ProPoints SIMPLY FILLING DIARY ... So close to goal ......

That'll never happen. Even on my wedding day she'll look 10 times better than me as a bridesmaid. She's ridiculously gorgeous, seriously!

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Sarah, do i need to come over to your house and tell you off in person, COZ I WILL .. :rolleyes: i wont have any of these negative comments .... i think your stunning and sooo many other ppl do too !!!!!!! BELIEVE US PLEEEEEASE XXXXXXX

Claire.... Re: thyroid ... I felt like sh1t .. Tired to the point I couldn't pick up a knife and fork .. And I had a 5 month old baby ..!! My TSH was 84..!!! Grossly under active ... And weight gain ..???!!!!! Had a bloody moon face ... But you will get over it ... Also felt very depressed ...
And I don't know what you look like but everyone here says you're stunning ..!!! So believe them and try and believe in yourself .... No-one will upstage the bride :-D

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Stupid scales :( sure that 5 is utterly wrong! Grrr!

Sarah seriously u need to look in a mirror petal! I would kill to be as stunning as u! Everyone had flaws remember xx
linski24 said:
Claire.... Re: thyroid ... I felt like sh1t .. Tired to the point I couldn't pick up a knife and fork .. And I had a 5 month old baby ..!! My TSH was 84..!!! Grossly under active ... And weight gain ..???!!!!! Had a bloody moon face ... But you will get over it ... Also felt very depressed ...
And I don't know what you look like but everyone here says you're stunning ..!!! So believe them and try and believe in yourself .... No-one will upstage the bride :-D

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Awwww, that is high. mine is 5 from what I can remember, so I recon they caught it early as I didn't put weight on, just cant loose any although my hair fell out and I have a husky voice ... Im not overly concerned just annoying that my long list of illnesses is slowly extending ... Grrrrrrrr .. Lol .. Xxxxx ps, thats me there (on my hols)
=) xxxxx
Dont get to see your face ...!! Lol x but you look nice and slim ..!!!

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Bless ya :eek: .... im slimmish, got a tum and parts im totally not happy with .. i started ww with a goal to be atleast just under 9 stone as i wanted a lower bmi for my diabetes but obviously i now know why i cannot reach that goal ... lol .... i just hope now the thyroid issue has been diagnosed my body doesnt decide to add some weight to me as i also have hypertension:( :eek: xxxx
MrsLmc said:
5lb....definately not a true weight gain! At least you are good and understand that, it could put others off trying. Keep at it and as you say give it till med have kicked in. xx

I think im use to it now laura, heheeee xxxxx
*Claire-Bear* said:
Taaaa ;)

my theme & colours: Turquoise, silver and white butterflies xxx

Aw sounds bootiful hunni xx
Joined the gym today with a groupon offer ... Got ten passes so guna use em wisely :) xx
That's really cool about gym! Colour scheme sounds lush! U WI today or waiting for meds? X
well i weighed again this morning, stil 5lb up :eek: ...... i think ile give the w.i a week or two off .... ile get my meds tomo then let them settle ....... who knows, maybe ile reach my goal one day haa !! I totally LOVED the gym, never been before, burnt over 400 cals on the tread mill woooop !!! xxxx
Thaaaanks Laura :D i think i may get addicted !!! im on a groupon thingy at the mo so ive payed a tenner for ten passes ... its usually £13 per month, not bad .. its got everythin high tech and across the road from my house.

Well ive just had homemade spag bol with brown pasta for tea. and i have a soup in my slow cooker .... Ive been a bust chef todayyyy .... Mmmmmmmmm :D
Hi Claire!

Here to subscribe if you don't mind! You look amazing in your photograph!

Hi Claire!

Here to subscribe if you don't mind! You look amazing in your photograph!


Welcome Ruth ... Thankyou so much, same to you ;) hope your well xxxxx