Silver Member
Hey me dears.
Well, stowed off my feet today as we having a pyjama party at work so there is kids flying about everywhere haha. I work in a Childrens Centre at the mo you see.
I cant believe I speant to long typing on here yesterday and lost it all. It better not happen again.
Vicklee - what did you get for your lunch? Did you get the chicken?
Elm - Miss you tooooooo. How are you feeling now? Have you perked up a bit? Its all that work you are doing hun.
Wildtrapeez - I think you should get a lovley dress as an incentive. Rather than buy a mega expensive coture one though why dont you opt for one of those gorgeous cheaper versions off ebay. I think they come from Japan on somewhere. be careful though as the sizes are stupidly small. A normal size 16 to them is like a 10-12 to us or something ridiculous like that. Oh, I saw that Diet Chief thing on QVC a while back. The food is supposed to be very nice. And lots of varied meals. How expensive though!!!!!
You'll have to let me know how your mam gets on.
Diva - I think I should come and steal some of your wardrobe hahahaha. I went on a bit of a shopping spree last night and got some new dressy jeans and 4 flattering tops. All in the sale. I still srefuse to pay money for clothes that will not fit in a few months time. Plus, the clothes I really love and want to buy don't fit. Shops only tend to go up to a 14-16 in the fashion shops. I cant wait for the days I can walk into any shop and buy what the hell I like (like I used too. I miss those days).
Katierose, Rosyro, Liliamiee, Pink - How you all getting on?
Well I have been very good the last two days. Here is my food diary entries:
Slimfast Shake (220 cals)
Grapefruit (80 cals)
Banana (100 cals)
Beef stifado, potatos and portabello mushroom (350 cals)
Plum and another mushtoom (50 cals)
Biscuits (300 cals)
Chips (400 cals)
Slimfast shake (220 cals)
Meatballs and spagetti (470 cals)
2 plums (50 cals)
Apple (50 cals)
Meal replacement bar (220 cals)
Chicken and salad pitta bread (300 cals)
I have decided to have my next official weigh in when I am next at the doctors, so the 9th March. I am gonna try and be extra good for then. Last time I was there was around 12th January and I was 13.12 so I hope to get down to 13 for the 9th. That should be enough for the doc to keep giving the the Xenical shouldnt it?
I'm at that wedding doo tonight with everyone from work. Really looking forward to it. Then the Adonis is picking me up and coming to stop at mine and we going to look at holiday brochures. Then tomorow night I am going to a Robbie William tribute night at the local social club (so lots of cheap drink). I'm going with the Adonis sister hehe. Meet the family and all that haha.
Well I hope you all have a fab weekend and I'll speak to you all on Monday xxx
Well, stowed off my feet today as we having a pyjama party at work so there is kids flying about everywhere haha. I work in a Childrens Centre at the mo you see.
I cant believe I speant to long typing on here yesterday and lost it all. It better not happen again.
Vicklee - what did you get for your lunch? Did you get the chicken?
Elm - Miss you tooooooo. How are you feeling now? Have you perked up a bit? Its all that work you are doing hun.
Wildtrapeez - I think you should get a lovley dress as an incentive. Rather than buy a mega expensive coture one though why dont you opt for one of those gorgeous cheaper versions off ebay. I think they come from Japan on somewhere. be careful though as the sizes are stupidly small. A normal size 16 to them is like a 10-12 to us or something ridiculous like that. Oh, I saw that Diet Chief thing on QVC a while back. The food is supposed to be very nice. And lots of varied meals. How expensive though!!!!!
Diva - I think I should come and steal some of your wardrobe hahahaha. I went on a bit of a shopping spree last night and got some new dressy jeans and 4 flattering tops. All in the sale. I still srefuse to pay money for clothes that will not fit in a few months time. Plus, the clothes I really love and want to buy don't fit. Shops only tend to go up to a 14-16 in the fashion shops. I cant wait for the days I can walk into any shop and buy what the hell I like (like I used too. I miss those days).
Katierose, Rosyro, Liliamiee, Pink - How you all getting on?
Well I have been very good the last two days. Here is my food diary entries:
Slimfast Shake (220 cals)
Grapefruit (80 cals)
Banana (100 cals)
Beef stifado, potatos and portabello mushroom (350 cals)
Plum and another mushtoom (50 cals)
Biscuits (300 cals)
Chips (400 cals)
Slimfast shake (220 cals)
Meatballs and spagetti (470 cals)
2 plums (50 cals)
Apple (50 cals)
Meal replacement bar (220 cals)
Chicken and salad pitta bread (300 cals)
I have decided to have my next official weigh in when I am next at the doctors, so the 9th March. I am gonna try and be extra good for then. Last time I was there was around 12th January and I was 13.12 so I hope to get down to 13 for the 9th. That should be enough for the doc to keep giving the the Xenical shouldnt it?
I'm at that wedding doo tonight with everyone from work. Really looking forward to it. Then the Adonis is picking me up and coming to stop at mine and we going to look at holiday brochures. Then tomorow night I am going to a Robbie William tribute night at the local social club (so lots of cheap drink). I'm going with the Adonis sister hehe. Meet the family and all that haha.
Well I hope you all have a fab weekend and I'll speak to you all on Monday xxx