Absolutely! Absolutely!...everyone!
Specially porgeous
Sometimes you get this nagging, and as Porg says, sometimes we give in to it, sometimes we don't.
Yesterday I went to Ikea. I had a slice of this cakey thing...very nice too. So nice, that I had to go back and buy another. I wasn't hungry (far from it), I wasn't trying to cover something up. I just wanted it. I didn't view it as a treat, or even 'going off plan' (though it is a little different..cos I don't have a plan
The rebellious streak in me is thinking well why the heck should I feel bad, if I choose to have one day off when I’m already at goal then why not. There’s no wagon to fall off cos I’m already there. Hmmn she doth protest too much??
And do I regret it eating more than I needed? Not one little bit. I would have regretted not having it in this instance. Today I would have kept thinking about how I missed the opportunity of having more. Instead, I ate it, I enjoyed it, I'm pleased I had more than I needed.
It's all in the balance. Recognising when it's okay, and when it isn't.
Food isn't a treat. It isn't even something particularly special. It's nutrition. Somethings taste better than others Somethings do more for us than others...but that's all.
You are very close to the stage where it isn't about the food so much. Neither is it about the weight. It's about living like a slim person and slim people have days when they eat too much just because they want to.
It's all about how you perceive it. On plan/off plan etc, or whether you are just living like a 'normal' person. It's easy to spoil those moments spending time in regret, so really pleased you aren't in that space.
(Preaching to the converted here, as it sounds like your head is firmly in the right place already