ProPoints SIMPLY FILLING DIARY ... So close to goal ......

I'm very well thanks Claire the slow cooker stuff looks fab I have one but I don't use it! I really should!

Your 5lbs gain is definitely false by the way! Hope that everything is ok with your thyroid too it sounds rubbish!

I'm very well thanks Claire the slow cooker stuff looks fab I have one but I don't use it! I really should!

Your 5lbs gain is definitely false by the way! Hope that everything is ok with your thyroid too it sounds rubbish!


Good to hear :D .... i looooove my slow cooker, never use to .. then i realised how gorgeous the food was .. im addicted, ive got tomorows tea cooking in it at the mo hah !!! ....

Yeah, ive been the same weight, (well im apparently 5lb heavier at the mo but i refuse to believe) since july !!! its crazy ... hoping my medication will help ... its driving me insane !! haha xxxxx
A soup I made today has gone down well .. My boyfriend says it tastes like a posh soup and just scranned a whole bowl full... I think I should be a chef ... Hahaaa xxxxx
Veggie ..... Lentils, sweetcorn, potatoes, carrots and onion with chilli powder, cumin seeds and ginger, wat you havin? xxx
God yours sounds lovely...I'm sticking to a no point one but I am considering doing simply filling next week. So I'm gonna write that down and try it.

Mines just a load of veg like babycorn, mangetout, sugar snap peas, broccoli and so on, 2tbsp each balsamic vinegar and worcheshire sauce, garlic, tomoto with basil and coriander, fresh basil and stock. Nothing fancy. Daughter is sick and hasn't been eating well, I'm hoping she'll take this. She usually loves soup x
*Claire-Bear* said:
Joined the gym today with a groupon offer ... Got ten passes so guna use em wisely :) xx

Nice one hun, well done xx
MrsLmc said:
God yours sounds lovely...I'm sticking to a no point one but I am considering doing simply filling next week. So I'm gonna write that down and try it.

Mines just a load of veg like babycorn, mangetout, sugar snap peas, broccoli and so on, 2tbsp each balsamic vinegar and worcheshire sauce, garlic, tomoto with basil and coriander, fresh basil and stock. Nothing fancy. Daughter is sick and hasn't been eating well, I'm hoping she'll take this. She usually loves soup x

Mmmmmmm, yours sounds nice too. Just had some of mine for dinner ... Reeeeeeallyyyyyy nice =) xxxxx
Todays SF diary ...

Ww bagel & ls jam

Homemade veggie soup
Ham sandwich with ww bread and thin ham

Homemade spag bol with brown pasta
Fat free plain yogurt & sweetener
Looking yummy as always ;) when do I get ur meds for thyroid hun? X
CarlyLanky140 said:
Looking yummy as always ;) when do I get ur meds for thyroid hun? X

Started them today .... Will give it a week or two to kick in .... Ile just continue to eat my sf diet : ) xxxxxxx
*Claire-Bear* said:
Started them today .... Will give it a week or two to kick in .... Ile just continue to eat my sf diet : ) xxxxxxx

You're class hon, you know that!? Xx

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Aaaaaawwww ladies, dont have me gettin emotional now .... heheeee !!!! thankyou so much, couldnt do it without you lovely ladies xxxxx
You're some woman Claire! And great craic, lovely and bubbly even though you've these illnesses! *hugs* xXx

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You're some woman Claire! And great craic, lovely and bubbly even though you've these illnesses! *hugs* xXx

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Aawwww, How lovely :D your all making me smile LOTS ..... life goes on eh, sometimes in life you just gotta keep on laffin or youll just spend it all crying .... hehe xxxxxxx