Hi everyone

Well, I jumped on the scales yesterday morning to check on how I was doing and it looks like I have lost 2lb. Yey. But then I went a tad OTT yesterday calorie wise but am just gonna be dead good again from today. Infact, I'll get my food diary out the way now, then its time for catch up crack hehehe...
Caramel rice crispy square (150 cals)
Tuna salad and new potatos (450 cals)
Refresher chew bar (80 cals)
Vodka diet coke (1000 cals)
Half a mince pie with few chips and gravy (I couldnt eat much thank god) (450 cals)
Capri sun orange juice (150 cals)
2 packets of Scampi Fried (my vice hehe) (240 cals)
Vodka and diet coke (500 cals)
1 slice pizza and some cheesy chips with garlic sauce (500 cals)
2 slices of pizza (left over from night before) (500 cals)
Weight Watchers Yoghurt (50 cals)
Sparkling Wine and 1 vodka (700 cals)
Chicken wrapped in streaky bacon, ratatouli and roast potatos (800 cals)
I am a nightmare on a weekend for food and drink but the thought of going all week being good, then good all weekend is soooo daunting. I know I am gonna have to start trying to be better if I want better losses. I am really enjoying myself though and think once I step up the exercise during the week again I will see better results because to be fair I havnt really done much in the way of exercise.
The Adonis brough the exercise bike over Friday night so I'll start using that every night and me and my friend are goinna start making more effort to go out walking again. Eeeeh, it was soooo funny when he brough the bike in as one of my cats was petrified of it for some bizzare reason. She wouldnt come in the living room and hey little eyes were huge. She has made friends with it now though hehe.
Me and Adonis are getting on swimmingly still and have spent loads of time together this weekend. I cooked for us last night and made a right impression as he is a total foodie too. We were stuffed.
So girls, how are you all getting on? Have you had some good losses?
Katierose - Have you watched all of prison break yet? I'm dying to hear your reaction when you come to the end?????
Pink - Thats dead good - 6lbs in 3 weeks. All that walking must be doing wonders. I wish I could be as good as you and stick to the 1200 calories all the time. You are such a inspiration lass.
Diva - Thats a really good thing you are doing while you exercise - the whole visualisation thing is supposed to be very good. Some people say you can think yourself thin by doing that. I am gonna give it a bash when I go on the bike at home.
Liliaimee - Hows the Xenical going? I havnt really took any this weekend as I have had a canny bit fatty stuff and didnt want the side effects infornt of Adonis hahahaha.
Well, better get to work ladies but cant wait to here from you all soon and find out how you are all getting on!