Hello Ladiiiieeeessss. I hope you have all had a fab weekend. I have had a great weekend but myword I have racked up a hell of alot of calories. Woops. I'll jump straight in there and tell you all what I have had:
Healthy choice chicken sarnie and some pombear crisps (380 cals)
Vodka and wine (with that hunky man of mine hehe) (1000 cals)
Now, for the really bad days...
2 small slices pizza (400 cals)
3 packets of Scampi Fries (I am going scampi fry crazzzzy) (360 cals)
Cheesy chips and onion rings (800 cals)
2 bottles of wine (1200 cals)
TOTAL CALORIES = 2760 (yeiks)
Sunday Roast (pork, crackeling, 1 small yorkie pud, carrots, cabbage, 4 roast potatos and some mash) (800 cals)
Full Bottle (except for the one glass I spilt hehe) of Baileys Irish Cream (1700 cals)
Bottle of wine (600 cals)
Crisps (180 cals)
TOTAL CALORIES = 3280 Aaaaarrrrgggghhhhh!!!!!! STUPID BAILEYS!
So, as you can see I have majorly fell off the wafon this weekend, but to be fair I have thoroughly enjoyed myself. I plan on getting my finger out again though and being very good again this week and I am gonna try not to drink as much on a weekend. Thats my main downfall. Only 2 weeks till that engagement party I'm off to so want half a stone off if I can.
I had a cheeky jump on the scales this morning and I have stayed the same, so no loss last week. I'm hoping I dont get a delay in weight gain following the weekend. Does it usally take a few days for the scales to move up or am I being silly? I dont mind if I have stayed the same but I do want to see a diffrence next week.
So come on girls, tell me all about your weekends.
Pink - I'll defo take on board what you say about the calorie intake. I think when I go under my calories too much thats what leads to major blow outs. How are you getting on? Hows uni?
Oh, wityh regards to my slimming pills, it is Xenical I get off the doctor. They are 120mg Orlistat (so double the strength of Ali you get from over the counter at a Chemist). It absorbs a third of your fat intake like Biker Kittie said and if you eat too mcuh fat you poop it out. I tend not to take them though if I am induldging in something too faty for fear of getting caught shorth when I need the loo. Plus, it wouldnt be very attractive for the new man to see me running to the bog every 2 minutes hahahaha.
The other slimming tablets that I occasionaly take (but only once a week if that) are appetite supressants. I know, I know, bad lass! hehehe. But I dont abuse them. I used to when I was younger and yeas, I was slim all the time but thats how I ened up piling it on. When you stop taking them your bodt craves more food than you thought possible. I would usually freak out after such a heavy weeekend and kain the appetite supressants for a week to undo the badness but I am thinking logically and in the long run, its sensible to do things right.
Things are fantastic with me and the fella. I really should think of a nice alias for him on here hehe. Again, he's made me feel so special and he's talking about us going on holiday togeather this year. If thats not an incentive to lose weight I dunno what is hahahaha.
Eeeeh wey, I better get back to work. Cant wait to hear from you all soon xxx