
Tuesday 26th June
Ready break 4pp

2 ham petit pains 7pp
Velvet crunch 2pp
Sf jelly 0pp

Think I'm at a friends for tea and having pasta so will weigh it out with a tomato based sauce!

13 used 18pp left although with putting on so much weight I'm sure my pp will have gone up :/
*_*cupcake*_* said:
Yeah it's pooh but hey lol yeah hopefully they will!! I'm still at the gym till the end of July then I'm trying a 30 day free trial at la fitness with my friend as they have a pool too so would be better just abit more money! With sf can u have unlimited petit pains n crumpets and it says there free :/ how big do you have your potatoes etc? X

The try out at la fitness sounds really good! Least you can decide after 30 days if you do want to spend out abit more.Yup things like that are unlimited,I still do 500g potatoes and halve it with the OH but if not weighing,people on sf just go by eating till satisfied.
*_*cupcake*_* said:
Oh dear!! Just weighed in and I'm disgusted with myself :( I have been off track for about 6 weeks now as I gave up before my holiday n had the I don't care's sure made a difference I've gone from 13,1 to 14st 8!!!! How is it do easy to put it on :( anyway fresh start enough of being fat and horrible!!
Tuesday 26th June
Ready break 4pp

2 ham petit pains 7pp
Velvet crunch 2pp
Sf jelly 0pp

Think I'm at a friends for tea and having pasta so will weigh it out with a tomato based sauce!

13 used 18pp left although with putting on so much weight I'm sure my pp will have gone up :/

Yea that's the frustrating thing that weight comes on quick but is hard to shift off again! You will do it though,you've done it before so can do it again,plus you have support on here :0) enjoy the meal at your friend's tonight.33pp is good,don't go hungry though!
Hi everyone this Is an old diary but I feel the need to come back as I still have a lot of weight to lose...I had an operation to take my gallbladder out 10 days ago so not able to move amazingly can walk etc just get out of breath quick and my back starts hurting so I'm inproving that by walking a little everyday before I go back to work in a week today, I did join the gym before my op and were going atleast 3 times a week thus is currently frozen as I can't go for atleast another 2-3 weeks my nurse said so exercise will be minimal atm.

So yeah before my op I managed to lose 8 pounds but weighed in yesterday and put 2 pounds back on which tbh I'm really suprised about as all I've done is say around and ate feeling sorry for myself.

It's time to really do it now as me and my fiancée have been talking about getting married and providing everything goes to plan money wise it will either be next year or 2014 and I really really don't want to be a fat bride!!

I may not stick to weight watchers 100% as before I were just healthy eating and it was going well but if i start going out of control ill point my food n see where I'm going wrong :) I just know there's amazing support on this forum so thought I'd come back hope you guys don't mind!

I need all the support I can get so please please if anyone wants to buddy up or wants to help md out just post :D

Sorry about this essay I just like to give people an insite into my life :D ha

sooo my start weight as of yesterday is 14 stone 11 pounds :eek: shocking I know :/ but I'm going to weight every Friday morning just needed to take the plunge n let reality kick back in yesterday!

Ill update my diary once I've had my breakfast :) looking forward to hearing from you guys
Sarah xxxxx